[Pitch] Type Wrappers

That's fair. One thought that I also had was $projectedStorage (and possibly $ProjectedStorage). While it's a bit longer it highlights the purpose of that data to the point.

Or if the type ends up to be nested then possibly $wrappedStorage and $WrappedStorage. This could however likely clash with some other custom property, but that's basically the definition of 'burning a namespace'.

Yeah, I don't think we should worry too much about collision with another property — it may be reasonable to put this in the $ namespace, but if it then still collides with another $ property because someone also declares a property wrapper with the same base name, then we should just emit an error and be satisfied with that. The only permanent solution to avoiding those conflicts would be to burn a different namespace for every feature that does this kind of property creation, and that's just not a reasonable long-term direction.


@xwu and @DevAndArtist Thank you for the review! I'll try to address your questions today/tomorrow and will incorporate suggestions/clarifications into the proposal.

It has been made clear that simplistic example fails to highlight the most important bit, something which is impossible to do with property wrappers - by allowing type wrapper to wrap storage as a unit it means (overloadable) subscript(storageKeyPath:) could be used to implement custom business logic per-property that involves other properties as well.

Not trying to derail anything, but the conversations on wrapper types is very interesting to me and I used to provide too much feedback during the PW initial discussions.

Wild idea looking from a different perspective.

Do we really need to provide a 'type wrapper' just to collect all the stored properties of our interest?

What if we could project a common storage type from a single property wrapper instead? I think @Douglas_Gregor and @jrose had similar ideas.

Here's some bike shedding:

@propertyWrapper(common) // debatable name
struct Wrapper<T> { ... }

class Document {
  var content: String?

  var number: Int

  // synthesize common storage for all stored properties wrapped with `Wrapper`
  // and route them appropriately

Sure it requires you to wrap each property individually, but the main idea that was pitch could still remain.

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I think this feature may be missing some way to alter the properties of the $Storage type. Under the current proposal, if the original type has a property var x: Int, the $Storage type gets exactly that same property. So you can abstract the storage as a whole, but you can't change how individual properties are stored without completely abandoning the $Storage type and just e.g. using the KeyPath as a dictionary key. That's a pretty major limitation vs. having property wrappers on all the properties.

Would it be possible to allow the property storage to be independently modified by, say, mapping them through some sort of generic typealias on the wrapper type if it exists? Something like:

  typealias PropertyStorageType<PropertyType> = PropertyType?

I guess the biggest concern here would be what it would imply for other things like initialization.

@xedin In this GenerationTracker example is there a way to opt-in/opt-out tracking of properties? :thinking: I think this would be a use case to type wrappers + property wrappers to fine-tuning behaviors.

class Document {
  let title: String
  @Tracked var content: String? = nil
  var timestamp: UInt64

Yes, you can use @typeWrapperIgnored attribute to opt-out from type wrapper transform.

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Sorry, I've missed this part! Thanks!

As I mentioned in my previous comment this wouldn't allow fine-grained control over accesses to the properties.

I can imagine this being a compelling use case for swift-protobuf. We currently use some heuristics to decide whether the generated struct is small/simple enough that we generate its fields as stored properties or if we should generate an embedded class with CoW semantics. Property wrappers suffer the problem described in the pitch that we can't wrap all the fields as a set; they would each incur their own heap allocation. Instead, I believe this would let us just conditionally attach a type wrapper to the message struct when we generate it, and then the rest of our generation could be simplified by removing conditionals that say "if we have embedded storage, generate this, else generate that".


