Restrict parameter to value type

Is there a way to restrict the type of a parameter to value types only
(struct)? I know of Any and AnyObject, but I'm missing AnyValue.

How can I achieve something like the following, to make sure that the
parameter is immutable and has copy-on-write feature?

protocol Actor: class {
    func send(message: AnyValue)

I'm curious why AnyValue is missing. Can someone answer this?

Thanks in advance.


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This question has come up a number of times, including this recent thread on swift-dev.


Make sure to follow it over into the next week’s archive.


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On 19 Oct 2017, at 11:47, Martin Knabbe via swift-users <> wrote:

I'm curious why AnyValue is missing. Can someone answer this?

Quinn "The Eskimo!" <;
Apple Developer Relations, Developer Technical Support, Core OS/Hardware