Strongly Typed Regex Captures
Authors: Richard Wei, Kyle Macomber
See latest revision below
Original version:
Capturing groups are a commonly used component of regular expressions as they allow the programmer to extract information from matched input. A capturing group collects multiple characters together as a single unit that can be backreferenced within the regular expression and accessed in the result of a successful match. For example, the following regular expression contains the capturing groups (cd*)
and (ef)
// Literal version.
let regex = /ab(cd*)(ef)gh/
// => `Regex<(Substring, Substring)>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// let regex = Pattern {
// "ab"
// Group {
// "c"
// Repeat("d")
// }.capture()
// "ef".capture()
// "gh"
// }
if let match = "abcddddefgh".firstMatch(of: regex) {
print(match) // => ("abcddddefgh", "cdddd", "ef")
We introduce a generic type Regex<Captures>
, which treats the type of captures as part of a regular expression's type information for type safety and ease of use. As we explore a fundamental design aspect of the regular expression feature, this pitch discusses the following topics.
- A type definition of the generic type
method. - Capture type inference and composition in regular expression literals and the forthcoming result builder syntax.
- New language features which this design may require.
This focus of this pitch is the structural properties of capture types and how regular expression patterns compose to form new capture types. The semantics of string matching, its effect on the capture types (i.e. UnicodeScalarView
or Substring
), the result builder syntax, or the literal syntax will be discussed in future pitches.
For background on Declarative String Processing, see related topics:
- Declarative String Processing Overview
- Regular Expression Literals
- Character Classes for String Processing
Across a variety of programming languages, many established regular expression libraries present captures as a collection of captured content to the caller upon a successful match [1][2]. However, to know the structure of captured contents, programmers often need to carefully read the regular expression or run the regular expression on some input to find out. Because regular expressions are oftentimes statically available in the source code, there is a missed opportunity to use generics to present captures as part of type information to the programmer, and to leverage the compiler to infer the type of captures based on a regular expression literal. As we propose to introduce declarative string processing capabilities to the language and the Standard Library, we would like to explore a type-safe approach to regular expression captures.
Proposed solution
We introduce a generic structure Regex<Captures>
whose generic parameter Captures
denotes the type of the captured content of such a regular expression. With a single generic parameter Captures
, we make use of tuples to represent multiple and nested captures.
let regex = /ab(cd*)(ef)gh/
// => Regex<(Substring, Substring)>
if let match = "abcddddefgh".firstMatch(of: regex) {
print(match) // => ("abcddddefgh", "cdddd", "ef")
During type inference for regular expression literals, the compiler infers the capture type based on the regular expression's content. Same for the result builder syntax, except that the type inference rules are expressed as method declarations in the result builder type.
Detailed design
is a structure that represents a regular expression. Regex
is generic over an unconstrained generic parameter Captures
. Upon a regex match, the captured values are available as part of the result.
public struct Regex<Captures>: RegexProtocol, ExpressibleByRegexLiteral {
The firstMatch
method returns a Substring
of the first match of the provided regex in the string, or nil
if there are no matches. If the provided regex contains captures, the result is a tuple of the match and the flattened capture type (described more below).
extension String {
public func firstMatch<R: RegexProtocol, C...>(of regex: R)
-> (Substring, C...)? where R.Captures == (C...)
// Expands to:
// extension String {
// func firstMatch<R: RegexProtocol>(of regex: R)
// -> Substring? where R.Captures == ()
// func firstMatch<R: RegexProtocol, C1>(of regex: R)
// -> (Substring, C1)? where R.Captures == (C1)
// func firstMatch<R: RegexProtocol, C1, C2>(of regex: R)
// -> (Substring, C1, C2)? where R.Captures == (C1, C2)
// ...
