func classNameFromReflection(_ reflection: String) -> String {
let regex = /(\w+Play)\(/
let name = reflection.firstMatch(of: regex)?.output.1
return String(name ?? "classNameFromReflection: ERROR")
This, however, confuses the REPL:
16:47 $ swift repl
Welcome to Apple Swift version 6.0 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.2).
Type :help for assistance.
1> let regex = /(\w+Play)\(/
Is this a known problem, or ought I file an issue?
% swift repl -enable-bare-slash-regex
Welcome to Apple Swift version 6.0 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.2).
Type :help for assistance.
1> let regex = /.*/
regex: _StringProcessing.Regex<Substring> = {
12:06 $ swift repl -enable-bare-slash-regex
Welcome to Apple Swift version 6.0 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.2).
Type :help for assistance.
1> let regex = /(\w+Play)\(/
I also tried it without the backslash in front of the open paren, no good.
This works fine, so the problem isn't primarily the backslashes, but something in the line reader which doesn't use the same parsing rules as the compiler.
12:22 $ swift repl -enable-bare-slash-regex
Welcome to Apple Swift version 6.0 (swiftlang- clang-1600.0.26.2).
Type :help for assistance.
1> let regex = /.*/
regex: _StringProcessing.Regex<Substring> = {
program = {
_loweredProgramStorage = nil
tree = {
root = convertedRegexLiteral
compileOptions = {
rawValue = 0
2> let regex2 = /(\w+Play)\(/
3. ^C
2> let regex2 = "(\w+Play\("
error: error while processing module import: repl.swift:3:17: invalid escape sequence in literal
let regex2 = "(\w+Play\("
error: repl.swift:3:24: cannot find ')' to match opening '(' in string interpolation
let regex2 = "(\w+Play\("
error: repl.swift:3:14: unterminated string literal
let regex2 = "(\w+Play\("
2> let regex2 = "(\w+Play\\("
error: error while processing module import: repl.swift:3:17: invalid escape sequence in literal
let regex2 = "(\w+Play\\("
2> let regex2 = "(\w+Play\\\("
error: error while processing module import: repl.swift:3:17: invalid escape sequence in literal
let regex2 = "(\w+Play\\\("
error: repl.swift:3:26: cannot find ')' to match opening '(' in string interpolation
let regex2 = "(\w+Play\\\("
error: repl.swift:3:14: unterminated string literal
let regex2 = "(\w+Play\\\("
2> let regex2 = "(\w+Play"
error: error while processing module import: repl.swift:3:17: invalid escape sequence in literal
let regex2 = "(\w+Play"
2> let regex2 = "(\w+Play)"
error: error while processing module import: repl.swift:3:17: invalid escape sequence in literal
let regex2 = "(\w+Play)"