Product names from different packages collide if packages are used as dependencies in same package

I tried to use swift-png package and jpeg package as dependencies in same package and got an error:

error project: multiple products named 'unit-test' in: 'jpeg', 'swift-png'
error project: multiple products named 'in-memory' in: 'jpeg', 'swift-png'
error project: multiple products named 'integration-test' in: 'jpeg', 'swift-png'
error project: multiple products named 'decode-basic' in: 'jpeg', 'swift-png'
error project: multiple products named 'custom-color' in: 'jpeg', 'swift-png'
error project: multiple products named 'encode-basic' in: 'jpeg', 'swift-png'
error project: multiple products named 'decode-online' in: 'jpeg', 'swift-png'

It looks like product names from different packages collide if these packages are used as dependencies in same package.

Is this a bug? Or is this known current limitation?

Any workaround except obvious one of renaming products to avoid collision?

Valeriy Van

Try out this feature: swift-evolution/proposals/ at main · apple/swift-evolution · GitHub

This really helped. Here is the PR where I update package manifest and use module alias for JPEG package. Thank you!