@adam-fowler @FranzBusch @Joannis_Orlandos @tiborbodecs @finestructure @tachyonics @0xTim @taylorswift @Ben_Cohen
Concurrency & Structured Concurrency adoptions
@FranzBusch and @Joannis_Orlandos to collaborate and a rough outline for a structured concurrency server applications post
- carry over
Swift 6
everyone to check their packages on Swift 6 nightlies to make sure we can fix issues before 6.0
- @FranzBusch Run with swift 6 mode, not just swift 6 nightly
- SwiftNIO making steady progress
- @0xTim Vapor's unit tests breaking on Swift 6
- JWTKit working with Swift 6 mode
- @FranzBusch NIO might wait for a year before moving to Swift 6 because they have to support Swift 5.x
- @finestructure Stats on Swift 6 strict concurrency Ready for Swift 6 – Swift Package Index. Number of packages with zero errors going up slowly, getting false negatives where there are no errors. Related issue is `Sema.NumSwift6Errors` discrepancy · Issue #3233 · SwiftPackageIndex/SwiftPackageIndex-Server · GitHub
- @finestructure What is difference between Xcode 16 vs 16.1?
- @Ben_Cohen Not much language change but there will be SDK changes
- @FranzBusch Would we see any differences due to new Foundation in Swift 6 nightly.
- Current build that is running should be using version of Swift 6 with new Foundation so we should find out soon.
@ktoso to address creating benchmarks from the SSWG perspective
- carry over
Build out integrated example project @FranzBusch @tiborbodecs
- carry over
- Wait for Swift 6 before we build integrated example
- Should we say it is too early because of shake up around Swift concurrency
Announce third Swift Server Side meetup dates @Joannis_Orlandos & @sebsto
- carry over
Show-case two server side projects/success stories @0xTim @ktoso
- carry over
- Tim has some examples for a blog post. Should be something available next meeting.
Investigate official Swift GH action @0xTim , @FranzBusch , @sebsto
- work in progress
HTTP server and middlewares
Move forward with the reviews of the initial API drafts @FranzBusch
- carry over
- Get Gustavo Cairo who is working on gRPC involved
- Discussions about NIOAsyncChannel changes, how to deal with large writes that are split into chunks, not completing.
@Joannis_Orlandos to share instruments trace
- carry over
- Story is changing too fast, waiting for allocations fix where allocation made for every access to continuation
- @FranzBusch this fix hasn't been implemented and won't make it into Swift 6
- @Joannis_Orlandos check if we can get a techempower based instrument trace
- Action item folded into benchmark item above
- @0xTim Has NIO looked at performance benchmarks in GH actions outside of allocations. Issue with running performance tests on VMs.
- @FranzBusch Use instruction count benchmark for very specific tests
- @FranzBusch NIO looking into solution for general purpose timing benchmarks.
Previous Actions Items
@0xTim create forum thread - new incubation maturity review
@ktoso @FranzBusch announce new SSWG members
@FranzBusch add explanation for last-three-versions toolchain requirement for server apps to
@sebsto @tiborbodecs review and update deployment guides (AWS & others).
@tachyonics to review Refactor the Why Swift on Server section and add page on concurrency. by tachyonics · Pull Request #496 · swiftlang/swift-org-website · GitHub
@FranzBusch to look at when back Structured concurrency for server applications by FranzBusch · Pull Request #447 · swiftlang/swift-org-website · GitHub
- Close PR and move to Swift book
Installing the Swiftinit GitHub app to swiftlang org @Ben_Cohen to look at, and team to bring up at the next Core Team meeting
- @taylorswift already posted message on forums with @mishal_shah and @Ben_Cohen
@taylorswift to tag @Ben_Cohen on message
AWS Lambda runtime v2 proposal
Look at ResponseWriter, not sure how this works with Middleware
@0xTim swift-asn1 incubation proposal
- swift-certificates proposal will be coming soon as well
GSOC projects
- @FranzBusch etcd project. Still on gRPC v1, as v2 isn't out. Basic get, set, delete, put, watch functionality implemented, if you are interested please get involved
- @adam-fowler VSCode displaying of macros. Work is almost complete. Simple and nested macros work. As this work was mainly done in SourceKit-LSP and these changes haven't made it into the 6.0 release branch this won't be available until v6.1.
Server side swift Conference
- Schedule finalized, speakers decided upon. Social media posts should be coming out soon. Please amplify when they do.