SwiftUI preview-thunk does not `try` a function that can `throw`; preview failed to build

I have a SwiftUI View with associated previews that are failing to build with the following error message:

CompileDylibError: Failed to build CreateSwiftCompilationDatabase.swift
    Compiling failed: call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled
    /Users/feifan/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Visualize-btsxhyyrvfibcbedigiqvajgduqa/Build/Intermediates.noindex/Previews/Visualize/Intermediates.noindex/Visualize.build/Debug/Visualize.build/Objects-normal/x86_64/CreateSwiftCompilationDatabase.1.preview-thunk.swift:920:12: error: call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled
        return CreateSwiftCompilationDatabaseFeature.compilationDatabaseOutputString(forFileItems: fileItems, selectedFiles: selectedFiles)

… etc (there are multiple other line numbers listed, all with the same error)

Opening the named CreateSwiftCompilationDatabase.1.preview-thunk.swift file, which I didn't write, I do see the following on lines 919–921:

private func compilationDatabaseOutputString(forFileItems fileItems: [FileItem], selectedFiles: Set<FileItem.ID>) -> String {
    return CreateSwiftCompilationDatabaseFeature.compilationDatabaseOutputString(forFileItems: fileItems, selectedFiles: selectedFiles)

and indeed, CreateSwiftCompilationDatabaseFeature.compilationDatabaseOutputString, which is code I've actually written, is defined as a throws function.

static func compilationDatabaseOutputString(forFileItems fileItems: [FileItem], selectedFiles: Set<FileItem.ID>) throws -> String {

This issue repros across running a clean, quitting Xcode, and even deleting the entire DerivedData directory for my project. It looks like the preview-thunk.swift file is being generated incorrectly (it should include a try, but it isn't). I'm not sure where that preview-thunk.swift file is coming from though.

This only affects previews for this view; my app itself builds and runs without a problem.

Am I doing something wrong/can I fix how the preview-thunk.swift file is generated, or is this a Swift bug?