Reference identity

I'm not sure if I'm asking the right question, but …

I have a need for a collection that's basically a set of objects (instances of reference types), where member equality is reference-equality not Equatable-equality. So, perhaps a set whose members are wrapped something like this:

struct ObjectReference: Equatable, Hashable {
	let object: AnyObject

	static func == (lhs: ObjectReference, rhs: ObjectReference) -> Bool {
		return lhs.object === rhs.object
	var hashValue: Int {
		return 0
let set = [ObjectReference(object: a), ObjectReference(object: b)]

This works, but obviously isn't workable because of the hashValue implementation. Kind of by accident, I tried this:

	var hashValue: Int {
		return object.hash!

(using AnyObject dispatch to — I suppose — the NSObject hash property via bridging). Somewhat surprisingly, it works for Swift-native reference types as well as actual NSObject types.

Is this something I can rely on? Is there bridging overhead? Is there a better way to get a set of objects respecting reference equality?

ObjectIdentifier is useful for this:

var hashValue: Int {
    return ObjectIdentifier(object).hashValue

If you don't ever need to read the object property, you could even use ObjectIdentifier instead of your ObjectReference struct.


Ah, yes, thank you! Now that you mention it, I remember having seen it before.