After much anticipation and a lot of footwork, I am really excited to present something I have been working on for a bit now. A transactional observation mechanism to provide an AsyncSequence
from approachable composition of @Observable
data sources. Here is the pitch as a pull request to Swift Evolution.
Observation was introduced to add the ability to observe changes in graphs of objects. The initial tools for observation afforded seamless integration into SwiftUI, however aiding SwiftUI is not the only intent of the module - it is more general than that. This proposal describes a new safe, ergonomic and composable way to observe changes to models using an AsyncSequence, starting transactions at the first willSet and then emitting a value upon that transaction end at the first point of consistency by interoperating with Swift Concurrency.
Observation was designed to allow future support for providing an AsyncSequence
of values, as described in the initial Observability proposal. This follow-up proposal offers tools for enabling asynchronous sequences of values, allowing non-SwiftUI systems to have the same level of "just-the-right-amount-of-magic" as when using SwiftUI.
Numerous frameworks in the Darwin SDKs provide APIs for accessing an
of values emitted from changes to a property on a given model type. For example, DockKit provides trackingStates
and Group Activities provides localParticipantStates
. These are much like other APIs that provide AsyncSequence
from a model type; they hand crafted to provide events from when that object changes. These manual implementations are not trivial and require careful book-keeping to get right. In addition, library and application code faces the same burden to use this pattern for observing changes. Each of these uses would benefit from having a centralized and easy mechanism to implement this kind of sequence.
Observation was built to let developers avoid the complexity inherent when making sure the UI is updated upon value changes. For developers using SwiftUI and the @Observable
macro to mark their types, this principle is already realized; directly using values over time should mirror this ease of use, providing the same level of power and flexibility. That model of tracking changes by a graph allows for perhaps the most compelling part of Observation; it can track changes by utilizing naturally written Swift code that is written just like the logic of other plain functions. In practice that means that any solution will also follow that same concept even for disjoint graphs that do not share connections. The solution will allow for iterating changed values for applications that do not use UI as seamlessly as those that do.
Proposed solution
This proposal adds a straightforward new tool: a closure-initialized Observed
type that acts as a sequence of closure-returned values, emitting new values when something within that closure changes.
This new type makes it easy to write asynchronous sequences to track changes but also ensures that access is safe with respect to concurrency.
The simple Person
type declared here will be used for examples in the
remainder of this proposal:
final class Person {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var name: String { firstName + " " + lastName }
init(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
Creating an Observed
asynchronous sequence is straightforward. This example creates an asynchronous sequence that yields a value every time the composed name
property is updated:
let names = Observed { }
However if the example was more complex and the Person
type in the previous example had a var pet: Pet?
property which was also @Observable
then the closure can be written with a more complex expression.
final class Pet {
var name: String
init(name: String } { = name }
final class Person {
var firstName: String
var lastName: String
var pet: Pet?
var name: String { firstName + " " + lastName }
init(firstName: String, lastName: String) {
self.firstName = firstName
self.lastName = lastName
let greetings = Observed {
if let pet = {
return "Hello \( and \("
} else {
return "Hello \("
In that example it would track both the assignment of a new pet and then consequently that pet's name.
Detailed design
There a few behaviors that are prerequisites to understanding the requirements of the actual design. These two key behaviors are how the model handles tearing and how the model handles sharing.
Tearing is where a value that is expected to be assigned as a singular transactional operation can potentially be observed in an intermediate and inconsistent state. The example Person
type shows this when a firstName
is set and then the lastName
is set. If the observation was triggered just on the trailing edge (the didSet
operation) then an assignment to both properties would garner an event for both properties and potentially get an inconsistent value emitted from name
. Swift has a mechanism for expressing the grouping of changes together: isolation. When an actor or an isolated type is modified it is expected (enforced by the language itself) to be in a consistent state at the next suspension point. This means that if we can utilize the isolation that is safe for the type then the suspensions on that isolation should result in safe (and non torn values). This means that the implementation must be transactional upon that suspension; starting the transaction on the first trigger of a leading edge (the willSet
) and then completing the transaction on the next suspension of that isolation.
The simple example of tearing would work as the following:
let person = Person(firstName: "", lastName: "")
// willSet \.firstName - start a transaction
person.firstName = "Jane"
// didSet \.firstName
// willSet \.lastName - the transaction is still dirty
person.lastName = "Appleseed"
// didSet \.lastName
// the next suspension the `name` property will be valid
Suspensions are any point where a task can be calling out to something where they await
. Swift concurrency enforces safety around these by making sure that isolation is respected. Any time a function has a suspension point data associated with the type must be ready to be read by the definitions of actor isolation. In the previous example of the Person
instance the firstName
and lastName
properties are mutated together in the same isolation, that means that no other access in that isolation can read those values when they are torn without the type being Sendable
(able to be read from multiple isolations). That means that in the case of a non-Sendable
type the access must be constrained to an isolation, and in the Sendable
cases the mutation is guarded by some sort of mechanism like a lock, In either case it means that the next time one can read a safe value is on that same isolation of the safe access to start with and that happens on that isolations next suspension.
