TCA's Macros and CI/CD

Hi everyone!
After I integrated the version of TCA which utilises the new Swift's Macros - I've ended up with failed build with errors as such in my CI:

ComputeTargetDependencyGraph ... ... Package@swift-5.9.swift:PACKAGE-TARGET:CasePathsMacros: error: Target 'CasePathsMacros' must be enabled before it can be used. ... ... Package@swift-5.9.swift:PACKAGE-TARGET:DependenciesMacrosPlugin: error: Target 'DependenciesMacrosPlugin' must be enabled before it can be used. ... ... DependenciesMacrosPlugin/DependencyClientMacro.swift: note: Macro "DependenciesMacrosPlugin" is implemented here SourcePackages/checkouts/swift-perception/Package.swift:PACKAGE-TARGET:PerceptionMacros: error: Target 'PerceptionMacros' must be enabled before it can be used.

to adress this issue I tried to:

  1. run a script which skips the plugin validation in the step before "Xcode build"
    defaults write IDESkipPackagePluginFingerprintValidatation -bool YES
    it didn't work out.
  2. I tried to build a project -skipMacroValidation. The result is the same as with a script

locally I can build it without issues though
maybe someone had have any similar issues before?

We use -skipMacroValidation in our CI and it seems to work OK, want to provide more information as to what's not working when you use it?

I believe you have a typo here, but the above is also for more general package plug-ins, not macros. I believe the macro version is the following:

defaults write IDESkipMacroFingerprintValidation -bool YES
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