Proposal to add cancellation abilities for Async/Await

I have a proposal to include cancellation support with the upcoming async/await feature, which I wrote it up in a fork off of Chris Lattner's and Joe Groff's "Async/Await for Swift" gist:

The motivation is to provide a consistent and simple API to cancel asynchronous tasks. My theory (seemingly shared by some) is that supporting cancellation is too much trouble for many programmers, because it is a bit involved and the app may still basically work without it. But performance will likely suffer. With this proposal cancellation becomes a simple task so is much more likely to be implemented by app developers.

I created a prototype to see if the proposal actually works (it does!), which simulates async/await and cancellation:

The idea is to have a flavor of beginAsync that returns something that can be cancelled, which would in turn cancel all enclosed asynchronous operations:

/// Defines an asynchonous task for the purpose of cancellation.
protocol AsyncTask {
    func cancel()
    var isCancelled: Bool { get }

/// A list of async tasks along with the associated error handler
public protocol AsyncTaskList: AsyncTask {
    var tasks: [(task: AsyncTask, error: (Error) -> ())] { get }

/// Returns an 'AsyncTaskList' that can be used to cancel the enclosed
/// asynchronous tasks.
func beginAsyncTask(_ body: () async throws -> Void) rethrows -> AsyncTaskList

///  Invoking 'task' will add the given 'AsyncTask' to the chain of tasks enclosed by
/// 'beginAsyncTask', or does nothing if enclosed by 'beginAsync'.
func suspendAsync<T>(
  _ body: (_ continuation: @escaping (T) -> (),
           _ error: @escaping (Error) -> (),
           _ task: @esccaping (AsyncTask) -> ()) -> ()
) async throws -> T

It is possible to extend AsyncTaskList to add other methods:

/// Add 'suspend' and 'resume' capabilities to AsyncTaskList
extension AsyncTaskList {
    func suspend() { tasks.forEach { ($0.task as? URLSessionTask)?.suspend() } }
    func resume() { tasks.forEach { ($0.task as? URLSessionTask)?.resume() } }

/// Extend URLSessionTask to be an AsyncTask
extension URLSessionTask: AsyncTask {
    public var isCancelled: Bool {
        return state == .canceling || (error as NSError?)?.code == NSURLErrorCancelled

/// Add async version of dataTask(with:) which uses suspendAsync to handle the callback
extension URLSession {
    func dataTask(with request: URLRequest) async -> (request: URLRequest, response: URLResponse, data: Data) {
        return await suspendAsync { continuation, error, task in
            let dataTask = self.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, err in
                if let err = err {
                } else if let response = response, let data = data {
                    continuation((request, response, data))

Example usage for async URLSession.dataTask:

func performAppleSearch() async -> String {
    let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: .default)
    let request = URLRequest(url: URL(string: "")!)
    let result = await urlSession.dataTask(with: request)
    if let resultString = String(data:, encoding: .utf8) {
        return resultString
    throw WebResourceError.invalidResult

// Execute the URLSession example
do {
    let chain = try beginAsyncTask {
        let result = try performAppleSearch()
        print("Apple search result: \(result)")
} catch {
    print("Apple search error: \(error)")

More detailed information can be found in the gist and in the prototype.

Cancellation could be implemented separately, but including it with Swift Async/Await would encourage authors of coroutines to provide an AsyncTask to cancel the coroutine.

I'd love to get feedback and suggestions!!



I agree that cancellation is important topic around async/await.
I am also thinking about it recently.

I looked at your implementation.
Especially its elegant that
conform existent type such like URLSessionTask to AsyncTask using same name of cancel.

But I think that your design has too large granularity for language feature.
For example, if I undestand correctly,
user can not control cancellation group for independent await call in one async function.

I want to share my idea to you.

First, without any support about cancellation for async/await,
user can use pattern as like below.

