In trying to keep my sanity with a well known Apple framework, I'm trying to do some wrapping to make the code a bit more compact.
In general, if I have a black box result builder closure with a parameter:
RBfoo { rbFooProxy in
RBbar {
I would like to combine these so that I get:
RBfooBar { rbFooProxy in
but I can't quite wrap my head around how to do this. Any pointers?
I mean, couldn't you just define it as
func RBfooBar(@Bar body: (FooProxy) -> Bar.Expression) -> Foo.FinalResult {
RBfoo { proxy in
RBbar {
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That seems right, but I don't know why, and I find that unsettling.
The code that fully worked, for those who might have wondered:
func scrollViewCombo<Content: View>(@ViewBuilder body: @escaping (ScrollViewProxy) -> Content) -> ScrollViewReader<ScrollView<Content>> {
ScrollViewReader { proxy in
ScrollView {
Now that I know it works, I shall stare at it in the hopes that the logic reveals itself to me.