`Reflection` property wrapper, do I need it?

I have my own UI classes but want to hide inner implementation via private access level. But I still need some properties for configuration like text, placeholder which will be just referencing the inner implementation. But in this case, I have to write a lot of duplicated code {set{...} get{...}} which do the same things and if I'll have more such properties the number lines of code will grow fast.

class MyTextField: UIView {
  @IBOutlet private var innerTextField: UItextField!
  var placeholder: String? { 
    set {
      innerTextField.placeholder = newValue
    get {
      return innerTextField.placeholder

  var text: String? { 
    set {
      innerTextField.text = newValue
    get {
      return innerTextField.text

So I've created a Reflection property wrapper to reduce number of lines and code duplication(the same template).

public struct Reflection<Value, Object: AnyObject> {
  private let keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Object, Value>
  private var innerValue: Value
  private weak var _sourceObject: Object? {
    didSet {
      _sourceObject?[keyPath: keyPath] = innerValue

  public var sourceObject: Object? {
    set {
      if newValue == nil {
        assertionFailure("`sourceObject` should be set up")
      _sourceObject = newValue
    get {
      if _sourceObject == nil {
        assertionFailure("`sourceObject` should be set up")
      return _sourceObject

  public init(
    wrappedValue initialValue: Value,
    keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Object, Value>
  ) {
    self.keyPath = keyPath
    self.innerValue = initialValue

  public var wrappedValue: Value {
    get {
      return sourceObject?[keyPath: keyPath] ?? innerValue
    set {
      innerValue = newValue
      sourceObject?[keyPath: keyPath] = innerValue

So right now implementation looks like:

class MyTextField: UIView {
  @IBOutlet private var innerTextField: UItextField!

  @Reflection(keyPath: \UITextField.placeholder)
  var placeholder: String? = nil
  @Reflection(keyPath: \UITextField.text)
  var text: String? = nil
  init() {
    _text.sourceObject = textField
    _placeholder.sourceObject = textField

So my question is it possible somehow remove lines in init method? Or may be general question does it really make sence to have such property wrappers? because probably doing _text.sourceObject = textField is a quite big downside of this solution.