Sake: Swift-based tool for managing project commands

Hello, Swift Community!

I’m excited to introduce Sake, a Swift-based utility designed to simplify project command management. Inspired by Make, Sake allows you to define project commands in Swift, bringing type safety, code reuse, and better integration with Swift projects. It’s especially useful for developers who prefer staying within the Swift ecosystem while managing build, lint, test, release and other commands.

Sake supports command dependencies, conditional execution, and flexible configuration options, making it a versatile tool for managing complex workflows in Swift projects.

For Example:
You define command like this

struct Commands: SakeApp {
    public static var hello: Command {
            run: { context in
                print("Hello, world!")

And get result like this

❯ sake hello
Hello, world!

For a basic introduction and examples of usage, you can check out my article here:

Streamline Your Project Workflow Using Swift with Sake: A Practical Guide

For complete documentation and installation instructions, visit the official site:

Sake Documentation

I’d love to hear your feedback and suggestions!

Thank you!