Sorting Collections with `map` closures and SortDescriptors

That's a great suggestion that I hadn't thought of before! I completely prefer that design over the design I proposed initially. It fits in much better with the existing standard library, and it avoids having to add a new type.

My dream syntax would be:

people.sorted(by: [
    { $ },
    { $0.age }

but we can't express that in the type system without variadic generics. The main reason I've been using a SortDescriptor type is to type-erase the map closures.

I'm still very keen on the map-closure design, though. For symmetry, that could potentially give us four designs:

// (1) The current standard library, sort(by: (Element, Element) -> Bool)
people.sort(by: { $0.age < $1.age })

// (2) A map-closure design, sort<T: Comparable>(by: (Element) -> T)
people.sort(by: { $0.age })

// (3) An improved "Sort Descriptor" design: sort(by: [(Element, Element) -> Bool])
people.sort(by: [
    { $0.age < $1.age },
    { $ < $ }

// (4) An additional design for symmetry, that would require Variadic Generics.
//     Not currently possible.
people.sort(by: [
    { $0.age },
    { $ }

So that being said, there are a few open questions:

  • Is it acceptable to have (2) and (3) but not (4)? That would feel a bit asymetric to me.

  • If this was packaged together as a comprehensive "sort ergonomics" proposal, would it make sense to also conditionally propose (4) (the design that requires variadic generics) on the precondition that it would be implemented if/when it became possible?

  • Is it even desirable to have four overloads of sort(by:)? If not, which one do we cut? I think (3) is filling a bigger gap / solving a more important problem, while (2) leans closer towards "sugar". That's probably a strong indicator, but I would also be sad to miss out on (2) if we cut it out.

Of all of those options, I think the most sensible choice may potentially be to slim the proposal to just include sort(by: [(Element, Element) -> Bool]).

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