For what it's worth, if the enclosing type is a class you can solve it with property wrappers using enclosing instance:

class TrackingTest: GenerationTrackable {
    private var generation: Int = 0

    func increaseGeneration() {
        generation += 1

    @GenerationTracked var something: String = ""
    @GenerationTracked var somethingElse: String = ""

protocol GenerationTrackable: AnyObject {
    func increaseGeneration()

struct GenerationTracked<Value: Equatable> {
    static subscript<T: GenerationTrackable>(
        _enclosingInstance instance: T,
        wrapped wrappedKeyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, Value>,
        storage storageKeyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<T, Self>
    ) -> Value {
        get {
            instance[keyPath: storageKeyPath].storage
        set {
            if newValue != instance[keyPath: storageKeyPath].storage {
            instance[keyPath: storageKeyPath].storage = newValue

    @available(*, unavailable,
                message: "@Published can only be applied to classes"
    var wrappedValue: Value {
        get { fatalError() }
        set { fatalError() }

    private var storage: Value

    init(wrappedValue: Value) {
        storage = wrappedValue

I think this in an interesting point because it shows that this property wrapper feature could be replaced with a type wrapper which is easier to use and is not limited to classes.


Ah, thank you; needed a second read to grasp this (even though it's laid out clearly in the design!).

It felt intuitive to me that the generic type accessible to a type wrapper is the type that it wraps, like how a generic property wrapper is often generic over the type of the wrapped property.

I asked about constraints on the wrapped type because it feels reasonable that a type wrapper might utilize information from the type that's wrapped—here's a rough sketch of what I had in mind:

protocol HistoryTracked {
    /// Defines the maximum number of elements which can be held in memory for an @HistoryTracking type
    var recentHistoryMaxBufferSize: Int { get }

// ! Suppose 'Wrapped' here represents the actual wrapped type, rather than $Storage
struct HistoryTracking<Wrapped: HistoryTracked> {
  var underlying: Wrapped
  var history: [Wrapped] = []
  init(memberwise storage: Wrapped) {
    self.underlying = storage

  subscript<V>(storageKeyPath path: WritableKeyPath<Wrapped, V>) -> V {
    get { 
      return underlying[keyPath: path]
    set {
      // ! use of behavior customized by the wrapped instance
      if history.count == underlying.recentHistoryMaxBufferSize {
         history.removeFirst() // (excuse the performance)
      underlying[keyPath: path] = newValue

The idea here being that a wrapped type can use these hooks to customize the behavior of the type wrapper:

struct Document {
   var title: String
   var content: String

   var recentHistoryMaxBufferSize: Int { 64 } // Up to the implementor!

It seems to me that if the wrapper has access only to a synthesized $Storage struct, it can't impose constraints on the wrapped type, and therefore can't allow a wrapped instance to customize the behavior of the wrapper.

(This is one contrived example—just a gut feeling that other use cases may want this ability; a survey of those use cases might help!)

While writing this pitch I was wondering whether it would be useful to add a generic parameter to initializer or subscript which would represent the wrapped type.

For example:

struct HistoryTracking<Storage> {
  var underlying: Storage
  var history: [Storage] = []
  init(memberwise storage: Storage) {
    self.underlying = storage

  subscript<Wrapped, V>(_ underlyingSelf: Wrapped, storageKeyPath path: WritableKeyPath<Wrapped, V>) -> V {
    get { 
      return underlying[keyPath: path]
    set {
      underlying[keyPath: path] = newValue

  subscript<Wrapped: HistoryTracked, V>(_ underlyingSelf: Wrapped, storageKeyPath path: WritableKeyPath<Wrapped, V>) -> V {
    get { 
      return underlying[keyPath: path]
    set {
      // ! use of behavior customized by the wrapped instance
      if history.count == underlyingSelf.recentHistoryMaxBufferSize {
         history.removeFirst() // (excuse the performance)
      underlying[keyPath: path] = newValue
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I think $Storage/$storage would work then, I'll work on a custom diagnostic for that.

memberwise: is just something I used without any other subtext, will change it to storage:.

It would behave as Foo behaves because getDefaultValue() is placed as default expression on a parameter:

struct Baz {
  var i: Int

  init(i: Int = getDefaultValue()) { self.i = i }

  static func getDefaultValue() -> Int {
    return 42

It's the same with or without wrappers, their init expressions and or wrapper arguments are added to parameters: init(@Wrapper(x: 42) i: Int) or init(@Wrapper i: Int = 42).

