Annual update request
The Swift Contributor Experience Workgroup requested an annual update from this workgroup as part of a larger blog post of updates from all the workgroups. We will provide links to our recent project announcements (#1, #2) for this update.
Online Swift playground
The workgroup discussed community requests for an online Swift playground where visitors could modify, compile, and execute Swift code through their browser.
The workgroup feels this is a valuable project but does not have the bandwidth currently. We agreed to revisit the topic in July 2025.
Discussion revolved around the technical aspects of the project, including the lack of a Swift compiler which itself runs in a WebAssembly environment, the need for a server to compile and execute code, the maintenance costs and security considerations of doing so, the need to project financial costs and expected usage for such a website feature, and the need to establish goals for the feature (e.g. trying basic syntax vs. persisting complex snippets run against specific toolchains).
Workgroup scheduling
Due to the winter holiday, the workgroup will not meet again until January 7, 2025.