Swift.org Blog: Swift Community-Hosted Continuous Integration

There is new blog post on swift.org about Swift Community-Hosted Continuous Integration

Thanks everyone who helped make this happen!

Please feel free to use this forum thread to provide comments or ask questions about the Swift Community-Hosted CI.


So I guess this means that now if a PR breaks a community CI build, say Fedora or Windows (after someone makes one) that will be detected before the PR gets merged?

Currently, community-hosted jobs run post merge. However, in the future we are planning on adding pull request testing depending on number of nodes provided by the community.


This looks great!

Could you expand the readme with a bit more info about what is required of a node? Obviously it needs Swifts dependencies, but are there any Jenkins-related tools needed, or does Jenkins just ssh into the node and run the commands the readme mentions in "Verify preset builds on the server"?

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@ahti Additional tool required for Jenkins is Java, and yes it will use ssh to execute commands.


That's awesome. Thanks for making this ^^


Are there any plans to extend this feature to offer releases/snapshots for these platforms through swift.org?


I definitely second this! It would be awesome if we wouldn't need to compile snapshots on our own. Looking forward for ARMv7 snapshots.

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After submitting a PR request for a new node how long does it take for review and approval?

Normally takes 2-3 business days to get node and jobs approved.

@mishal_shah https://ci-external.swift.org/ has been down for the last 2 days with this message:- "The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems. Please try again later."
Is this a known issue? Do we know how long before it will be fixed?