SE-0200: "Raw" mode string literals

... but imho there's no real win if all for combinations are expressed in different ways:
If we had a system of delimiter strings like

Single line Multi line
Raw ' ''+
Cooked " ""+

the two things would really be separated (choice of delimiter indicates raw, number of delimiters indicates multiline).
But imho the way multiline strings are done already blurs the line, as you can have unescaped double quotes in them (so they already fulfill a big use case of raw strings).
Also, I'm not sure that it makes sense to make a big difference between single and multiline strings: Imho the "Java way" of utilizing libraries isn't that stupid:

 We have this
 But we could also do it this way
"""So this would also be allowed"""

But anyways, review period is over, and I wonder if anybody will really read this huge bunch of posts ;-)