Swift Server Work Group Incubation Process

Happy to announce the SSWG has voted to adopt the SSWG Incubation Process, which will govern how the community pitches, proposes, develops and contributes to Swift server projects under the SSWG charter. The goal of the SSWG is to create a robust server ecosystem and this process will help nurture and mature open source projects, ensuring standardization, quality and longevity.

Looking forward for Pitches and Proposals from the community, and building a great ecosystem together.


To help shepherd the SSWG Incubation Process - I've opened a few PRs to "codify" the current known proposals.

I was curious as to how welcome these are - or if the goal of that repo is to just host the README?


thank you @Mordil this is great. the goal of the that repo is to manage exactly such things