`Sendable` values in non-`Sendable` containers

Disclaimer: this code is simplified for demonstration purposes.

Suppose I have a value only available asynchronously:

struct Source: Sendable {
    var someAsyncValue: Int {
        get async {

That value is a part of a dependency:

class Dependency {
    let source = Source()

    var someAsyncValue: Int {
        get async {
            await source.someAsyncValue

And this is then used in some code:

struct Container {

    let dependency = Dependency()

    @MainActor func worksFine() async { 
        _ = await self.dependency.source.someAsyncValue // ✅

This is a repeated pattern, so I introduce a "shortcut" into Dependency, so I don't have to write .source every time:

extension Dependency {
    var someAsyncValue: Int {
        get async {
            await source.someAsyncValue

Predictably, this doesn't work, because dependency is neither Sendable, nor @MainActor.

struct Container {

    let dependency = Dependency()

    @MainActor func doesNotWork() async {
        _ = await self.dependency.someAsyncValue // ❌ Non-sendable type 'Dependency' exiting main actor-isolated context in call to nonisolated property 'someAsyncValue' cannot cross actor boundary

This Dependency could easily be made Sendable, but the real one has mutable state, so that's out. It could be made into an actor or isolated to @MainActor, but the real version also conforms to protocols, which is another can of worms.

The method on Container is @MainActor because some other non-Sendable classes are later involved, calling more async methods. Removing @MainActor would just shift the problem elsewhere.

I could mark someAsyncValue with @MainActor, but it's a simple value... there is really no reason it should have to be isolated.

I only want to be able to avoid having to write .source, not rearchitect the whole app :sweat_smile:. My question is whether I've overlooked something (please) or whether I'll just have to bite the bullet here.

It works (I think) if you turn your var someAsyncValue into a function and pass the caller's isolation along:

class Dependency {
    let source = Source()

    func someAsyncValue(isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation) async -> Int {
        await source.someAsyncValue

struct Container {
    let dependency = Dependency()

    @MainActor func worksFineToo() async {
        _ = await self.dependency.someAsyncValue() // ✅

This compiles in Swift 6 mode and seems to work fine in my very limited testing.

So you have to add a pair of parentheses at the call site and the implementation of the convenience function requires more boilerplate. You have to decide whether this is good enough for you.

Passing a dynamic isolation to computed properties is mentioned as a future direction in SE-0420. And if [Pitch] Inherit isolation by default for async functions gets implemented, your code should work as-is, I think.

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