Stored Property Custom Derivatives

While working on an interesting application of differentiable programming (GitHub - borglab/SwiftFusion), I have run into some cases where it would be very useful to define custom derivatives of stored properties.

Therefore, I'd like to add the ability to do this.

Before doing so, I'd like to share the motivations and ask if anyone has any questions or comments.


Today, the differentiable programming implementation allows you to specify custom derivatives for computed properties:

struct Foo: Differentiable {
  var x: Float
  var xComputed: Float { x }

  @derivative(of: xComputed)
  func dXComputed() -> (value: Float, pullback: (Float) -> TangentVector) {
    return (x, { TangentVector(x: 2 * $0) })

print(gradient(at: Foo(x: 0)) { $0.x })
// => TangentVector(x: 1.0)

print(gradient(at: Foo(x: 0)) { $0.xComputed })
// => TangentVector(x: 2.0)

but not stored properties:

struct Foo: Differentiable {
  var x: Float

  @derivative(of: x)
  func dX() -> (value: Float, pullback: (Float) -> TangentVector) {
    return (x, { TangentVector(x: 2 * $0) })

// error: <Cell 5>:4:19: error: cannot register derivative for stored property 'x'
//  @derivative(of: x)
//                  ^

Motivation: Consistency

Most language features treat stored properties indistinguishably from computed properties. The current implementation of the custom derivative feature is inconsistent with this.

Motivation: Real world use case

Consider this geometry calculation on the 2D plane:

/// A 2D rotation.
struct Rot2 {
  /// The cosine and sine of the rotation.
  var c, s: Float

  /// Returns `rhs`, rotated by `lhs`.
  static func * (_ lhs: Rot2, _ rhs: Vector2) -> Vector2 { ... }

/// Returns the distance between `target` and the end of a robot arm with two joints.
/// `r1`, `r2` are the joint angles.
func f(_ r1: Rot2, _ r2: Rot2, _ target: Vector2) -> Float {
  let armSegment = Vector2(1, 0)
  let handPosition = r1 * armSegment + r1 * r2 * armSegment
  return (handPosition - target).magnitude()

We might want the gradient of f with respect to r1 and r2, to do inverse kinematics. We can ask for that, and we'll get:

// Make `Rot2` differentiable with the default synthesized `TangentVector`.
extension Rot2: Differentiable {}

gradient(at: Rot2(c: 1, s: 0), Rot2(c: 1, s: 0)) { f($0, $1, Vector2(1, 1)) }
// => Rot2.TangentVector(c: ..., s: ...), Rot2.TangentVector(c: ..., s: ...)

Notice that Rot2.TangentVector has two fields corresponding to the c and s fields in Rot2. This because the default synthesized TangentVector has one property per differentiable property in the original type.

However, there is another sensible TangentVector for 2D rotations. We can define it in Swift AD as follows:

extension Rot2: Differentiable {
  struct TangentVector {
    /// Change in angle.
    var theta: Differentiable

This TangentVector is better for some applications because:

  • it is more efficient to do computations with it (fewer numbers), and
  • it has a nicer interpretation (it's the change in the angle of the rotation).

However, Swift AD does not know how to compute derivatives using that TangentVector. To teach Swift AD to compute derivatives, we must specify the derivatives of all the "primitive Rot2 operations". ("primitive Rot2 operations" are operations that all other functions on Rot2 are made of). The stored property accessors are the primitive operations of Rot2, so we would like to be able to specify:

extension Rot2 {
  @derivative(of: s)
  func dS() -> (Float, (Float) -> TangentVector) {
    return (s, { c * $0 })

  @derivative(of: c)
  func dC() -> (Float, (Float) -> TangentVector) {
    return (c, { -s * $0 })

To do this, we need to allow custom derivatives of stored properties s and c.

In summary, the problem is that: When users define a custom TangentVector, they need to define custom derivatives for all "primitive operations" on the original type. Stored property accessors are common primitive operations. Therefore, the users need a way to define custom derivatives of stored property accessors.

Here are more examples of types in SwiftFusion that require custom TangentVectors:

  • Pose2 (2D translation and rotation, aka 2D rigid transformation)
  • Rot3 (3D rotation) (not quite yet implemented)
  • Pose3 (3D translation and rotation, aka 3D rigid transformation) (not quite yet implemented)

Proposed solution

Allow custom derivatives for stored properties.

Custom derivatives already work for computed properties, and stored properties are indistinguishable from computed properties to clients. Therefore, custom derivatives for stored properties can work exactly like custom derivatives for computed properties.

Future work

It's a bit inconvenient to define separate custom derivatives for each of your stored properties. It's also hard to explain to users what this means and why it is necessary.

It would be nice to make something that is easier to use and easier to explain. I'm trying out some ideas, and I might have a detailed forum post soon. I'm interested if anyone else has any ideas.


Differentiable programming is not part of Swift (yet). cc @rxwei.

I believe removed "custom derivatives for stored properties" last year as a simplification. I think re-adding the functionality to support use cases makes sense!

The proposal makes sense to me and I think it would be a great addition.

It was a bug fix that ended up removing the need for the @_fieldwiseDifferentiable hack (defaulting to looking up a property of the same name in TangentVector). We can still perform name lookup by default while allowing custom derivatives to be defined for stored properties.

Since we have already enabled cross-file/cross-module custom derivatives, isn't it already possible to define such custom derivatives today? Is it not working today because of some type checker restrictions?

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The implementation is not yet ready for Swift Evolution, but hopefully will be next year. We are using the evolution forum to iterate on the design :)