Sculpting Strings
Hi all, I would like to share some thoughts and examples on formatting strings in Swift and where we could go from here.
I’m mainly focusing on formatting strings for programmer consumption, such as for logging, pretty-printing textual formats, and command line applications. When displaying rich text to a user as part of a UI, it’s best to rely on the platform’s conventions and the UI framework as much as possible.
With the revised approach to string interpolation in Swift 5.0, it is possible to define custom interpolations for common tasks, such as formatting numbers and aligning text. A handful of custom interpolations go a long way for common and simple usage.
Some example custom interpolations that I use frequently:
extension DefaultStringInterpolation {
public mutating func appendInterpolation<B: BinaryInteger>(
hex: B, uppercase: Bool = false
) {
appendInterpolation(String(hex, radix: 16, uppercase: uppercase))
public enum Alignment {
case left
case right
case center
public mutating func appendInterpolation(
aligning content: String,
to align: Alignment,
columns: Int,
fill: Character = " "
) {
let segmentLength = content.count
let fillerCount = columns - segmentLength
guard fillerCount > 0 else {
var filler = String(repeating: fill, count: fillerCount)
let insertIdx: String.Index
switch align {
case .left:
insertIdx = filler.startIndex
case .right:
insertIdx = filler.endIndex
case .center:
insertIdx = filler.index(filler.startIndex, offsetBy: fillerCount / 2)
filler.insert(contentsOf: content, at: insertIdx)
public enum FloatNotation {
case decimal
case exponential
case scientific
// ...
public mutating func appendInterpolation<F: FloatingPoint>(
precision: Int? = nil,
notation: FloatNotation = .decimal,
uppercase: Bool = false,
_ value: F
) {
// ...
Example usage:
print("Address: 0x\(hex: 1234567890, uppercase: true)")
// Address: 0x499602D2
Address: 0x\(aligning: "\(hex: 1234567890, uppercase: true)",
to: .right, columns: 16, fill: "0")
// Address: 0x00000000499602D2
let values = ["dog", "badger", "cat", "aardvark", "bear", "mouse"]
let columns = values.reduce(0) { max($0, $1.count) }
for value in values {
print("\(aligning: value, to: .center, columns: columns, fill: "_")")
print("Price: $\(precision: 2, notation: .decimal, 123.456789)")
// Price: $123.45
Programmatic Formatting
One downside of these custom interpolations is that they don’t programmatically compose as cleanly as we would like: we have to introduce a new literal for each level of nesting. Long-term, we want the standard library to provide more building blocks and convenience facilities to enable domain-specific formatting and pretty-printing.
Pretty-printing nested structures involves tracking indentation by passing around context, e.g. Pretty Printing HTML. We’d want to provide composable types, interfaces, and idioms for the programmatic building, manipulation, and display of formatted data. For an (operator/combinator-heavy) example of generalized pretty-printing, see DoctorPretty, a Swift port of Wadler’s “A prettier printer”.
ExpressibleByStringInterpolation in Swift 5.0 enhances programmatic formatting: types that conform have convenient interpolation syntax and custom interpolations. Formatting information can be accumulated during interpolation, programmatically queried/modified, and later applied during rendering. See here for an example of how powerful the revised ExpressibleByStringInterpolation can be when applied to efficient logging.
This is a fairly open-ended design space and we want to see how libraries make use of ExpressibleByStringInterpolation. For now, we can focus on the current frustrations and pain-points, which revolve around things like simple numeric formatting and padding.
Standard Extensible Format Strings
A format string specifies how to interpolate values of certain types, but can be declared independent of the actual values to be substituted in. They allow individual values to be provided elsewhere in code (even partially), and the actual insertion of those values can be deferred until render time. For example, osLog uses an extension of NSString’s format string, which in turn is compatible with IEEE’s fprintf. This format string exists in the binary, and is applied lazily to multiple payloads throughout the execution of the program. This forum post shows how a custom interpolation conformance can statically construct such a format string from a series of interpolation calls.
We could benefit from a standard format string type for Swift, statically-constructible through its custom conformance to ExpressibleByStringInterpolation. This type is analogous to an unapplied string interpolation, and can be a common interchange format for systems that want programmatic or deferred formatting. We should consider leveraging an existing standard, such as used by fprintf
Can anyone think of an immediate advantage or pressing need that would prioritize this?
Unifying Interpolations with String Initializers (and/or Functions Returning String)
There is potential overlap between a String initializer taking a type, a custom interpolation taking a type, and a computed String variable on that type. Figuring out where new functionally naturally fits will require some experience with these features.