// cancel notification sender interface
class CancelContext {
	var token: CancelToken
	func cancel()

// cancel notification receiver interface
class CancelToken {
	func register(handler: @escaping () -> Void)

// cancellable async func take cancel token
func download(url: URL, cancelBy cancelToken: CancelToken) async -> Data
func decodeImage(data: Data, cancelBy cancelToken: CancelToken) async -> UIImage

// task driver create CancelContext
func onStartButton() async {
    let cancelContext = CancelContext()
    self.cancelContext = cancelContext
    let cancelToken = cancelContext.token

    // user needs to pass same cancelToken for async functions 
    // which are wanted to compose same cancellation group.
    let data = await download(url: urlField.text, cancelBy: cancelToken)
    let image = await decodeImage(data: data, cancelBy: cancelToken)
    self.imageView.image = image

func onCancelButton() {

To generalize, almost composition of await call are become to below.

func start() async {
    let cancelContext = CancelContext()
    self.cancelContext = cancelContext
    let cancelToken = cancelContext.token

    let a = await f(cancelBy: cancelToken)
    let b = await g(a, cancelBy: cancelToken)
    let c = await h(b, cancelBy: cancelToken)
    let d = await k(c, cancelBy: cancelToken)

There is a problem.
Repeating explicit cancelBy: cancelToken is boring and too expressive.
User want to simply say "they are same group".

So I imagine code like blow.

func start() async {
    let cancelContext = CancelContext()
    self.cancelContext = cancelContext

    cancelContext.grouping {

        let a = await f()
        let b = await g(a)
        let c = await h(b)
        let d = await k(c)


If we can write this and it run as same explicit pattern,
Its best solution about async/await with cancellation.

Unfortunately I can not implement this.

The thing seems to this, autoreleasepool.

This higher function is can be considered as
it applies implicit hidden argument to all autorelease function invoking in it.
And in implementation detail, pool is stored at thread local storage.

Same technique can not apply to this cancellation grouping.
Because async function may switch thread.
So thread local storage is useless for it.

In this point, I got a one conclusion.
We need a some abstraction about single consecutive invocation of await.
In thread programming, this is Thread.current.threadDictionary.
So for example, we need such like CoroutineContext.current.contextDictionary.
If it is, each cancellable function take CancelToken from this implicitly.


Yeah, since that initial proposal, we identified the need to be able to associate context with a coroutine. See this follow up thread:

As for cancellation, I like the model described by Nathaniel Smith in this blog post:

He lays out the problems with composing operations with cancellation contexts and has some interesting ideas about taking cancellation tokens and applying them in an easy-to-use scoped manner that doesn’t require much boilerplate.


Thanks to information.
I have missed that thread about coroutine context.
And that blog seems to say same as what I want to tell.
I was relieved to know some people think about cancellation.
I'm looking forward to progress async/await.

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That is a wonderful blog post... would love to see something like that natively in Swift's async/await!

Also, rereading the proposal reminded me of something I had argued for earlier, and feel I have a better handle on now that I have been using futures/promises in swift. Instead of the proposed eventual Future class, I would like to see Swift's built-in support spelled as follows:

//If you use 'async' instead of `await` in front of an async func, you get something like a future
let myFuture = async myThrowingAsyncFunc() 

//To get the actual value out of the future, you must eventually `await` it. 
//If it can have an error, then this is when it will throw (hence the try)
let value = try await myFuture

Internally, this could still be implemented as a class, if desired... but there is also an opportunity for additional compiler optimization that we wouldn't have with a public class. The compiler could reorder statements when appropriate, for example. An internal implementation can also be changed over time more easily.

I would spell the future's type: async T where T is the resulting value type. This would allow us to pass futures between functions safely:

func myFutureTakingFunc(_ future: async T) async {...} 

I use the term "future" above to help understanding, but they could really just as easily be called "asynchronous variables".

let x : async T = ...  // You can use this pretty much like any other var, except you must await it to get the value

The nice thing is that our scoping rules for variables should naturally keep things from escaping, as long as we require these to be declared in an asyncContext.

