Swift-package-manager on Windows? Sure Why Not!

Hello Swift users,

There seems to be a constant question of when will swift-package-manager be available on Windows. Well, Foundation has been under intense development on Windows and is nearing the point where it is on parity with the Linux platform. The last of the area that remains there is the FileManager that @gmittertreiner has been working on for quite a bit now. However, this work is/was always crucial to enabling more broadly on Windows. Well, with enough of the surface has now been covered that setting up enough of the structure to enable others to actually make progress on swift-package-manager on Windows. There are some items which still need to be handled (pending patches on GitHub). Thanks to @Aciid for help getting some of the patches through, and I hope to see the few remaining patches merged soon. I figure that some people will like to see this in action so:

swift-package-manager on Windows? Sure why not!


This is amazing! Thanks for driving this @compnerd!


Awesome progress, this is so cool!


That's really cool, same tools on all platforms == :heart:


Yay! A major step forwards in having a proper development experience on Windows! Looking forward to helping get this nice and stable.


Nice!!! Apple, hire him already!!

Awesome job guys. You guys are killing it!