// }
This signature is consistent with traditional regex backreference numbering. The numbering of backreferences to captures starts at \1
(with \0
refering to the entire match). Flattening the match and captures into the same tuple aligns the tuple index numbering of the result with the regex backreference numbering:
let scalarRangePattern = /([0-9A-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9A-F]+))?/
// Result tuple index: 0 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// 1 ^~~~~~~~~~~ 2 ^~~~~~~~~~~
if let match = line.firstMatch(of: scalarRangePattern) {
print(match.0, match.1, match.2) // => 007F..009F, 007F, 009F
Capture type
In this section, we dive into capture types for regular expression patterns and how they compose.
By default, a regular expression literal has type Regex
. Its generic argument Captures
is its capture type.
Regular expressions without any capturing groups have type Regex<Void>
, for example:
let identifier = /[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*/ // => `Regex<Void>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// let identifier = Pattern {
// OneOrMore(/[_a-zA-Z]/)
// Repeat(/[_a-zA-Z0-9]/)
// }
Capturing group: (...)
In regular expression literals, a capturing group saves the portion of the input matched by its contained pattern. A capturing group's capture type is Substring
let graphemeBreakLowerBound = /([0-9a-fA-F]+)/ // => `Regex<Substring>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// let graphemeBreakLowerBound = OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
Concatenation: abc
Concatenating a sequence of patterns, r0, r1, r2, ..., will cause the resulting capture type to reflect the concatenated capture type, represented as a tuple of capture types or a single capture type depending on the overall quantity of captures in r0, r1, r2, ... If the overall capture quantity is 1
, the resulting capture type is the capture type of the single pattern that has a capture; otherwise, the resulting capture type is a tuple of capture types of all patterns that have a capture.
let graphemeBreakLowerBound = /([0-9a-fA-F]+)\.\.[0-9a-fA-F]+/
// => `Regex<Substring>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// let graphemeBreakLowerBound = Pattern {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// ".."
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit)
// }
let graphemeBreakRange = /([0-9a-fA-F]+)\.\.([0-9a-fA-F]+)/
// => `Regex<(Substring, Substring)>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// let graphemeBreakRange = Pattern {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// ".."
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// }
Named capturing group: (?<name>...)
A named capturing group in a pattern with multiple captures causes the resulting tuple to have a tuple element label at the corresponding capture type position. When the pattern has only one capture, there will be no tuple element label because there are no 1-element tuples.
let graphemeBreakLowerBound = /(?<lower>[0-9A-F]+)\.\.[0-9A-F]+/
// => `Regex<Substring>`
let graphemeBreakRange = /(?<lower>[0-9A-F]+)\.\.(?<upper>[0-9A-F]+)/
// => `Regex<(lower: Substring, upper: Substring)>`
Non-capturing group: (?:...)
A non-capturing group's capture type is the capture type of its underlying pattern. That is, it does not capture anything by itself, but transparently propagates its underlying pattern's captures.
let graphemeBreakLowerBound = /([0-9A-F]+)(?:\.\.([0-9A-F]+))?/
// => `Regex<(Substring, Substring?)>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// let graphemeBreakLowerBound = Pattern {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// Optionally {
// ".."
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// }
// }
Nested capturing group: (...(...)...)
When capturing group is nested within another capturing group, they count as two distinct captures in the order their left parenthesis first appears in the regular expression literal. This is consistent with PCRE and allows us to use backreferences (e.g. \2
) with linear indices.
let graphemeBreakPropertyData = /(([0-9A-F]+)(\.\.([0-9A-F]+)))\s*;\s(\w+).*/
// Positions in result tuple: 1 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5 ^~~~~
// 3 ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
// 2 ^~~~~~~~~~~ 4 ^~~~~~~~~~~
// => `Regex<(Substring, Substring, Substring, Substring, Substring)>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// let graphemeBreakPropertyData = Pattern {
// Group {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture() // (2)
// Group {
// ".."
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture() // (4)
// }.capture() // (3)
// }.capture() // (1)
// Repeat(.whitespace)
// ";"
// CharacterClass.whitespace
// OneOrMore(.word).capture() // (5)
// Repeat(.any)
// }
let input = "007F..009F ; Control"
// Match result for `input`:
// ("007F..009F ; Control", "007F..009F", "007F", "..009F", "009F", "Control")
Quantification: *
, +
, ?
