@since attribute


we all know @available which is great to document the target platforms and / or the required swift version. But what do I do if I want to document the version of the current swift package I'm working on?
I want to know since which package version the method exists and / or in which package version was the last change of the code part.
I think about something in this way:

     @since(packageVersion = "1.0.0")

     // And optional
     @since(packageVersion = "1.0.0", lastestChange = "2.7.1")

I read that some pople will be documented this in the doc comment of the code block.
What do you think it?
Is it overkill or maybe required?

If this is just for documentation there is no need for an attribute. I used this in an SDL wrapper I think, you can just add this line to your documentation:

/// - Since: 1.0.0, last change 2.7.1
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