Swift to participate in GSoC 2018!

I am thrilled to announced that Swift has been selected as a participating open source project in Google Summer of Code 2018!

What is Google Summer of Code?

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) is a yearly program sponsored by Google to encourage students to participate in open source development. Students work on a 3 month programming project with an open source organization during their break from university and receive a stipend. Participating students work with a mentor who shepherds their work and reviews their progress.

Several language and compiler-related open source projects — such as LLVM — have participated in GSoC for years. GSoC has shown to be a great way to inspire students to get involved with open source and bring new contributors to participating open source projects.

Student applications start on March 12, 2018

The official application to GSoC starts on March 12. Before then, we encourage all prospective participates to socialize their ideas on the respective Development forum categories. Please tag all posts with the GSoC 2018 tag so that they are easily discoverable by others (e.g., students and mentors) interested in GSoC.

There are several open project ideas available on Swift.org — but potential projects do not need to be restricted to these ideas. Regardless if you are looking into working on a suggested project or one of your own creation, you are strongly encouraged to engage on the forums before applications are accepted to help shape your idea and ensure a good alignment with a mentor.

Prospective Mentors

Several individuals have already volunteered to be mentors, but more mentors are welcome! If you have never mentored a GSoC project but are curious, it is not too late to volunteer! Please contact Ted Kremenek (kremenek at apple dot com) if you are interested, with "GSoC Mentor" in the subject line.

Key Dates

  • March 12 (16:00 UTC) - Applications open
  • March 27 (16:00 UTC) - Deadline to file your application
  • April 23 (16:00 UTC) - Accepted student proposals are announced
  • May 14 - Coding begins

Hello Ted,

I too was thrilled to see Swift participating in #gsoc-2018 !
Although I am familiar with programming languages like C++, Java and know how version control systems like Git work, I am new to contributing to open source projects.

There is a proposed idea on Swift that I am really interested in. I am looking for a starterBug to fix and would like to contribute to the Swift community in every way possible.


I am very happy to see that there is an idea for editing the Package.swift file through the Swift Package Manager!

This a wonderful news, I MUST say!

Wonderful news indeed!

However, I would hope for something more impactful (e.g. Language Server Protocol support for Swift).

Also, Apple, not really short on money, could sponsor a similar OSS/Community initiative, exclusively for Swift or other Apple-driven projects.

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Is that not what SourceKit is?

AFAIK, SourceKit does not implement LSP, thus Swift support in VSCode or Atom leaves a lot to be desired.