Source compatibility bots in bad shape

There are quite a few projects failing at this point.

GRDB and ObjectMapper are known issues that I have been trying to XFAIL but that's now being foiled by the other issues showing up yesterday (see XFAIL GRDB and ObjectMapper by rudkx · Pull Request #127 · apple/swift-source-compat-suite · GitHub).

I see two new issues across various projects:

BlueSocket, IBAnimatable, Kingfisher, Kronos, NetService, SwiftLint

0  swift                    0x0000000107709858 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) + 40
1  swift                    0x0000000107709ee6 SignalHandler(int) + 422
2  libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff648a1f5a _sigtramp + 26
3  libsystem_platform.dylib 0x0000000000000070 _sigtramp + 2608193840
4  swift                    0x000000010409676b swift::irgen::IRGenModule::emitBuiltinReflectionMetadata() + 1115
5  swift                    0x0000000104096af9 swift::irgen::IRGenerator::emitBuiltinReflectionMetadata() + 105
6  swift                    0x00000001040c85f6 swift::performIRGeneration(swift::IRGenOptions&, swift::ModuleDecl*, std::__1::unique_ptr<swift::SILModule, std::__1::default_delete<swift::SILModule> >, llvm::StringRef, llvm::LLVMContext&, llvm::GlobalVariable**) + 1846
7  swift                    0x0000000103f65a0f performCompile(swift::CompilerInstance&, swift::CompilerInvocation&, llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, int&, swift::FrontendObserver*, swift::UnifiedStatsReporter*) + 14207
8  swift                    0x0000000103f61300 swift::performFrontend(llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, char const*, void*, swift::FrontendObserver*) + 3376
9  swift                    0x0000000103f1f402 main + 3042
10 libdyld.dylib            0x00007fff64620115 start + 1
11 libdyld.dylib            0x0000000000000044 start + 2610822960

Chatto, panelkit

Global is external, but doesn't have external or weak linkage!
%swift.type** (%swift.type*)* @get_field_types_CGPoint
Global is external, but doesn't have external or weak linkage!
%swift.type** (%swift.type*)* @get_field_types_CGSize
<unknown>:0: error: fatal error encountered during compilation; please file a bug report with your project and the crash log
<unknown>:0: note: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
0  swift                    0x0000000107ee0858 llvm::sys::PrintStackTrace(llvm::raw_ostream&) + 40
1  swift                    0x0000000107ee0ee6 SignalHandler(int) + 422
2  libsystem_platform.dylib 0x00007fff648a1f5a _sigtramp + 26
3  libsystem_platform.dylib 0x0000700008f80068 _sigtramp + 2758664488
4  libsystem_c.dylib        0x00007fff646cc312 abort + 127
5  swift                    0x000000010473d6a7 swift::performFrontend(llvm::ArrayRef<char const*>, char const*, void*, swift::FrontendObserver*)::$_0::__invoke(void*, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, bool) + 519
6  swift                    0x0000000107e79d4c llvm::report_fatal_error(llvm::Twine const&, bool) + 252
7  swift                    0x0000000107e79c49 llvm::report_fatal_error(char const*, bool) + 41
8  swift                    0x0000000107e23ee2 (anonymous namespace)::VerifierLegacyPass::doFinalization(llvm::Module&) + 210
9  swift                    0x0000000107dad610 llvm::FPPassManager::doFinalization(llvm::Module&) + 80
10 swift                    0x0000000107dacdeb llvm::legacy::FunctionPassManagerImpl::doFinalization(llvm::Module&) + 107
11 swift                    0x000000010489c6e8 swift::performLLVMOptimizations(swift::IRGenOptions&, llvm::Module*, llvm::TargetMachine*) + 1496
12 swift                    0x000000010489d249 swift::performLLVM(swift::IRGenOptions&, swift::DiagnosticEngine*, llvm::sys::SmartMutex<false>*, llvm::GlobalVariable*, llvm::Module*, llvm::TargetMachine*, swift::version::Version const&, llvm::StringRef, swift::UnifiedStatsReporter*) + 2121
13 swift                    0x00000001048a269b ThreadEntryPoint(swift::irgen::IRGenerator*, llvm::sys::SmartMutex<false>*, int) + 507
14 swift                    0x00000001048a37bf void* std::__1::__thread_proxy<std::__1::tuple<std::__1::unique_ptr<std::__1::__thread_struct, std::__1::default_delete<std::__1::__thread_struct> >, void (*)(swift::irgen::IRGenerator*, llvm::sys::SmartMutex<false>*, int), swift::irgen::IRGenerator*, llvm::sys::SmartMutex<false>*, int> >(void*) + 47
15 libsystem_pthread.dylib  0x00007fff648ab6c1 _pthread_body + 340
16 libsystem_pthread.dylib  0x00007fff648ab56d _pthread_body + 0
17 libsystem_pthread.dylib  0x00007fff648aac5d thread_start + 13

I opened a revert PR that I suspect will resolve the new failures: Revert "[WIP][IRGen] Emit type field descriptors for imported structs" by rudkx · Pull Request #14397 · apple/swift · GitHub