SSWG - September 11th 2024



Concurrency & Structured Concurrency adoptions

  • :a: @FranzBusch and @Joannis_Orlandos to collaborate and a rough outline for a structured concurrency server applications post.
    • Carry over to post-conference plus there is a talk at the conference.

Swift 6

  • Adoption of strict concurrency is in progress
    • There are expected issues for XCTest; the work around is to mark tests as @MainActor, although there are some edge cases where this can cause issues. Adoption of SwiftTesting is recommended instead if possible (ie. no requirement for Swift 5.X)
    • Apple packages are planning to keep using the Swift 5 language mode with the Swift 6 compiler until the Swift 5.X compiler versions can be dropped.


  • :a: @ktoso to address creating benchmarks from the SSWG perspective.
    • Carry over.
  • :a: Build out integrated example project @FranzBusch @tiborbodecs
    Wait for Swift 6 before we build integrated example.
  • :white_check_mark: Announce third Swift Server Side meetup dates @Joannis_Orlandos & @sebsto
  • :a: Show-case two server side projects/success stories @0xTim @ktoso
    • There should be some success stories at the conference; might be able to transfer some of these to blog posts


HTTP server and middlewares

  • :a: Move forward with the reviews of the initial API drafts @FranzBusch
    • carry over; pick up after conference. @FranzBusch wants to get more people involved.
    • pressure after Vapor 5 blogpost :tada:
    • gRPC v2 is almost done and got positive feedback at gRPC conference.


  • :a: @Joannis_Orlandos to share instruments trace
    • Start off with a simple one and extend it from there

Previous Actions Items

  • :a: @FranzBusch to create forum post for last-three-versions toolchain requirement for server apps
    • @FranzBusch talking with other teams in Apple, might be part of a larger conversation
    • @ktoso: there is a disagreement between developers what to do so good to standardise
  • :a: @sebsto @tiborbodecs review and update deployment guides (AWS & others).
    • carry over until after conference
  • :a: @tachyonics to review Refactor the Why Swift on Server section and add page on concurrency. by tachyonics · Pull Request #496 · swiftlang/swift-org-website · GitHub
    • carry over
  • Installing the Swiftinit GitHub app to swiftlang org @Ben_Cohen to look at, and team to bring up at the next Core Team meeting


  • Swift Testing included in the 6.0 the toolchain
    • @FranzBusch: goal is to have this and the new Foundation in the final 6.0 release
  • Issue with SwiftTesting raised by @0xTim
    • :a: @0xTim to add a GitHub issue
  • Bundle Sendable bug: @FranzBusch believes it has been fixed. It is expected that on 5.10 you can’t be concurrency warning free but can get there with 6.0
  • Confirmation from @0xTim that there will be no live panel at the end of the conference

Final part of the meeting went through the majority of the Incubation Review.