I'll expand on that in the proposal.

Good idea, will add that as well!

It would be allowed to write extension <Type> : ProtocolWithTypeWrapper but the type wrapper attribute is not going to be inferred for <Type> which means that the transform is not going to happen. Maybe we should add a warning for this case, I'm not sure...

Maybe this could be considered a future direction.

This is a great question and I don't have a good answer. It's definitely possible that a single TypeWrapper protocol with refinements would do the job just fine because I've only considered using this for adding methods from type wrapper to the wrapped type.

I don't have a use-case in mind, it seemed prudent to add explicit escape because the transformation is explicit, but it could definitely be misused.

I can add that to future directions.

In my opinion the provided examples are too exaggerated. This is very specific task which require specific solutions. You can simply do this such way:

class Document {
  let title: String
  var content: String? { [p: \.content] }
  var creationDate: Date { [p: \.creationDate] }
  var modifyDate: Date { [p: \.modifyDate] }
  var type: String { [p: \.type] }
  private var storage = Storage {}
  subscript<U>(p keyPath: WritableKeyPath<Storage, U>) -> U {
    get { storage[keyPath: keyPath] }
    set { storage[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue; storage.generation += 1 }
  private struct Storage {
    var generation: Int = 0
    var content: String?
    var creationDate: Date = .now
    var modifyDate: Date = .now
    var type: String = ""

In this example there are four mutable properties and not so much bolierplate. You can protect mutable state by any technique you need or not protect it at all.

The proposed solution does not protect people from doing wrong things. Shared DispatchQueue can be passed to property wrapper initializer for example. If someone create a lot of DispatchQueues it is not a language design problem, it is a programmer's mistake.

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This is something which is potentially interesting for Realm, although I think we'd need some additional pieces to actually use it.

Currently, users define model classes by inheriting from a base class we provide, and then marking properties with a property wrapper we provide:

class Document: Object {
    @Persisted(primaryKey: true) var _id: ObjectId
    @Persisted var title: String
    @Persisted var content: String?

Object instances of these classes can either be "unmanaged", in which case they behave exactly like ordinary objects and @Persisted is just pass-through storage, or they can be "managed", which means that the object is an accessor for data in the database, and the property getters read from the database and the setters write to the database. The normal initializer (i.e. Document()) creates unmanaged objects, reading objects from the Realm produces managed objects (e.g. realm.objects(Document.self).first!), and unmanaged objects can be turned into managed objects with realm.add(document).

The current property wrapper based design has a few drawbacks:

  1. It requires subclassing a base class. This means that it can't be a struct (which may or may not be a good idea even if it was possible), and it means that we don't play well with other libraries which want you to subclass something.
  2. There's some minor performance issues with initializing managed objects due to that we need to loop over each of the properties to initialize the property wrapper. This isn't a big deal, but given a model class with a large number of properties, something like realm.objects(Document.self).map { $0.title } can spend most of its runtime in initializing property wrappers.
  3. The implementation is horribly complicated, and I'm not fully confident that everything we're doing is actually legal and not just things that happen to work. Also it relies on _enclosingInstance.
  4. The complexity of the implementation has forced us to make the API worse in places. For example, we would have preferred @PrimaryKey var _id: ObjectId, but I couldn't figure out how to make it work without duplicating hundreds of lines of code.
  5. The managed or unmanaged enum discriminant is stored per-property, which in practice adds a word to the size of objects for each property (for most property types).

