SE-0307: Allow interchangeable use of CGFloat and Double types

The review of SE-0307, "Allow interchangeable use of CGFloat and Double types", begins now and runs through March 24, 2021.

The proposal is authored by @xedin.

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  • What is your evaluation of the proposal?
  • Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change to Swift?
  • Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?
  • If you have used other languages or libraries with a similar feature, how do you feel that this proposal compares to those?
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Ted Kremenek
Review Manager


I fail to understand how the difference between CGFloat and Double can be relevant and irrelevant at the same time.

I understood why CGFloat existed in APIs inherited from Objective C, but because all Swift documentation recommended using Double instead, I assumed CGFloat was consigned to die off at the same pace as NSString and friends.

Then SwiftUI came out and surprised me by using CGFloat throughout the API. It looked so out of place. But it made me think CGFloat must actually have some forward value that I was unaware of. If the SwiftUI team is allowed to say, why did they make that decision? If CGFloat is just an outdated spelling of Double (albeit that had some neat quirks on obsolete architectures), then why didn’t SwiftUI just use Double across its API?

Since SwiftUI’s entire API heavily implies that there are times when you should use CGFloat instead of Double, it seems illogical to me to add a compiler feature whose sole purpose is making it easier to revert to the wrong one by accident.

Either SwiftUI did the wrong thing, or this proposal does the wrong thing, or I totally misunderstand CGFloat. Which is it?

CGFloat is a type that is defined by Apple frameworks, it makes this change specific to Apple platforms

It is also implemented in Foundation and will affect all platforms. Care must be taken that both CGFloats behave the same.


I am pleased with the final shape of this proposal. It certainly addresses a clear, practical shortcoming with a tailored and pragmatic fix. It fits well with the existing feel and direction of Swift in making such a pragmatic choice, and in particular the attention to minimizing the number of narrowing conversions will likely result in numerically superior results to what some users would have been able to come up with using manual conversions. Most other languages do not have to deal with this particular problem, but this fix is more targeted than the alternative of adopting C-like implicit conversions. I have spent time studying this proposal in depth.

I think it’s fair to have the writing clarified to note that CGFloat is also defined in swift-corelibs-foundation and therefore available on all supported platforms. In practice, though, I expect that the conversions noted here will impact watchOS (and it would be nice to clarify why that is for readers who may not be aware of this for the versions of Apple Watch with 64-bit processors).

One final nit in the writing would be that it would be nice to standardize the writing in terms of the arrows used in the text; I find the alternating emojis and ASCII renditions to be jarring.


This is a very clearly motivated proposal that will directly address a significant ergonomic problem with commonly used frameworks. I appreciate the narrow targeting of the design, which avoids broader scale erosion of the type system.

I read the proposal briefly but was not involved in the pitch phase. I am also not an expert on the type checker's constraint solver, so I cannot attest to the impact on compile times or ambiguities etc.



Sorry about that, fixed!

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The proposal addresses a common and frequent pain-point with a targeted solution that I think fits quite well, and I, for one, desperately want this to be available.

I followed the pitch to the proposal, but didn't participate myself - I can't speak to any of the internal aspects of what this will do.


This is really not what SwiftUI's API suggests. Rather it suggests that without a feature like this, it was impractical to ship an API on Darwin that has to interoperate with CoreGraphics and uses Double without introducing excessive noise in client code. Having this feature would allow the "next" SwiftUI (whatever that thing might be) to use Double.


It may not have been intended, but that is how it came across out in the wild. And it resulted in a lot of things switching away from Double to use CGFloat under the perception that “something” must be better about it. (Hypotheses included performance, future‐compatibility with 128‐bit, etc.)

If Double is the real recommendation, and this proposal helps consolidate things toward that direction, then I support it.

I am +1 for this proposal.

I think this proposal presents a focused solution that provides a significant ergonomic improvement when working with common frameworks that have CGFloat APIs, including Core Graphics, Core Animation, and SwiftUI.

The proposed change allows ‘naturally-written’ Swift code without type annotations to work with CGFloat APIs without manual type conversions. I believe this will encourage the use of the preferred Swift floating point type Double and significantly improve call site clarity. So, I think this proposal fits very well with the feel and direction of Swift.

I am not well versed with the internals of the type checker, but I trust those who are expert will chime in if this proposed change causes significant performance or other issues.

I followed and contributed to the pitch thread for this proposal.

32-bit CGFloat
One potential issue is that on platforms with 32-bit CGFloat values, such as watchOS, there is a loss of precision when narrowing from Double to CGFloat.

In practice, I don’t believe this will be a significant issue, since APIs that use CGFloat must already be suitable for use with 32-bit float values.

In addition, the Core Graphics overlay for Swift introduced five or six years ago adds initializers for CGPoint, CGSize, and CGRect that take Double values.

On platforms with 32-bit CGFloat, these initializers have been doing a narrowing conversion for a half a decade or so, and have not seemed to cause any widespread issues.