I realize that this probably won't make the first proposal, but if something like this is desirable (and I believe it to be)... then we really should consider it in the manifesto.


I don't think we lose any optimization opportunities making those normal declarations, without special syntax. Similar to the proposed Result design, you could have the Future { ... } initializer box up an async computation, and give Future an unwrapped() method to release the value in an async context later. With our ABI resilience design, there isn't really any implementation hiding advantage normal types have over builtin language features.


My gut tells me that there would be lots of places where with the syntax, you wouldn't even have to box-then-unbox anything... but I will defer to your expertise on optimization.

I think my main concern is that I want all of this to feel like a first class part of the language, since in real world apps, it comes up all the time. Futures are great, but I don't think wrapping things in Future {...} (or Result {...}) and then calling unwrapped() feels first class. That is fine for Result, since many of the use cases will be obsoleted by async/await. The idea of being able to pass around asynchronous things however, will come up often enough that it really does warrant special consideration. (Imagine how annoying Optionals would be if you had to wrap everything in Optional{...} and call unwrapped() and flatmap() to use/chain values.)

The advantages of async variables:

  • The syntax fits naturally with async/await and try/throws
  • It doesn't require any additional keywords (just being able to use them in additional places)
  • It can naturally integrate with whatever cancel/timeout features are built for await (i.e. you can just think of await as await)
    • For example: Let's say we spell timeouts await(upTo: 10), then it is spelled the same for async vars, since we are just awaiting their value.
  • It can be added incrementally after async/await
  • It gives us a standard way to pass around asynchronous things (including blocks/functions)
  • It would naturally allow automatic promotion of non-async variables where appropriate (similar to optionals)
    • For example T could promote to async T when passed to an async T parameter
  • It doesn't prevent people from building a Future class on top of it
  • It has a minimal surface area, but still feels like a built-in first class part of the language (similar to optionals and throws)

I think having Async<T> as a compiler-known, but nominal, type is preferable to adding custom syntax. However, I do not think Async<T> should be be copyable.


/* moveonly */ struct Async<Wrapped> { 
  init(do: @escaping () -> Wrapped) -> Async<Wrapped> { /* … */ }
  __consuming func await() -> T { /* … */ }
  /* … */

To me, part of the point of async coroutines is that you don't need to pass values representing async computations around explicitly as much, only when you need to coordinate between multiple independent computations. Future is only one possible coordination mechanism, and not even necessarily the best one. It seems premature to start adding new special case syntax, and every special syntax added is another new thing users have to learn. The basic language feature should start out as simple and flexible as possible.


UPDATE: I am replacing my original reply on 12/10/2018 to propose a more elegant API using cancellation scopes. This is done in a similar way to Nathaniel J. Smith's Trio cancel scopes.

Wow, I'm blown away by all the feedback!!! I took my time responding as I've been updating my experimental project to try and incorporate all the feedback!

  • Regarding Joe Groff's feedback about Contextualizing async coroutines
    • I'm now using the async coroutine context for providing a cancel scope
  • Regarding Joe Groff's pointer to Nathaniel Smith's 'Timeouts and cancellation for humans' AND omochimetaru's feedback with CancelContext groups and CancelTokens
    • I've incorporated cancel scopes
    • The cancel scope can give you a subscope for finer granularity
    • I've added support for specifying a timeout
  • Regarding Jon Hull's feedback about futures
    • I haven't yet incorporated this into the prototype. At the moment I'm using class Future<T> straight from the original Async/Await proposal.
  • Regarding Dante Broggi's feedback about having Async as a nominal type
    • I haven't had a chance to try this yet.
  • Also got some feedback about the Progress Foundation class
    • I've extended CancelScope to include Progress support as follows:
      import Foundation
      extension Progress: Cancellable {}
      extension CancelScope {
          var progressables: [Progress] { return cancellables() }
          func pauseProgress() {
              progressables.forEach { $0.pause() }
          func resumeProgress() {
              progressables.forEach { $0.resume() }

The following is the revised proposal, experimentally implemented by the project GitHub - dougzilla32/AsyncCancellation: This project contains experimental code demonstrating proposed 'cancellation' abilities for the upcoming async/await Swift language feature.


