I'd like to see a #context keyword for the compiler that expands in to a compiler generated struct:
struct Context {
let file: StaticString
let line: UInt
let column: UInt
let function: StaticString
let dsohandle: UnsafeRawPointer
This would make it much easier to capture the context in which some code is executed rather than having to put file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line parameters everywhere. A context: Context = #context would be much easier.
Pretty sure we've touched on this before. In any case, please add let fileName: StaticString, which is equivalent to lastPathComponent without having to import Foundation.
SR-198 requested the coalescing of existing identifiers. A structured #sourcelocation identifier could be added as a follow-on if and when the Swift team decides to tackle a standardized source location type, which would provide individual field or keyword access.
In support of summaries, Remy Demerest writes, "[I] love the idea that source location would be one object that you can print to get the full story while still retaining the possibility to use each individual components as needed, which is probably the rarer case. I never find myself wanting only some of properties and usually don't include them simply because it takes longer to write the format properly, if I can get them all in one go it's certainly a win."
Should such a type be adopted, I'd recommend support for common output summary representations suitably differentiated for debug and release logging. Alternatively #context, #releasecontext, and #debugcontext summaries could be added independently of the adoption of #sourcelocation.
This sounds neat. Do you have any examples that want to use the context as a value in general, other than forwarding it on to the callee for debugging/logging?
For me, I've wanted this for debugging/backtracking/diagnosing. There might be other use cases for this, just as there might be other valid cases for using #file and #line in a release build.