Observing at the next suspension point means that we can also address the second issue too; sharing. The expectation of observing a property from a type as an AsyncSequence is that multiple iterations of the same sequence from multiple tasks will emit the same values at the same iteration points. The following code is expected to emit the same values in both tasks.
let names = Observed { person.firstName + " " + person.lastName }
Task.detached {
for await name in names {
print("Task1: \(name)")
Task.detached {
for await name in names {
print("Task2: \(name)")
In this case both tasks will get the same values upon the same events. This can be achieved without needing an extra buffer since the suspension of each side of the iteration are continuations resuming all together upon the accessor's execution on the specified isolation. This facilitates subject-like behavior such that the values are sent from the isolation for access to the iteration's continuation.
Putting this together grants a signature as such:
public struct Observed<Element: Sendable, Failure: Error>: AsyncSequence, Sendable {
public init(
isolation: isolated (any Actor)? = #isolation,
@_inheritActorContext _ emit: @Sendable @escaping () throws(Failure) -> Element?
Picking the initializer apart first captures the current isolation of the creation of the Observed
instance. Then it captures a Sendable
closure that inherits that current isolation. This means that the closure may only execute on the captured isolation. That closure is run to determine which properties are accessed by using Observation's withObservationTracking
. So any access to a tracked property of an @Observable
type will compose for the determination of which properties to track.
The closure is not run immediately it is run asynchronously upon the first call to the iterator's next
method. This establishes the first tracking state for Observation by invoking the closure inside a withObservationTracking
on the implicitly specified isolation. Then upon the first willSet
it will enqueue on to the isolation a new execution of the closure and finishing the transaction to prime for the next call to the iterator's next
The closure has two other features that are important for common usage; firstly the closure is typed-throws such that any access to that emission closure will potentially throw an error if the developer specifies. This allows for complex composition of potentially failable systems. Any thrown error will mean that the Observed
sequence is complete and loops that are currently iterating will terminate with that given failure. Subsequent calls then to next
on those iterators will return nil
- indicating that the iteration is complete. Furthermore the emit
closure also has a nullable result which indicates the
sequence is finished without failure.
The nullable result indication can then be easily used with weak references to @Observable
instances. This likely will be a common pattern of users of the Observed
async sequence.
let names = Observed { [weak person] in
This lets the Observed
async sequence compose a value that represents a lifetime bound emission. That the subject is not strongly referenced and can terminate the sequence when the object is deinitialized.
Effect on ABI stability & API resilience
This provides no alteration to existing APIs and is purely additive. However it does have a few points of interest about future source compatibility; namely the initializer does ferry the inherited actor context as a parameter and if in the future Swift develops a mechanism to infer this without a user overridable parameter then there may be a source breaking ambiguity that would need to be disambiguated.
Notes to API authors
This proposal does not change the fact that the spectrum of APIs may range from favoring AsyncSequence
properties to purely @Observable
models. They both have their place. However the calculus of determining the best exposition may be slightly more refined now with Observed
If a type is representative of a model and is either transactional in that some properties may be linked in their meaning and would be a mistake to read in a disjoint manner (the tearing example from previous sections), or if the model interacts with UI systems it now more so than ever makes sense to use @Observable
especially with Observed
now as an option. Some cases may have previously favored exposing those AsyncSequence
properties and would now instead favor allowing the users of those APIs compose things by using Observed
. The other side of the spectrum will still exist but now is more strongly relegated to types that have independent value streams that are more accurately described as AsyncSequence
types being exposed. The suggestion for API authors is that now with Observed
favoring @Observable
perhaps should take more of a consideration than it previously did.
Alternatives Considered
There have been many iterations of this feature so far but these are some of the
highlights of alternative mechanisms that were considered.
Just expose a closure with didSet
: This misses the mark with regards to concurrency safety but also faces a large problem with regards to transactionality. This would also be out sync with the expected behavior of existing observation uses like SwiftUI. The one benefit of that approach is that each setter call would have a corresponding callback and would be more simple to implement with the existing infrastructure. It was ultimately rejected because that would fall prey to the issue of tearing and the general form of composition was not as ergonomic as other solutions.
Expose an AsyncSequence based on didSet
: This also falls to the same issues with the closure approach except is perhaps slightly more ergonomic to compose. This was also rejected due to the tearing problem stated in the proposal.
Expose an AsyncSequence property extension based on KeyPath
: This could be adapted to the willSet
and perhaps transactional models, but faces problems when attempting to use KeyPath
across concurrency domains (since by default they are not Sendable). The implementation of that approach would require considerable improvement to handling of KeyPath
and concurrency (which may be an optimization path that could be considered in the future if the API merits it). As it stands however the KeyPath
approach in comparison to the closure initializer is considerably less easy to compose.
One consideration that is an addition is to add an unsafe initializer that lets an isolation be specified manually rather than picking it up from the inferred context. This is something that if usage cases demand it is possible and worth entertaining. But that is completely additive and can be bolted on later-on.