SE-0385: Custom Reflection Metadata

Sure thing, I can add a code example involving property wrapper "metadata" to the Motivation section!

Yes, but it's not just about performance. It's a serious expressivity limitation that you must have an instance in order to retrieve property wrapper metadata. I've seen use cases that will create dummy instances of types just to gather the metadata from stored property wrappers. I'll include this in the code example I'll add to the Motivation section.

EDIT: I remembered a very recent example posted on the forums over here:

This use case in Realm is using a very brittle approach that turns a key-path into an identifier used for database access. This use-case could instead use a custom metadata attribute that provides an identifier for a given key-path that is provided by the programmer, or we could have #function in a metadata attribute grab the name of the function it's attached to (which also works for properties today).