In this proposal, the cancellation and timeout features are implemented using coroutine contexts:

  • A cancel scope (class CancelScope) is used to track cancellable asynchronous tasks within coroutines.
  • Cancellable tasks are manually added to the cancel scope as they are created, and are automatically removed from the cancel scope when their associated coroutine is resolved (i.e. the coroutine produces a result or an error).
  • The cancel scope has a cancel() method that can be used to explicitly cancel all unresolved tasks.
  • When cancel() is called on a cancel scope, all of its unresolved coroutines are immediately resolved with the error AsyncError.cancelled. Unwinding and cleanup for the associated task(s) happens in the background after the cancellation error is thrown.
  • The cancel scope is thread safe, therefore the same instance can be used in multiple calls to beginAsync
  • The cancel scope can produce subscopes for finer granularity of cancellation and timeouts.
  • The cancel scope has a timeout: TimeInterval initializer parameter for setting a timeout to cancel all unresolved tasks.

This proposal is influenced by Nathaniel J. Smith's excellent blog post Timeouts and cancellation for humans, which proposes cancel scopes as a human-friendly way to implement timeouts and cancellation. In our case, using a CancelScope instance as the beginAsync coroutine context sets up a cancellation scope.

Timer example

Here is a simple example using cancellation with async/await:

let cancelScope = CancelScope()
let error: (Error) -> () = { error in
    if error.isCancelled {
        print("Meaning Of Life calculation cancelled!")
    } else {
        print("An error occurred with the Meaning Of Life: \(error)")

do {
    try beginAsync(context: cancelScope, error: error) {
        let theMeaningOfLife: Int = await
        suspendAsync { continuation, error in
            let workItem = DispatchWorkItem {
                Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 0.1)
            if let cancelScope: CancelScope = getCoroutineContext() {
                cancelScope.add(cancellable: workItem)
        if theMeaningOfLife == 42 {
            print("The Meaning Of Life is 42!!")
        } else {
            print("Wait, what?")
} catch {

// Set a timeout (seconds) to prevent hangs
cancelScope.timeout = 30.0


// Call 'cancel' to abort the request


For 'cancellation' abilities the following changes and additions are proposed and are experimentally implemented in this project:

 'Cancellable' tasks that conform to this protocol can be used with
public protocol Cancellable {
    func cancel()

    var isCancelled: Bool { get }

/// Cancellation error
public enum AsyncError: Error {
    case cancelled

 The 'CancelScope' serves to:

 - Track a set of cancellables, providing the ability to cancel the
   set from any thread at any time

 - Provides subscopes for finer grained control over cancellation

 - Provide the current list of cancellables, allowing extensions of
   'CancelScope' to invoke other methods by casting

 - Optionally specify a timeout for its associated cancellables

 Note: A cancellable is considered resolved if either its
 'continuation' or its 'error' closure has been invoked.
public class CancelScope: Cancellable {
    /// Create a new `CancelScope` with optional timeout in seconds.
    /// All associated unresolved tasks will be cancelled after the
    /// given timeout. Default is no timeout.
    public init(timeout: TimeInterval = 0.0)

    /// Cancel all unresolved cancellables
    public func cancel()

    /// Returns true if all cancellables are either cancelled or
    /// resolved
    public var isCancelled: Bool { get }

    /// Add a cancellable to the cancel scope
    public func add(cancellable: Cancellable)

    /// The list of unresolved cancellables conforming to type 'T' for
    /// this cancel scope
    public func cancellables<T: Cancellable>() -> [T]

    /// Create a subscope.  The subscope can be cancelled separately
    /// from the parent scope. If the parent scope times out or is
    /// cancelled, all of it's  subscopes will be cancelled as well.
    /// The 'timeout' parameter specifies a timeout in seconds for
    /// the cancellation subscope, to cover the case where a shorter
    /// timeout than the parent scope is desired.
    public func makeSubscope(timeout: TimeInterval = 0.0) -> CancelScope

