The review of "SE-0193 - Cross-module inlining and specialization" begins now and runs through January 5, 2018.
The proposal is available here:
When reviewing a proposal, here are some questions to consider:
What is your evaluation of the proposal?
I am hugely supportive of the features that these attributes enable, but I think that the spelling of this is absolutely wrong, and Iâm disappointed that the extensive discussion weâve had for months about this didnât make it into (at least) the alternatives considered section. Here are my concerns:
Availability Ranges
Both of these attributes will (perhaps not for Swift 5 given the fact that these will be new then, but certainly in 5.1 or 6) need to be qualified by deployment modifiers. Weâll need the ability to specify not just that a declaration is inlinable or abipublic, but in *which versions* of the binary package (that they are defined in) have this property.
For example, while perhaps it will be common for a decl to be âborn inlinableâ and just need the form of attribute as specified here, it is just as clear that this is not the *only* model we need. It is entirely reasonable (and will be important in the future) to say that something âbecame ABI public in iOS14, became abiPublic in iOS 15, and became inlinable in iOS16â. The use of this will be relatively rare, but it is important for the model to support this in time.
Because of this, if we accept the spelling as proposed in this proposal, these attributes will need to be generalized to have an availability range, e.g.:
@abipublic(iOS 15, *)
The concern is that this proposal opens the door to have a family of attributes each of which have availability information on them, and this âfamilyâ of attributes will have nothing tying them together into a unified framework.
Pollution of the Attribute Namespace
Furthermore, these two attributes are the tip of the iceberg, and the core team has spent a lot of time recently discussing the fact there are potentially going to be about a dozen attributes similar to these (fixed_contents, global_var_is_directly_addressible, âŚ) that will only be required for binary frameworks. It is possible that @inlinable will be prominent enough to be a global attribute (I personally am not sure if it will be commonly used or not, it depends a lot on how widely used binary frameworks are). That said, it is clear @abiPublic will not be commonly used, and many attributes that follow these will be even more obscure.
This is bad for three reasons:
1) weâre polluting the general attribute namespace with obscure things. Pollution of the attribute namespace may have a marginal impact today, but will start to matter if/when we ever get user defined attributes.
2) The other reason is that this provides no general framework to tie together these things that affect binary frameworks into a unified framework.
3) Furthermore, I donât like attributes being a dumping ground for weird performance hacks required by binary frameworks. It is a practical necessity that we support these because they are extremely important for narrow cases, but we donât need to put them into a syntactically prominent spot in the grammar.
The name âABIâ
A minor point, but the specific name âabiPublicâ is not great in my opinion, because âABIâ is a term of art for compiler hackers. Most users have no idea what ABI means, and those who think they do often donât. Very few people really understand what âstable ABIâ means for example.
It would be better to go with something like âapiPublicâ or âsymbolPublicâ or âlinkableButNotAccessibleâ or something else long. This will not be commonly used in user code, so being long and descriptive is a good thing.
There is a simple way to address the two concerns above: we already have a framework for handling API evolution with binary frameworks, the @available attribute. We can spell these âattributesâ as:
@available(inlinable) // this symbol has been inlinable since it was introduced
which generalizes properly when we add version ranges:
@available(iOS 14, *) // this was introduced in iOS 14
@available(linkerSymbol: iOS 15, *) // this declâs symbol became âabiPublic" in iOS 15
@available(inlinable: iOS 16, *) // this decl became inlinable in iOS 16
public func foo() {⌠}
and allows us to bury weird hacks like âabiPublicâ and the other even more obscure things that are coming outside of the global attribute namespace:
@available(global_var_is_directly_accessible: iOS 15, *)
public var myDispatchOnceToken : ...
Given this unified framework for handling ABI evolution, we can then separately discuss which ones of these proposals are common and important enough to sugar into a top level attribute. For example, given the general model for inlinable above, we could then (possibly as a later proposal) introduce:
@inlinable // this symbol has been inlinable since it was introduced
public func foo()
as sugar for:
public func foo()
⌠which means that the sugar forms can be separately debated, and that the sugar forms donât have to permit the full complexity of the general case (the availability list). It still isnât clear to me whether @inlinable meets the bar to be a global attribute, I can see both sides of that argument, and it seems valuable to be able to separate the engineering work to introduce the feature from the bikeshed discussion about whether it should be sugared or not.
In short, respectfully request that you at least add this approach to the "alternatives consideredâ section. I also suggest you strongly consider pursuing this direction. It solves the same problem as your proposal but:
- scales better as we add more âattributes" in the future - which will be of increasingly narrow applicability.
- provides a unifying model for all of the binary framework hints
- puts all the availability markup into the feature we already have for this.
- provides a better naming framework for things like abiPublic, because you can say "@available(linkerSymbol)â to say that this is making the linker symbol available from the binary framework.
On Dec 20, 2017, at 4:19 PM, Ted Kremenek <> wrote:
Is the problem being addressed significant enough to warrant a change to Swift?
Does this proposal fit well with the feel and direction of Swift?
If you have used other languages or libraries with a similar feature, how do you feel that this proposal compares to those?
How much effort did you put into your review? A glance, a quick reading, or an in-depth study?
Ted Kremenek
Review Manager
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