[Pitch] Swift Subprocess

Would love this kind of API to be standardized, thank you for this proposal!

There are a lot of different packages you could use or build your own around Process but they tend to have a lot of short comings when it comes with truly being async.

Has this proposal already been approved and is being worked on or are we waiting for more discussion / design?

The review was opened. We are going to do a second round of review once @icharleshuincorporates feedback and updates the proposal.

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Very interested. At work I've created a robust wrapper API over Process. It functions well except for subprocesses that are truly interactive, which I define as a process that requires a TTY.

Can the authors comment on the possibility of adding a control/configuration semantic for handling processes that require a TTY?

I believe that the current thread about this is: [Review, 3rd] SF-0007: Subprocess

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