A hypothetical type wrapper based version might look something like:

class Document {
    @PrimaryKey var _id: ObjectId
    var title: String = ""
    var content: String?

struct RealmObject<S> {
    enum Storage<S> {
        case unmanaged(S)
        case managed(RLMObject)
    var storage: Storage<s>

    init(memberwise storage: S) {
        self.storage = .unmanaged(storage)

    init(managed object: RLMObject) {
        self.storage = .managed(object)

    subscript<V>(storageKeyPath path: WritableKeyPath<S, V>) -> V
          where V: RealmPersistable {
        get {
            switch storage {
            case let .unmanaged(v):
                return v[keyPath: path]
            case let .managed(obj):
                return V.get(obj, path)
        set {
            switch storage {
            case let .unmanaged(v):
                v[keyPath: path] = newValue
                self = .unmanaged(v)
            case let .managed(obj):
                return V.set(obj, path, newValue)

    func promoteToManaged(object: RLMObject) {
        self.storage = .managed(object)

// Each type which can be stored in Realm conforms to RealmPersistable and
// provides functions for reading and writing values of that type
extension String: RealmPersistable {
    static func get<S>(_ object: RLMObject, _ path: WritableKeyPath<S, String>) -> String {
        return RLMGetString(object, keyPathToColumnId(path))

    static func set<S>(_ object: RLMObject, _ path: WritableKeyPath<S, String>, _ value: String) {
        RLMSetString(object, keyPathToColumnId(path), value)

func keyPathToColumnId<V: RealmObject, S>(_ path: WritableKeyPath<S, String>) -> Int {
    // ?

// @PrimaryKey is just a no-op tag used during schema discovery and to
// constrain the property to valid types
struct PrimaryKey<Value: RealmPrimaryKey> {
    var value: Value
    init(wrappedValue: Value) {
        self.value = wrappedValue

    var projectedValue: Self { return self }

    var wrappedValue: Value {
        get { value }
        set { value = newValue }

I see two missing pieces for this to work. The first is the where clause on the subscript. We don't support properties of arbitrary types and instead need them to conform to a specific protocol, which the proposal currently doesn't appear to allow.

The other is something not directly related to this proposal: I don't think keyPathToColumnId is currently implementable. _enclosingInstance has a similar problem where we need to turn a keypath into something that can identify which database column to access. There we take advantage of that the target of the keypath is a property wrapper we define, and store the column id on each of the property wrappers (initializing these property wrappers involves ivar_getOffset() and pointer math, and is the part that I'm not sure is actually valid). With type wrappers we could not use the same approach.

There's probably some other problems which would pop up; this is just what occurred to me with an hour or two of thinking about it.


Trying to think way outside the box.

I still think if the focus of this proposal is to operate over an extracted set of stored properties, this new attribute should also reflect only that specific sub-case with its own name and not burn the generic typeWrapper term. That said, storageWrapper would fit way better here.

Let's get a bit abstract in here. I'll reuse the above example I used where are @typeWrapper (not the @storageWrapper, but the true generic version as mentioned above) could project a similar named $-sign prefixed type.

Also let's put the concrete implementation details aside. I'm sure we would eventually be able to figure out the HOW if we only wanted, but that's not super important just for the sake of this little demonstration. The whole purpose of this is just to visually present one or two examples on how interesting true type wrappers could become.

@ValueSemanticsObject // ──┐                      
class Foo<T>          //   └───────── wrapped type ─────────┐
struct $Foo<T>        // ◀─ projected value semantics type ─┘   

// just for the sake of demonstration, let's assume
// a type wrapper would use a template type which the 
// compiler could use to construct a brand new `$` type
// or simply built a type alias with it

struct ValueSemanticsObject<WrappedObject: AnyObject> {
  struct Template
    var _wrappedObject: WrappedObject

      dynamicMember keyPath: ReferenceWritableKeyPath<Value, T>
    ) -> T { /* perform CoW here  */ }

    // add something to like `dynamicMethod` to project methods
    // and not only properties

// the compiler could potentially synthesize something like this?
typealias $Foo<T> = ValueSemanticsObject<Foo<T>>.Template

// or if we ever get `newtype`
newtype $Foo<T> = ValueSemanticsObject<Foo<T>>.Template

Such a Template shouldn't be limited to a struct only, it could be anything. Of course we would have to figure out how to define a fairly good set of understandable and predictable rules to pull this off, but truly wrapping a whole type could do so much more besides pulling the stored properties into a new private storage type.