Finally, it is generally better to work in the higher precision type and only lose precision when necessary. This proposal enables doing so without effort by the developer:

  • Declared constants and variables are Double by default.
  • CGFloat values pulled from structs like CGPoint or CGSize are automatically promoted to Double when used in a calculations with Double.
  • Passing resulting Double values into API that takes CGFloat performs the narrowing.

So, the most straightforward way of writing the code also leads to all intermediate calculations using Double, with narrowing only happening when API calls require it.

That all said, I do think it would be beneficial to add more detail in the proposal about the considerations regarding 32-bit CGFloat, especially since evolution proposals also serve as a way for developers to understand the change in the future.

Less CGFloat
One effect of this proposal, I think, is that it will greatly reduce or eliminate the need for declaring variables of type CGFloat in client code. All calculations can be done in Double. In fact, CGFloat variables become a bit of a red flag that unnecessary or unintentional narrowing may be happening on 32-bit platforms.

I hope this proposal is approved. I think it will make code clearer, easier for newcomers, and more enjoyable to write.


i’m strongly –1 on this proposal.

this is a major change to the semantics of the language, and the fact that it only applies to one pair of types doesn’t seem like a solid justification for characterizing it as a “narrowly-tailored” solution. if we break a fundamental assumption in the language, then that assumption is now broken, even if it was only broken once.

the real problem here, which doesn’t seem to have been mentioned in the Alternatives Considered section, is that we don’t have a floating point type with platform-defined width, the way Int and UInt are currently related to Int32, Int64, and UInt32, UInt64.

note that this is not the option 3 considered in the proposal, which is to have a platform-dependent typealias CGFloat pointing to either Float or Double. the correct long-term solution would be to introduce a word-sized Real type (or some other, more appropriate name) that requires an explicit conversion to a fixed-width floating point type, just as Int requires an explicit conversion to Int32 or Int64. we should then encourage relevant APIs to be encouraged to be written using the word-sized Real type instead of the fixed-width types, exactly the way integer types are treated right now.

i understand the ergonomic motivations of this proposal, but i want to highlight that, in the past, this was not considered adequate justification for this sort of change to the language. for example, the codepoint and character literals proposal i put forth last year was a solution proposed to solve what was essentially the same problem in a different context — type ergonomics for interop with a certain class of C APIs — with very similar implications for the language type system. despite the fact that that proposal was limited to the type checker/inferencer, with no changes to actual program behavior (unlike this proposal), the codepoint literals proposal was rejected because the community felt that type ergonomics for the purposes of interacting with a specific class of C APIs did not warrant the proposed changes to the language.

i do not feel that there is a meaningful difference between the C APIs that this proposal aims to make easier to use, and the ones that previously rejected proposals aimed to make easier to use, other than that the APIs in this situation are vended by Apple.


I think it's fair to imagine that this proposal could be used as a precedent and as both a weapon and a shield, depending on underlying intentions. I personally think it's okay to discuss other conversions in the future and their viability/merit should be considered from different angles on case-per-case basis.

This proposal represents a judgement call based on all of the feedback received from the users that have to deal with graphics APIs. I and others believe that this is the most narrow targeted solution we could provide here to alleviate common pain point in cross framework API use, which is also the most teachable one - CGFloat is a Double and vice versa; and doesn't have language dialect consequences like a new syntax general use would.


I agree that there is a genuine issue, but having a hypothetical Real type wouldn't, on its own, actually solve this problem.

That's because you'd still have to do conversions from whatever the types actually are at the API boundaries, such as Apple APIs that currently use CGFloat.

At a minimum, you'd also need to add to the Obj-C importer the ability to rewrite the API types from CGFloat to Real — assuming that the rules for the precision actually align between the two types.

However, there are still other API boundaries in existing Swift code that the importer wouldn't solve.

I think the problem we're really trying to solve here is the very narrow one of just eliminating CGFloat from Swift, using a big enough hammer to get the job done.

(The current solution doesn't literally eliminate CGFloat, but it makes it possible never to mention it in Swift code, mostly. That's nearly as good.)


if the problem lives at the API boundary, then that is where the solution ought to be applied. i agree that there is a gap in the language here, but it also seems to me that this gap is shaped like a custom attribute. since we’ve already come to an agreement (in the past couple of years) that custom attributes are connected to types, perhaps a better solution would just be to add some annotations to the cumbersome APIs:

// CGFloat API 

func mix(_ a:@Double CGFloat, _ b:@Double CGFloat, t:@Double CGFloat) 
    -> @Double CGFloat
// swift standard library 
extension Double 
    func withCGFloatValue<R>(_ body:(CGFloat) throws -> R) rethrows -> R 
        try body(CGFloat.init(self))

the annotations would be a far more precisely-tailored solution to the problem, because they would only perform expansions at the call site, much like result builders currently do.

this would also be way more extensible, because we could also store the implementations in protocols:

