Map Sorting

There was an extensive discussion about this type of sorting in this thread from September. It's a pretty big design space, made even more complicated by the fact that we don't have variadic generics yet. It's on the roadmap, but I haven't seen any indication that it's coming any time soon.

But that being said, it may be wise to design this proposal in such a way that the (Element) -> Comparable transformation may one day be replaced with a ((Element) -> some variadic Comparable)... (that is, a variadic parameter of transformations).

This isn't strictly possible with the sort(using: (Element) -> Value, by: (Value, Value) -> Bool), because you need both the transformation and areInIncreasingOrder closures in order to complete each step in the sort process. While we could instead have the function take a tuple of those two closures (which may then be made variadic in the distance future), I think it's unwise to make the simple case more complex for the sake of some future possibility that may never come.

For that reason, it may make sense to propose func sort<Value: Comparable>(by transformation: (Element) -> Value) so that it may one day be swapped out for the variadic equivalent func sort<variadic Value: Comparable>(by transformation: ((Element) -> variadic Value)...)

I like a comment @jrose made about this in the previous thread:

Since this is proposal is ultimately about simplifying sort ergonomics, we may be better off keeping the new overload as simple as possible (i.e. just func sort<Value: Comparable>(by transformation: (Element) -> Value) for now) rather than try and build in a more complex system that tries to handle all of the less-common methods of sorting. If we make sorting easier for 90% of use cases, and leave the status-quo untouched for the other 10% of cases, then I think we've still done our job.

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