Swift Async Algorithms Proposal: Buffer

Hi everyone,

Here is the proposal about introducing AsyncBufferSequence.



Buffering is a technique that balances supply and demand by temporarily storing elements to even out fluctuations in production and consumption rates. AsyncStream facilitates this process by allowing you to control the size of the buffer and the strategy for handling elements that exceed that size. However, this approach may not be suitable for all situations, and it doesn't provide a way to adapt other AsyncSequence types to incorporate buffering.

This proposal presents a new type that addresses these more advanced requirements and offers a comprehensive solution for buffering in asynchronous sequences.


As an AsyncSequence operates as a pull system, the production of elements is directly tied to the demand expressed by the consumer. The slower the consumer is in requesting elements, the slower the production of these elements will be. This can negatively impact the software that produces the elements, as demonstrated in the following example.

Consider an AsyncSequence that reads and returns a line from a file every time a new element is requested. To ensure exclusive access to the file, a lock is maintained while reading. Ideally, the lock should be held for as short a duration as possible to allow other processes to access the file. However, if the consumer is slow in processing received lines or has a fluctuating pace, the lock will be maintained for an extended period, reducing the performance of the system.

To mitigate this issue, a buffer operator can be employed to streamline the consumption of the AsyncSequence. This operator allows an internal iteration of the AsyncSequence independently from the consumer. Each element would then be made available for consumption by using a queuing mechanism.

By applying the buffer operator to the previous example, the file can be read as efficiently as possible, allowing the lock to be released in a timely manner. This results in improved performance, as the consumer can consume elements at its own pace without negatively affecting the system. The buffer operator ensures that the production of elements is not limited by the pace of the consumer, allowing both the producer and consumer to operate at optimal levels.

Proposed Solution

We propose to extend AsyncSequence with a buffer() operator. This operator will return an AsyncBuffereSequence that wraps the source AsyncSequence and handle the buffering mechanism.

This operator will accept an AsyncBufferSequencePolicy. The policy will dictate the behaviour in case of a buffer overflow.

As of now we propose 4 different behaviours:

public struct AsyncBufferSequencePolicy: Sendable {
  public static func bounded(_ limit: Int)
  public static var unbounded
  public static func bufferingLatest(_ limit: Int)
  public static func bufferingOldest(_ limit: Int)

And the public API of AsyncBuffereSequence will be:

extension AsyncSequence where Self: Sendable {
  public func buffer(
    policy: AsyncBufferSequencePolicy
  ) -> AsyncBufferSequence<Self> {
    AsyncBufferSequence<Self>(base: self, policy: policy)

public struct AsyncBufferSequence<Base: AsyncSequence & Sendable>: AsyncSequence {
  public typealias Element = Base.Element

  public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator

  public struct Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
    public mutating func next() async rethrows -> Element?

extension AsyncBufferSequence: Sendable where Base: Sendable { }

Notes on Sendable

Since all buffering means that the base asynchronous sequence must be iterated independently of the consumption (to resolve the production versus consumption issue) the base AsyncSequence needs to be able to be sent across task boundaries (the iterator does not need this requirement).

Detailed Design

The choice of the buffering policy is made through an enumeration whose values are related to a storage type. To date, two types of storage are implemented:

  • BoundedBufferStorage backing the AsyncBufferSequencePolicy.bounded(_:) policy,
  • UnboundedBufferStorage backing the AsyncBufferSequencePolicy.unbounded, AsyncBufferSequencePolicy.bufferingNewest(_:) and AsyncBufferSequencePolicy.bufferingLatest(_:) policies.

Both storage types rely on a Mealy state machine stored in a ManagedCriticalState. They drive the mutations of the internal buffer, while ensuring that concurrent access to the state are safe.


BoundedBufferStorage is instantiated with the upstream AsyncSequence and a buffer maximum size. Upon the first call to the next() method, a task is spawned to support the iteration over this AsyncSequence. The iteration retrieves elements and adds them to an internal buffer as long as the buffer limit has not been reached. Meanwhile, the downstream AsyncSequence can access and consume these elements from the buffer. If the rate of consumption is slower than the rate of production, the buffer will eventually become full. In this case, the iteration is temporarily suspended until additional space becomes available.


UnboundedBufferStorage is instantiated with the upstream AsyncSequence and a buffering policy. Upon the first call to the next() method, a task is spawned to support the iteration over this AsyncSequence.

From there the behaviour will depend on the buffering policy.


If the policy is unbounded, the iteration retrieves elements and adds them to an internal buffer until the upstream AsyncSequence finishes or fails. Meanwhile, the downstream AsyncSequence can access and consume these elements from the buffer.


If the policy is bufferingLatest(_:), the iteration retrieves elements and adds them to an internal buffer. Meanwhile, the downstream AsyncSequence can access and consume these elements from the buffer. If the rate of consumption is slower than the rate of production, the buffer will eventually become full. In this case the oldest buffered elements will be removed from the buffer and the latest ones will be added.


If the policy is bufferingOldest(_:), the iteration retrieves elements and adds them to an internal buffer. Meanwhile, the downstream AsyncSequence can access and consume these elements from the buffer. If the rate of consumption is slower than the rate of production, the buffer will eventually become full. In this case the latest element will be discarded and never added to the buffer.

Terminal events and cancellation

Terminal events from the upstream AsyncSequence, such as normal completion or failure, are delayed, ensuring that the consumer will receive all the elements before receiving the termination.

If the consuming Task is cancelled, so will be the Task supporting the iteration of the upstream AsyncSequence.

Alternatives Considered

The buffering mechanism was originally thought to rely on an open implementation of an AsyncBuffer protocol, which would be constrained to an Actor conformance. It was meant for developers to be able to provide their own implementation of a buffering algorithm. This buffer was designed to control the behavior of elements when pushed and popped, in an isolated manner.

A default implementation was provided to offers a queuing strategy for buffering elements, with options for unbounded, oldest-first, or newest-first buffering.

This implementation was eventually discarded due to the potentially higher cost of calling isolated functions on an Actor, compared to using a low-level locking mechanism like the one employed in other operators through the use of the ManagedCriticalState.


Love it! Thanks for putting in all the work. I think we ended up with a high performant type that composes nicely, while still letting us extend it in the future with other buffering strategies.

1 Like

A welcome addition! Smart that it can maintain back pressure in relevant pipelines via its bounded(_:) policy – should be great for optimising and smoothing throughput.