I would like to suggest an enhancement for the swift protocol would really
like this feature to be reviewed.
Enhancement Description :
Currently it is not possible to invoke the default implementation of a
particular protocol (EG: SampleProtocolParent achieved using protocol
extension) inside another protocol extention(Eg: SampleProtocolSub) that
inherits from the former protocol. Please look into the SampleProtocolSub
extension as shown below. Also the same behavior is observed while a class
implements the protocol(Please look into the Test class that implements
SampleProtocolSub as shown below ).
This behavior is something similar to the usage of super keyword while
overriding a method.
extension SampleProtocolSub{
func testFunction(){
/* need to call testFunction implementation of the parent
SampleProtocolParent as well here. Is this a possible feature ?*/
print("hello my current and new implementation")
class Test:SampleProtocolSub{
func testFunction(){
/* need to call testFunction implmentaion of the parent
SampleProtocolParent as well here. Is this a possible feature ?*/
print("hello my current and new new new implementaion")
I also want this feature, but haven’t seen any proposed syntax.
On May 14, 2016, at 7:49 AM, Sreejith K R via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
Hello All,
I would like to suggest an enhancement for the swift protocol would really like this feature to be reviewed.
Enhancement Description :
Currently it is not possible to invoke the default implementation of a particular protocol (EG: SampleProtocolParent achieved using protocol extension) inside another protocol extention(Eg: SampleProtocolSub) that inherits from the former protocol. Please look into the SampleProtocolSub extension as shown below. Also the same behavior is observed while a class implements the protocol(Please look into the Test class that implements SampleProtocolSub as shown below ).
This behavior is something similar to the usage of super keyword while overriding a method.
extension SampleProtocolSub{
func testFunction(){
/* need to call testFunction implementation of the parent SampleProtocolParent as well here. Is this a possible feature ?*/
print("hello my current and new implementation")
class Test:SampleProtocolSub{
func testFunction(){
/* need to call testFunction implmentaion of the parent SampleProtocolParent as well here. Is this a possible feature ?*/
print("hello my current and new new new implementaion")
I would like to suggest an enhancement for the swift protocol would really like this feature to be reviewed.
Enhancement Description :
Currently it is not possible to invoke the default implementation of a particular protocol (EG: SampleProtocolParent achieved using protocol extension) inside another protocol extention(Eg: SampleProtocolSub) that inherits from the former protocol. Please look into the SampleProtocolSub extension as shown below. Also the same behavior is observed while a class implements the protocol(Please look into the Test class that implements SampleProtocolSub as shown below ).
This behavior is something similar to the usage of super keyword while overriding a method.
extension SampleProtocolSub{
func testFunction(){
/* need to call testFunction implementation of the parent SampleProtocolParent as well here. Is this a possible feature ?*/
print("hello my current and new implementation")
class Test:SampleProtocolSub{
func testFunction(){
/* need to call testFunction implmentaion of the parent SampleProtocolParent as well here. Is this a possible feature ?*/
print("hello my current and new new new implementaion")
I also want this feature, but haven’t seen any proposed syntax.
How about this (now that we are uncurrying the self parameter):
It's not pretty but it is clear.
Sent from my iPad
On May 17, 2016, at 1:10 PM, Andrew Trick via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:
On May 14, 2016, at 7:49 AM, Sreejith K R via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote: