RFC: Add category & documentation URL to DiagnosticMessage

This adds an optional category property to DiagnosticMessage, which is used to provide more information about diagnostics.
Link to PR: Add an optional diagnostic category to diagnostics by DougGregor · Pull Request #2981 · swiftlang/swift-syntax · GitHub

Swift interface

Introduces a new DiagnosticCategory type:

/// Describes a category of diagnostics, which covers a set of related
/// diagnostics that can share documentation.
public struct DiagnosticCategory: Sendable, Hashable {
  /// Name that identifies the category, e.g., StrictMemorySafety.
  public let name: String

  /// URL providing documentation documentation for this category.
  public let documentationURL: String?

  public init(name: String, documentationURL: String?) {
    self.name = name
    self.documentationURL = documentationURL

and extends DiagnosticMessage with a category property:

/// The category that this diagnostic belongs in.
var category: DiagnosticCategory? { get }

There's also a default implementation of category that returns nil, so we don't break existing types that conform to DiagnosticMessage.

The Swift compiler's diagnostics has had a category field for a long time, but it wasn't really used for much of anything, so we didn't bring it into the swift-syntax notion of a diagnostic. With more focus on diagnostic groups and educational notes in the compiler, we want to model this concept for swift-syntax as well. The combination of a single category (which doubles as the diagnostic group name for -Wwarning/-Werror flags) plus a documentation URL lets us communicate additional information to help users.



Will there be a default implementation for the new protocol requirement? Never mind, found it.

Thank you. This looks like a good addition to me.