Swift 5.0.3 for Linux

Swift 5.0.3 for Linux

I am very happy to announce Swift 5.0.3 for Linux the August 2019 bug fix release as planned. The Swift community managed to pull in a few important bug fixes, most in swift-corelibs-foundation. Below, you can find the list of changes to the Swift components.

Most importantly, let's all thank the contributors for spending the time backporting the fixes, this will make a big difference for the whole Swift on Linux ecosystem.

Please enjoy the new binaries provided on swift.org and you'll hear back from us soon opening the development for next month's release :raised_hands:.

-- Johannes


  • Backport 5.1 changes to HTTPCookie parsing. [#2467]
  • Fixed a crash that happens when you attempt to get the name of an XML document [#2466]

swift-package manager

  • [Xcode project generation] Add $(inherited) to OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS in swift package generate-xcodeproj. This will stop other defines in OTHER_SWIFT_FLAGS being overridden by generate-xcodeproj. [#2285]
