Swift.org is now open source!
Today, Swift is taking another step forward by open sourcing swift.org and announcing a new workgroup to drive it.
Looking forward to working with the community taking the website to the next level.
Swift.org is now open source!
Today, Swift is taking another step forward by open sourcing swift.org and announcing a new workgroup to drive it.
Looking forward to working with the community taking the website to the next level.
This is so, so exciting, and I’m thrilled to hear that open-sourcing TSPL is an explicit future goal. Big congrats to everyone who helped make this happen!
Big gift ~
A very much appreciated step towards fighting the „Swift is just for Apple“ prejudice. Thanks!
I feel like the blog is a very underused resource on the website. Before the two blog posts this week, I only count eight posts in the year prior. Compare the Rust blog, which is much more active. I am interested in helping to get more posts published, whether finding guest posters or helping edit their posts. If the process of getting blog posts published could be opened up or clarified now, that would be worth doing.
Too bad the Swift.org website is developed in Ruby. If only there were a Swift-based static site generator.
Until you mentioned it, if i’m honest I had forgotten that there even was one.
Upon trying to locate it I thought that maybe I was being silly, however its only accessible through Swift.org menu.
When I did locate it, I remember visiting previously and thinking how great a resource it would be to subscribe to.. however this was not an option.
As always, I appreciate everything that is being in this community and the lang/site. Adding some accessibility to this part of the site would be a great asset though.
One of the stated goals of the Swift Website Workgroup is to port the underlying site technology to Swift and there is some work going on to scope this. However the highest priority work is improving the site content and 'onboarding'. There are already changes underway and you can find out more about these in the workgroup's section on the forums (and in meeting notes) - Swift Website - Swift Forums
With regards to the blog - we have updated the guidelines and process for getting posts from community members and outlining how that's possible. In terms of subscribing, there's an RSS feed at Swift.org you can point any good RSS reader to (shout out to NetNewsWire as it's open source!)