 Return a coroutime context matching the given type 'T' by applying
 the following checks in sequential order:

 1. If the coroutine context matches type 'T', then it is returned

 2. If the coroutine context is an array, then return the first item
    in the array matching 'T'

 3. Return 'nil' if there are no matches
public func getCoroutineContext<T>() -> T?

 Begins an asynchronous coroutine, transferring control to 'body'
 until it either suspends itself for the first time with
 'suspendAsync' or completes, at which point 'beginAsync' returns. If
 the async process completes by throwing an error before suspending
 itself, 'beginAsync' rethrows the error.

 Calls to 'beginAsync' may be nested, which can be used to provide
 additional coroutine contexts.  Coroutine contexts from outer scopes
 are inherited by concantenating all contexts as an array.  The
 'getCoroutineContext' function runs through this array looking for a
 matching type.

 - Parameter asyncContext: the context to use for all encapsulated

 - Parameter error: invoked if 'body' throws an error
public func beginAsync(
    asyncContext: Any? = nil,
    error: ((Error) -> ())? = nil,
    _ body: @escaping () throws -> Void
) rethrows

 Suspends the current coroutine and invokes 'body' with the
 coroutines's continuation closure. Invoking 'continuation' will
 resume the coroutine by having 'suspendAsync' return the value passed
 into the continuation.  It is a fatal error for 'continuation' to be
 invoked more than once.

 - Note: Cancellation is not supported with this flavor of
   'suspendAsync' and attempts to access the 'CancelScope' will
   trigger a fatal error.
public func suspendAsync<T>(
    _ body: @escaping (_ continuation: @escaping (T) -> ()) -> ()
) -> T

 Suspends the current coroutine and invokes 'body' with a continuation
 closure and a failure closure. The coroutine is resumed when either
 the continuation closure or the failure closure is invoked by 'body'.
 If 'body' invokes the continuation closure then 'suspendAsync' will
 return the provided value.  And if 'body' invokes the failure closure
 then 'suspendAsync' will throw the provided error.

 Only one of either the continuation closure or the failure closure
 may be called. It is a fatal error if both are called, or if either
 is called more than once.

 Code inside 'body' can support cancellation as follows:

     let cancellable: Cancellable = MyCancellableTask()


     // Add 'cancellable' to the 'CancelScope' coroutine context
     if let cancelScope: CancelScope = getCoroutineContext() {
       cancelScope.add(cancellable: cancellable)
public func suspendAsync<T>(
    _ body: @escaping (
        _ continuation: @escaping (T) -> (),
        _ error: @escaping (Error) -> ()
    ) -> ()
) throws -> T

This example shows how to define URLSession.dataTask as a coroutine that supports cancellation:

/// Extend 'URLSessionTask' to be 'Cancellable'
extension URLSessionTask: Cancellable {
    public var isCancelled: Bool {
        return state == .canceling || (error as NSError?)?.code
            == NSURLErrorCancelled

/// Add `URLSessionTask` suspend and resume capabilities to
/// 'CancelScope'
extension CancelScope {
    var urlSessionTasks: [URLSessionTask] { return cancellables() }

    func suspendTasks() { urlSessionTasks.forEach { $0.suspend() } }

    func resumeTasks() { urlSessionTasks.forEach { $0.resume() } }

/// Add async version of dataTask(with:) which uses suspendAsync to
/// handle the callback
extension URLSession {
    func dataTask(with request: URLRequest) async
        -> (request: URLRequest, response: URLResponse, data: Data) {
        return await suspendAsync { continuation, error in
            let task =
            self.dataTask(with: request) { data, response, err in
                if let err = err {
                } else if let response = response, let data = data {
                    continuation((request, response, data))
            if let cancelScope: CancelScope = getCoroutineContext() {
                cancelScope.add(cancellable: task)