For the next small discussion, let's disable the automatic $Storage generation for the @storageWrapper and see what this would mean.

At first glance we would lose almost all benefits that this pitch provides in regards to automatic synthetization. Before I attempt to try elaboration on how we could fix that, let's see what we actually gained from this.

The strictness of the pitched rules is removed. A @storageWrapper type does not need to have a generic type parameter to directly reference the storage type as it can now be done manually.

struct MyClassStorageWrapper {
  var storage: MyClass.MyManualStorage
  // details excluded for simplicity

class MyClass {
  struct MyManualStorage { ... }

As several people already mentioned above the pitched $Storage type is fairly limited. With this change however we could restore the manual control over the concrete storage type and we can technically do whatever we want that type.

I previously mentioned that the automatic connection between the stored properties and the storage is lost. How can we fix this without reintroducing all the synthesized boiler plate code?

Let me answer that question with a counter question: What if we would first introduce a property wrapper for exactly that purpose?

class MyClass {
  var wrapper: MyClassStorageWrapper

  var value: String

  var count: Int

  // in the future?
  var contains: (String.Element) -> Bool

If such a property wrapper existed, it would allow us to re-link the lost connection. Sure it requires a bit of manual work, but even that seems like a win, as such a wrapper can not only link against the one storage type as was previously pitched, but it can link against anything that is reachable via a key-path, maybe even methods in the future.

At this point I think it becomes a bit more clear that the @storageWrapper that does all that automatically for us is not really brining that much to the table. Don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say it's not useful, but I think that an alternative solution to that particular problem seems a bit more promising as it also opens up other avenues.

However this would require us to explore further the ability for property wrappers to access the enclosing type, optimization of property wrappers where they could be just 'computed property wrappers' to be also allowed in extensions, etc. etc.

I hope that feedback will not derail the topic and still somehow help the author(s) and the community steering the evolution of these features towards the right direction.


Subscripts references are injected during type-checking so subscript(storageKeyPath:) could be overloaded the way you describe.

On the one hand, I feel like this is something that could definitely be useful. A use case that immediately comes to mind is wrapping a type with automatic undo management:

struct UndoManaged<T> {
  private var storage: T
  private var undos: [T] = []
  private var redos: [T] = []
  init(storage: T) {
    self.storage = storage
  subscript<U>(storageKeyPath keyPath: WritableKeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
    get { storage[keyPath: keyPath] }
    set {
      storage[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue
  mutating func undo() {
    if let undo = undos.popLast() {
      storage = undo

  mutating func redo() {
    if let redo = redos.popLast() {
      storage = redo

On the other hand, it feels like a LOT of added compiler/language complexity for little saved user complexity. I don’t think the proposal does a good job of comparing this to dynamic member lookup. The same wrapper implemented today with @dynamicMemberLookup looks almost identical:

struct UndoManaged<T> {
  private var storage: T
  private var undos: [T] = []
  private var redos: [T] = []
  init(_ storage: T) {
    self.storage = storage
  subscript<U>(dynamicMember keyPath: WritableKeyPath<T, U>) -> U {
    get { storage[keyPath: keyPath] }
    set {
      storage[keyPath: keyPath] = newValue
  mutating func undo() {
    if let undo = undos.popLast() {
      storage = undo

  mutating func redo() {
    if let redo = redos.popLast() {
      storage = redo

It seems to me that the real difference between type wrappers and dynamic member lookup isn’t really complexity, but the UX when using the wrapper. With dynamic member lookup you need to wrap a type when you use it. With type wrappers you wrap the type when you define it, and the wrapper effectively becomes part of the type.

With dynamic member lookup:

struct Document {

var document: UndoManaged<Document>

With type wrappers:

struct Document {

var document: Document