// CGFloat API 

func mix(
    _ a:@CGFloatConvertible CGFloat, 
    _ b:@CGFloatConvertible CGFloat, 
      t:@CGFloatConvertible CGFloat) 
    -> @CGFloatConvertible CGFloat
// swift standard library 
protocol CGFloatConvertible 
    func withCGFloatValue<R>(_ body:(CGFloat) throws -> R) rethrows -> R 
extension Double:CGFloatConvertible 
    // no `@implicitConversion` annotation required, 
    // since this is a protocol requirement 
    func withCGFloatValue<R>(_ body:(CGFloat) throws -> R) rethrows -> R 
        try body(CGFloat.init(self))

i honestly do not foresee the currently-proposed solution as settling the issue of missing implicit conversions, nor do i think any of the authors are even claiming this. using custom attributes instead changing language behavior globally is much more scalable.

for example, i think everyone can agree that any API that takes a String argument, should also take a Character. using custom attributes would allow us to express this idea as:

protocol ImplicitStringConvertible 
    func withStringValue<R>(_ body:(String) throws -> R) rethrows -> R 

extension Character:ImplicitStringConvertible 
    func withStringValue<R>(_ body:(String) throws -> R) rethrows -> R 
        try body(String.init(self))

func prepend(prefix:@ImplicitStringConvertible String, to string:String) 
    -> String

let x:Character = "@"
let y:String    = "implicitConversion"

prepend(prefix: x, to: y) // should return '@implicitConversion'

It’s worse than that; a hypothetical word-sized stdlib Real type propagates the problem to other platforms where it doesn’t currently exist. Why would we want to do that?


Today, all custom attributes are declaration attributes, not type attributes, meaning they don't impact the type of the declaration they're attached to (and they can only be applied to declarations).

What you're describing here is most similar to a parameter wrapper (SE-0293), and implicit conversions are not a good use case for that feature. For one, implicit conversions don't really make sense on a per-declaration basis. The argument here is that CGFloat and Double are ultimately meant to be the same type, so it wouldn't make sense for some APIs to support the implicit conversion and not others.

Off Topic

I guess it was true until two days ago (Custom type attributes by DougGregor ¡ Pull Request #36458 ¡ apple/swift ¡ GitHub) :slight_smile:


by “connected to types” i meant the name of the attribute comes from the name of a user-defined type elsewhere. it should not impact the type of the argument, only how it is supplied by the caller.

I would make the case that the proposed change greatly improves teachability for newcomers since “You can use Double and CGFloat interchangeably.” and “Just use Double like everywhere else in Swift.” seem to sum up what someone new needs to know and understand.

I also think it’s important to note that CGFloat is almost always used alongside types like CGPoint, CGSize, and CGRect.

For someone new to Swift and new to using a framework with CG types, I think there's currently a fair amount of cognitive effort and language knowledge required to understand why in the code below it’s sometimes okay to use Double with CG calls and sometimes it’s not okay and requires a conversion:

let elapsedTime = Date().timeIntervalSince(startTime)
let progress = min(elapsedTime / duration, 1.0)

let height = 200.0
let midY = height / 2.0
let width = 450.0
let midX = height / 2.0
let center = CGPoint(x: midX, y: midY)
path.move(to: center)
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: center.x, y: 0))
let adjustment = .pi / 2.0
path.addRelativeArc(center: center, radius: rect.width / 2.0, 
                        startAngle: CGFloat(0.0 - adjustment), 
                        delta: CGFloat(2.0 * .pi * progress))

With the proposed change, usage can be explained in the statement “You can always use Double with CG types” which I think is easy to convey, understand, and remember.

EDIT: Edited code example for clarity.

I see this change as neutral with regards to risk of causing language dialects. I don't think there will be much interest in insisting on the explicit conversions because in this case I don't think that would end up having a benefit in terms of helping the code be correct.

Without a more fleshed out pitch, it's difficult to evaluate your suggestion fully, so I don't want to dismiss it out of hand. But my initial thought is that something along these lines would actively encourage language dialects. Allowing each codebase or module to define its own set of allowed implicit type conversions is essentially enabling the creation of dialects.


so far, it seems very unclear to me whether the goal of the section of the community interested in this sort of change is to resolve specific frictions in certain locations (e.g., C imports), or pursue more far-reaching changes to the type system. is the problem with using CGFloat, or is the problem CGFloat itself?

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The goal of this proposal is to improve the ergonomics when working with CGFloat. The problem is that CGFloat causes code not to type check for no good reason other than it's a separate type from the standard type developers use for these kind of computations, and it's incredibly frustrating, regardless of whether you're calling a CoreGraphics API or doing some computation with a CGFloat member of your own type. Of course, there are a lot of different opinions on how exactly to achieve that goal.

I personally am not interested in implicit conversions only for certain declarations. When it comes to type conversions, I strongly believe that conversions should behave the same way no matter where you write the code.

Also keep in mind that "consensus" isn't really a goal of evolution reviews, as I understand it. These are all ideas put forth for the Core Team to consider and make a decision. It's perfectly okay for different people to have different opinions about how to solve a given problem.