This example demonstrates usage of the URLSessionTask.dataTask coroutine including cancellation and timeout

(from main.swift):

import Foundation

// Example: how to make a cancellable web request with the
// URLSession.dataTask coroutine
let cancelScope = CancelScope()
let error: (Error) -> () = { error in
    print("Apple search error: \(error)")

do {
    beginAsync(context: cancelScope, error: error) {
        let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: .default)
        let request = URLRequest(
            url: URL(string: "")!)
        let result = await urlSession.dataTask(with: request)
        let dataString = String(data:, encoding: .utf8)
        print("Apple search result: \(dataString)")
catch {
    print("Apple search error: \(error)")

// Set a timeout (seconds) to prevent hangs
cancelScope.timeout = 30.0


// Call 'cancel' to abort the request

Here is the image loading example from the original Async/Await proposal, along with cancellation and timeout abilities

(from main.swift):

/// For the purpose of this example, send a simple web request rather
/// than loading actual image data
func loadWebResource(_ name: String) async -> Data {
    let urlSession = URLSession(configuration: .default)
    let request = URLRequest(
        url: URL(string: "\(name)")!)
    let result = await urlSession.dataTask(with: request)

func decodeImage(_ profile: Data, _ data: Data) async -> Image

func dewarpAndCleanupImage(_ image: Image) async -> Image

/// Image loading example
func processImageData1a() async -> Image {
    let dataResource = Future {
        await loadWebResource("dataprofile.txt")
    let imageResource = Future {
        await loadWebResource("imagedata.dat")

    // ... other stuff can go here to cover load latency...

    let imageTmp = await decodeImage(
        try dataResource.get(), try imageResource.get())
    let imageResult = await dewarpAndCleanupImage(imageTmp)
    return imageResult

// Execute the image loading example
let queue = .default)
let cancelScope = CancelScope()
let error: (Error) -> () = { error in
    print("Image loading error: \(error)")

do {
    try beginAsync(context: [cancelScope, queue], error: error) {
        let result = try processImageData1a()
        print("Image result: \(result)")
} catch {
    print("Image loading error: \(error)")

// Set a timeout (seconds) to prevent hangs
cancelScope.timeout = 30.0


// Call cancel to abort the request

Prototype Limitations

This implementation has a limitation where suspendAsync blocks the current thread until either continutation or error has been called. According to the Async/Await proposal suspendAsync is supposed to allow the current thread to resume execution while any of its coroutine are waiting to be resolved.

To implement suspendAsync properly would require either a custom preprocessor that rewrites the code or would require compiler support. These is beyond the scope of this experimental implementation.


I made some assumptions about how coroutine contexts might work, and how to handle errors (such as cancellation) that are propagated up to beginAsync. These are described below:

Contextualizing async coroutines

The proposal for
'Contextualizing async coroutines' is incorporated in this implementation. I found that it is desirable to allow multiple contexts with beginAsync. Also for nested beginAsync calls, the contexts for the outer scopes should be preserved. My take on this is the following:

  • The coroutine context type is Any
  • Multiple contexts are combined into an array [Any]
  • Inner contexts take precidence over outer contexts.
  • There is a global function getCoroutineContext<T>() -> T?. If the current coroutine context conforms to T then it is returned directly. Otherwise if the context is an [Any], the first member of the array that conforms to T is returned. If there is no match then nil is returned.
  • For nested calls to beginAsync the outer coroutine context is merged with the new coroutine context to form the inner coroutine context.

Error handling for beginAsync

Error handling for beginAsync is not fully specified in 'Async/Await for Swift' by Chris Lattner and Joe Groff .

To handle errors throw by the body parameter in the beginAsync function, I've added an optional error handler parameter to beginAsync.


Btw, I am in the process of contributing cancellation support for version 7 of the the popular PromiseKit framework for Swift. The 'Cancel' for PromiseKit pull request has been in the works for around 9 months.

This proposal is inspired by the PromiseKit work. I mention PromiseKit to give some confidence that this pitch has a basis in reality.

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