Concurrency & Structured Concurrency adoptions
- @FranzBusch and @Joannis_Orlandos to collaborate and a rough outline for a structured concurrency server applications post
- carry over
Swift 6
- UI changes on the SPI landed to make it data race warnings clearer
@ktoso to address creating benchmarks from the SSWG perspective
- carry over
Build out integrated example project @FranzBusch @tiborbodecs
- carry over
Announce third Swift Server Side meetup dates @Joannis_Orlandos & @sebsto
Show-case two server side projects/success stories @0xTim @ktoso
- new Swift blog post features Hummingbird
- carry over
- Investigate official Swift GH action @0xTim , @FranzBusch , @sebsto
- work in progress
HTTP server and middlewares
- Move forward with the reviews of the initial API drafts @FranzBusch
- carry over
- @Joannis_Orlandos to share instruments trace
- @Joannis_Orlandos check if we can get a techempower based instrument trace
- @Joannis_Orlandos: not sure if the instruments trace is useful
- @ktoso wants to work on it, but needs more info (allocations + trace), will follow up on it after 6.0
- @Joannis_Orlandos to share common patterns and @ktoso will take a look
- @Joannis_Orlandos + @ktoso to discuss the samples privately
Action items
@Ben_Cohen to verify the CI permissions so that @adam-fowler can trigger Swiftly CI
@0xTim create forum thread - new incubation maturity review
@ktoso @FranzBusch announce new SSWG members
- @ktoso ask @FranzBusch on slack about the status
- carry over
@ktoso has a candidate for the SSWG Meetup. Will plan to follow-up on this
@FranzBusch add explanation for last-three-versions toolchain requirement for server apps to
- carry over
@sebsto @tiborbodecs review and update deployment guides (AWS & others).
- carry over
Agenda Items
- @tachyonics to review
- @FranzBusch to look at when back
@taylorswift asked about installing the Swiftinit GitHub app on the - carry over for @Ben_Cohen and bring up at the next Core Team meeting
- @Ben_Cohen to look and, and team to bring up at the next Core Team meeting
- carry over
everyone to check their packages on Swift 6 nightlies to make sure we can fix issues before 6.0
MongoDB driver deprecation
- When we do incubation review include MongoDB driver deprecation @0xTim & @Joannis_Orlandos
Server-side Conference
- finalize list of speakers real soon & announce it
- do you need help with promotions?
- maybe add a badge to the updated
- the website is doing really good (v2 is in the works)