Sequence.Map: Why not initialize contiguous array with a lazy map?

Here are two versions of map, the first one representing the current implementation, slightly simplified. I've tested some expensive transforms with a class and struct and the difference in speed seems negligible. I have two questions:

  • Is the head-on reserve -> append expected to be faster than initializing the contiguous array with a lazy map wrapper (_copyToContiguousArray)?
  • If not, does map intendedly stick to the head-on approach?
extension Sequence {
  @inlinable func map2<T>(
    _ transform: (Element) -> T
  ) -> [T] {
    let initialCapacity = underestimatedCount
    var result = ContiguousArray<T>()
    var iterator = self.makeIterator()
    for _ in 0..<initialCapacity {
      let next =!
    while let element = {
    return Array(result)
extension Sequence {
  @inlinable func map1<T>(
    _ transform: @escaping (Element) -> T
  ) -> [T] {
    let result = ContiguousArray(
    return Array(result)

I suspect that this is mostly just because the current implementation of Sequence's map predates lazy. also takes a non-escaping closure, so you'll need a withoutActuallyEscaping somewhere in there.

Put up a pull request and let's benchmark it!

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@jrose I just realized I can't use the lazy map with the real map because it doesn't accept throwing closures :sweat_smile:. Perhaps that's the reason.

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The ability to specify the throwing context would be very useful here.

func map<T>(
  _ transform: (Element) throws -> T
) rethrows -> [T] {
  return withoutActuallyEscaping(transform) { escaping in
    return Array(
 { elt in try(map) escaping(elt) }
        )                            ~~~