, {n}
, {n,}
, {n,m}
A quantifier wraps its underlying pattern's capture type in either an Optional
or Array
. Zero-or-one quantification (?
) produces an Optional
and all others produce an Array
. The kind of quantification, i.e. greedy vs reluctant vs possessive, is irrelevant to determining the capture type.
Syntax | Description | Capture type |
* |
0 or more |
Array of the sub-pattern capture type |
+ |
1 or more |
Array of the sub-pattern capture type |
? |
0 or 1 |
Optional of the sub-pattern capture type |
{n} |
Exactly n |
Array of the sub-pattern capture type |
{n,m} |
Between n and m |
Array of the sub-pattern capture type |
{n,} |
n or more |
Array of the sub-pattern capture type |
// => `Regex<[Substring]>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// OneOrMore {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// }
// => `Regex<[Substring]>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// Repeat {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// }
// => `Regex<Substring?>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// Optionally {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// }
// => `Regex<[Substring]>
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// Repeat(3) {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// )
// => `Regex<[Substring]>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// Repeat(3...5) {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// )
// => `Regex<[Substring]>`
// Equivalent result builder syntax:
// Repeat(3...) {
// OneOrMore(.hexDigit).capture()
// )
Note that capturing collections of repeated captures like this is a departure from most regular expression implementations, which only provide access to the last match of a repeated capture group. For example, Python only captures the last group in this dash-separated string:
rep = re.compile('(?:([0-9a-f]+)-?)+')
match = rep.match("1234-5678-9abc-def0")
# Prints "def0"
By contrast, the proposed Swift version captures all four sub-matches:
let pattern = /(?:([0-9a-f]+)-?)+/
if let match = "1234-5678-9abc-def0".firstMatch(of: pattern) {
// Prints ["1234", "5678", "9abc", "def0"]
Despite the deviation from prior art, we believe that the proposed capture behavior leads to better consistency with the meaning of these quantifiers.
Note, the alternative behavior does have the advantage of a smaller memory footprint because the matching algorithm would not need to allocate storage for capturing anything but the last match. As a future direction, we could introduce a variant of quantifiers for this behavior that the programmer would opt in for memory-critical use cases.
Alternation: a|b
Alternations are used to match one of multiple patterns. If there are one or more capturing groups within an alternation, the resulting capture type is an Alternation
that's generic over each option's underlying pattern.
// => `Regex<Alternation<(Substring, Void, Substring)>>`
If there are no capturing groups within an alternation the resulting capture type is Void
// => `Regex<Void>`
Nested captures follow the algebra previously described.
// => `Regex<Substring>`
// => `Regex<(Substring, Alternation<(Substring, Substring, Substring))>>`
// => `Regex<(overall: Substring, Alternation<(binary: Substring, decimal: Substring, hex: Substring))>>`
At the use site, ideally Alternation
would behave like an enum
allowing you to exhaustively switch over all the captures.
let number = line
.firstMatch(of: /([01]+)|([0-9]+)|([0-9A-F]+)/)
.flatMap { (_, n) in
switch n {
case let .0(binary):
return Int(binary, radix: 2)
case let .1(decimal):
return Int(decimal, radix: 10)
case let .2(hex):
return Int(hex, radix: 16)
// Or with named captures:
let number = line
.firstMatch(of: /(?<binary>[01]+)|(?<decimal>[0-9]+)|(?<hex>[0-9A-F]+)/)
.flatMap { (_, n) in
switch n {
case let .binary(str):
return Int(str, radix: 2)
case let .decimal(str):
return Int(str, radix: 10)
case let .hex(str):
return Int(str, radix: 16)
In the fullness of time, we'd like to design a language feature to support this. In the meantime, we would like to do the best we can and leave the door open for a source-compatible migration.
