SwiftPM resolution of dependencies does not work properly with Swift Package Registry

The resolution of packages seems to be broken in swift package manager, when using the resolution of package with flag "--use-registry-identity-for-scm" that replaces scm dependencies with packages hosted on the swift package registry.

For example this command:
swift package resolve --use-registry-identity-for-scm
the swift package manager does not seem to work in such cases.
Below is code snippet from the swift-crypto Package.swift file, that seems to be the culprit:

 dependencies: [
        .package(url: "https://github.com/apple/swift-asn1.git", from: "1.2.0")
            name: "_CryptoExtras",
            dependencies: [

                .product(name: "SwiftASN1", package: "swift-asn1")
            exclude: privacyManifestExclude + [
            resources: privacyManifestResource,
            swiftSettings: swiftSettings

I think what is happening is that the registry replaces the https://github.com/apple/swift-asn1.git with the package from the registry, that uses package id name.scope in this case apple.swift-asn1 . Then the line .product(name: "SwiftASN1", package: "swift-asn1") fails to resolve, because it cannot find the dependency.
The concrete error is:
error: 'apple.swift-crypto': product 'SwiftASN1' required by package 'apple.swift-crypto' target '_CryptoExtras' not found in package 'swift-asn1'. Did you mean '.product(name: "SwiftASN1", package: "apple.swift-asn1")'?
The resolution seems to use the end of the url as package id instead of the scope.local syntax, if I try to correct it from product(name: "SwiftASN1", package: "swift-asn1") to .product(name: "SwiftASN1", package: "apple.swift-asn1"), it it says error: 'swift-crypto': unknown package 'apple.swift-asn1' in dependencies of target '_CryptoExtras'; valid packages are: 'swift-asn1' (from 'https://github.com/apple/swift-asn1.git')
This seems to me as bug in the swift package manager.

At the moment it is blocker for our swift package registry in CI&CD pipelines, because the resolution of dependencies does not work in such cases :frowning_face:

For more details how to reproduce:

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I hope this issue gets fixed! If you manage to get it working, it would be great if you could share your experience with the package registry.

We are considering moving to the registry given how slow using git dependencies is.
That said, since the investment we'd need to do is pretty large, it would be great if someone could share their experience (hopefully on a large project with > 50 dependencies)
