Another question popped up when trying to do a simple wrapper for SwiftLint.
If using a command plugin, there doesn't seem to be any reasonable easy way to get the output from SwiftLint into Xcode? The Diagnostics API expects single-entries being generated.
In contrast, if using a build tool plugin, any tool generating output (like e.g. flatc
) will generate warnings in Xcode, but this is based on generating output which is being processed.
So what would the recommended approach be to implement e.g. SwiftLint as a plugin? A command plugin seems like the better fit as there's not reason to add SwiftLint as a Dependency - instead just as for e.g. the DocC plugin one can just pull it in once and have it available. But how to get the warnings/errors propagated? I mean reading and parsing the output to then re-generate Diagnostics seems a bit overkill.
Am I missing something here?