With variadic generics we think we can define the following Alternation
public struct Alternation<Captures> { ... }
extension<Option...> Alternation where Captures == (Option...) {
public var options: (Option?...) { get }
public subscript<T>(dynamicMember keyPath: KeyPath<(Option?...), T>) -> T {
options[keyPath: keyPath]
An optional projection property, options
, presents all options as a tuple of optionals. The Standard Library will provide the runtime guarantee that only one element of the options
tuple will be non-nil. The programmer can use a switch
statement to pattern-match the tuple and handle each case, or directly access the tuple's properties via key path dynamic member lookup.
let number = line
.firstMatch(of: /([01]+)|([0-9]+)|([0-9A-F]+)/)
.flatMap { (_, n) in
switch n.options {
case let (binary?, nil, nil):
return Int(binary, radix: 2)
case let (nil, decimal?, nil):
return Int(decimal, radix: 10)
case let (nil, nil, hex?):
return Int(hex, radix: 16)
// Or with named captures:
let number = line
.firstMatch(of: /(?<binary>[01]+)|(?<decimal>[0-9]+)|(?<hex>[0-9A-F]+)/)
.flatMap { (_, n) in
if let binary = n.binary {
return Int(binary, radix: 2)
} else if let decimal = n.decimal {
return Int(decimal, radix: 10)
} else if let hex = n.hex {
return Int(hex, radix: 16)
} else {
We acknowledge that it is unforunate that the programmer has to write an unreachable fatalError(...)
even when all possible cases are handled. We believe that, in the fullness of time, this will motivate the design of a language-level solution to variadic enumerations.
Effect on ABI stability
None. This is a purely additive change to the Standard Library.
Effect on API resilience
None. This is a purely additive change to the Standard Library.
Alternatives considered
Lazy collections instead of arrays of substrings
For quantifiers that produce an array, it is arguable that a lazy collection based on matched ranges could minimize reference counting operations on Substring
and reduce allocations.
let regex = /([a-z])+/
// => `Regex<CaptureCollection<Substring>>`
// `CaptureCollection` implemented as...
public struct CaptureCollection<Captures>: BidirectionalCollection {
private var ranges: [ClosedRange<String.Index>]
However, we believe the use of arrays in capture types would make a much cleaner type signature.
Homogeneous tuples for exact-count quantification
For exact-count quantifications, e.g. [a-z]{5}
, it would slightly improve type safety to make its capture type be a homogeneous tuple instead of an array, e.g. (5 x Substring)
as pitched in Improved Compiler Support for Large Homogenous Tuples.
/[a-z]{5}/ // => Regex<(5 x Substring)> (exact count)
/[a-z]{5, 8}/ // => Regex<[Substring]> (bounded count)
/[a-z]{5,}/ // => Regex<[Substring]> (lower-bounded count)
However, this would cause an inconsistency between exact-count quantification and bounded quantification. We believe that the proposed design will result in fewer surprises as we associate the {...}
quantifier syntax with Array
as empty capture instead of Void
Past swift evolution proposals (SE-0215, SE-0319) have added conformances for Never
in order to support its use a bottom type. Never
may seem like a natural fit for the empty capture type instead of Void
, such that a regex of type Regex<Never>
means it never captures.
However, a Never
value never exists. Functions with return type Never
will never return. As a result, calling an API like captures
on a regex with no captures would cause the program to abort or hang.
let identifier = /[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*/ // => `Regex<Never>`
print(str.firstMatch(of: identifier)?.captures)
// ❗️ Program aborts or hangs.
In contrast, using Void
as the empty capture type would allow captures
to be accessed safely at anytime. When a regex has no captures, the match result's capture is simply ()
let identifier = /[_a-zA-Z]+[_a-zA-Z0-9]*/ // => `Regex<Void>`
print(str.firstMatch(of: identifier)?.captures)
// Prints `()`.
is also just a more consistent, continuous representation of a type with 0 captures:
Number | Capture type |
0 | () |
1 | (Substring) |
2 | (Substring, Substring) |
Regex<(EntireMatch, Capture...)>
instead of Regex<Captures>
There are a few downsides when Regex
's generic parameter represents captures:
- When there is only one capture and it is a named one, e.g.
