[Pitch] Unify preset static "initializers"

Hi all,

I was wondering the other day why "static initializers", as I will call them, are not unified:



UIColor.blackColor() - which will be UIColor.black() in Swift 3.

... which both do pretty much the same; they are used as convenience initialization for the specific type. I think their intent will be clearer though, when all of them either become static vars (as with CGRect.zero) or static funcs (as with UIColor.black()).

I, though, am not sure which would be the best option.

So I'd like to ask you all two questions:

- Do you think these should be unified? Why (not)?
- If yes, should funcs or vars be used?



CGRect.zero should IMHO be deprecated in favor of CGRect() instead, which makes it shorter and more "Swifty". But that's probably just my personal opinion and a bit off topic.

Nevertheless .zero on CGRect is a Swift extension which is `static var`. There is currently no way to have static vars on classes in ObjC, which is where .black() comes from, so it's currently a class method.

On the other hand, you are correct that it's a bit inconsistent, since when you have `static var sharedInstance` on a Swift class, it gets indeed exported into ObjC as +(Instance *)sharedInstance; - so making it the other way around would make sense.

Theoretically, it could be possible to allow annotations, such as NS_SWIFT_NAME(black) to make it a static var:

+(instancetype)blackColor NS_SWIFT_NAME(black);


On Jun 3, 2016, at 4:48 PM, Bas Broek via swift-evolution <swift-evolution@swift.org> wrote:

Hi all,

I was wondering the other day why "static initializers", as I will call them, are not unified:



UIColor.blackColor() - which will be UIColor.black() in Swift 3.

... which both do pretty much the same; they are used as convenience initialization for the specific type. I think their intent will be clearer though, when all of them either become static vars (as with CGRect.zero) or static funcs (as with UIColor.black()).

I, though, am not sure which would be the best option.

So I'd like to ask you all two questions:

- Do you think these should be unified? Why (not)?
- If yes, should funcs or vars be used?


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