SwiftGen Build Tool Plugin buildCommand issue in Xcode 13.3

I am trying to get SwiftGen working at a buildCommand Build Tool Plugin. I forked Anders' example repository:

and I got it working in this example repository. To see it in action, just do the following:

  1. Open "SPMBuildToolPlugins.xcworkspace" in Xcode
  2. Choose the "ExampleApp" scheme
  3. Build and run.

You can see in the Build ouput that Xcode is writing a script file and then running it:

However, when I implemented this inside of my own project, I noticed that that the generated script looks like this:

/usr/bin/sandbox-exec -p "(version 1)
(deny default)
(import \"system.sb\")
(allow file-read*)
(allow process*)
(allow file-write*
    (subpath \"/private/tmp\")
    (subpath \"/private/var/folders/lr/bztrcn1x42l5q8fwwyh2422c0000gp/T\")
(deny file-write*
    (subpath \"/Users/ehyche/src/github/noom/coach-ios\")
(allow file-write*
    (subpath \"/Users/ehyche/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Noom-durciaqeajcieegapeqmlkivmlux/SourcePackages/coach-ios/NoomOnboardingUI/SwiftGenPlugin\")
" /Users/ehyche/src/github/noom/coach-ios/Binaries/SwiftGenBinary.artifactbundle/swiftgen-6.5.1/bin/swiftgen config run --verbose --config /Users/ehyche/src/github/noom/coach-ios/Sources/NoomOnboardingUI/Resources/swiftgen_spm_plugin.yml

But when swiftgen runs, it does not see the environment variables like ASSETS_OUTPUT_FILE, STRINGS_OUTPUT_FILE, etc. So it does not do any substitution and the resulting command looks like:

swiftgen strings --templateName structured-swift5 --output ${STRINGS_OUTPUT_FILE} --filter .+\.strings$ ${STRINGS_INPUT_DIR}

which, of course, fails.

I noticed that if I manually changed the generated script to include export in front of each environment variable:

export ASSETS_OUTPUT_FILE=/Users/ehyche/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Noom-durciaqeajcieegapeqmlkivmlux/SourcePackages/coach-ios/NoomOnboardingUI/SwiftGenPlugin/SwiftGenOutputs/Media.swift
export TARGET_NAME=NoomOnboardingUI
export STRINGS_OUTPUT_FILE=/Users/ehyche/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/Noom-durciaqeajcieegapeqmlkivmlux/SourcePackages/coach-ios/NoomOnboardingUI/SwiftGenPlugin/SwiftGenOutputs/Strings.swift
export PACKAGE_DIR=/Users/ehyche/src/github/noom/coach-ios
export STRINGS_INPUT_DIR=/Users/ehyche/src/github/noom/coach-ios/Sources/NoomOnboardingUI/Resources/en.lproj

then it works just fine.

It seems like my alternatives are:

  1. Don't use the swiftgen.yml file at all, and just produce separate .buildCommands for strings and assets. Those commands would have everything that is needed inside the arguments which I control.
  2. Figure out why the generated script doesn't work.

So my questions are:

  1. Is the script generation an SPM thing or an Xcode thing?
  2. Is there anyway to influence how that script is generated?



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