, the name will be lost in the typeRegex<Substring>
because Swift does not support single-element tuples. - The indices in the
tuple do not align with the conventional backreference indices, where the latter uses\0
to refer to the entire match and\1
for the start of captures.
One alternative design to address these downsides is to include the whole match in the generic parameter. When a regex has captures, the generic argument is a tuple that can be seen as (EntireMatch, Capture...)
. Capturing can then be seen as appending substrings on to an existing Match
(as additional tuple elements).
public struct Regex<Match>: RegexProtocol, ExpressibleByRegexLiteral {
extension String {
public func firstMatch<R: RegexProtocol>(of regex: R) -> R.Match?
With this design, regexes with a single named capture will preserve the name as a tuple element label.
\d{4}-(?<month>\d{2})-\d{2} // (Substring, month: Substring)
However, one downside to this approach is that the typing rules of concatenation, alternation, etc would require discarding the first element of Match
when forming the new type. It would also lead to a harder requirement on variadic generics for the result builder syntax down the road, where the concatenation pattern needs to drop the first element from Match
to be able to concatenate each component's capture type.
extension<EntireMatch, Capture...> Regex where Match == (EntireMatch, Capture...) {
public typealias Captures = (Capture...) // Dropping first from `Match`
The other downside is that the role of the first tuple element can be unclear at call sites, even though Match
is now consistent with backreference numbering in most other regex implementations.
Future directions
Dynamic captures
So far, we have explored offering static capture types for using a regular expression that is available in source code. Meanwhile, we would like to apply Swift's string processing capabilities to fully dynamic use cases, such as matching a string using a regular expression obtained at runtime.
To support dynamism, we could introduce a new type, DynamicCaptures
that represents a tree of captures, and add a Regex
initializer that accepts a string and produces Regex<DynamicCaptures>
public struct DynamicCaptures: Equatable, RandomAccessCollection {
var range: Range<String.Index> { get }
var substring: Substring? { get }
subscript(name: String) -> DynamicCaptures { get }
subscript(position: Int) -> DynamicCaptures { get }
extension Regex where Captures == DynamicCaptures {
public init(_ string: String) throws
Example usage:
let regex = readLine()! // (\w*)(\d)+z(\w*)?
let input = readLine()! // abcd1234xyz
print(input.firstMatch(of: regex)?.1)
// [
// "abcd",
// [
// "1",
// "2",
// "3",
// "4",
// ],
// .some("xyz")
// ]
Single-element labeled tuples
Swift doesn't currently support single-element labeled tuples, which leads to a discontinuity at arity 1:
let noCaptures = /[0-9A-F]+\.\.[0-9A-F]+/
// => `Regex<()>`
let oneCapture = /(?<lower>[0-9A-F]+)\.\.[0-9A-F]+/
// => `Regex<Substring>`
let twoCaptures = /(?<lower>[0-9A-F]+)\.\.(?<upper>[0-9A-F]+)/
// => `Regex<(lower: Substring, upper: Substring)>`
Dropping the argument label is particularly undesirable because firstMatch
concatenates the match and the captures, make the argument label more significant:
let str = "007F..009F ; Control # Cc [33] <control-007F>..<control-009F>"
if let m = str.firstMatch(of: /(?<lower>[0-9A-F]+)\.\.(?<upper>[0-9A-F]+)/) {
print(type(of: m)) // Prints (Substring, lower: Substring, upper: Substring)
print(m.0) // Prints "007F..009F"
print(m.lower) // Prints "007F"
print(m.upper) // Prints "009F"
if let m = str.firstMatch(of: /(?<lower>[0-9A-F]+)\.\.[0-9A-F]+/) {
print(type(of: m)) // Prints (Substring, Substring)
print(m.0) // Prints "007F..009F"
print(m.lower) // error
Forum discussion suggests there isn't a technical reason why support for single-element labeled tuples can't be added in the future. In particular, the examples here would be source compatible if as suggested (T)
, which is equivalent to T
, is made a supertype of (label: T)