Regex reverse matching
- Proposal: SE-NNNN
- Authors: Jacob Hearst Michael Ilseman
- Review Manager: TBD
- Status: Awaiting implementation
- Bug: rdar://132158055
- Implementation: Prototype
- Upcoming Feature Flag: (pending)
Regex supports matching strings forwards, including lookahead assertions, but does not currently support matching in reverse or lookbehind assertions. We propose adding these.
Modern regular expression engines support lookbehind assertions, whether fixed length (Perl, PCRE2, Python, Java) or arbitrary length (.NET, Javascript).
Proposed solution
We propose supporting arbitrary-length lookbehind regexes which can be achieved by performing matching in reverse. We also propose API to run a regex in reverse from the end of a string.
A regex that matches a string going forwards will also match going in reverse, but may produce a different match. For example, in a regex that has multiple eager quantifications:
"abcdefg".wholeMatch(of: /(.+)(.+)/)
// Produces ("abcdefg", "abcdef", "g")
"abcdefg".wholeReverseMatch(of: /(.+)(.+)/)
// Produces ("abcdefg", "a", "bcdefg")
Detailed design
Lookbehind assertion syntax is already supported in the existing Regex syntax.
The engine is currently incapable of running them, so a compilation error is thrown:
let regex = /(?<=a)b/
// error: Cannot parse regular expression: lookbehind is not currently supported
With this proposal, this restriction is lifted and the following syntactic forms will be accepted:
// Positive lookbehind
// Negative lookbehind
Regex builders
This proposal adds support for both positive and negative lookbehind assertions when using the Regex builder, for example:
// Positive Lookbehind
Regex {
Lookbehind { "b" }
// Negative lookbehind
Regex {
NegativeLookbehind { "b" }
extension Regex {
/// Returns the first match for this regex found in the given string when matching in reverse.
public func firstReverseMatch(in string: String) throws -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Returns the first match for this regex found in the given string when matching in reverse.
public func firstReverseMatch(in string: Substring) throws -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Returns a match if this regex matches the given string in its entirety when matching in reverse.
public func wholeReverseMatch(in string: String) throws -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Returns a match if this regex matches the given string in its entirety when matching in reverse.
public func wholeReverseMatch(in string: Substring) throws -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Returns a match if this string is matched by the given regex (matching in reverse) at its end.
public func suffixMatch(in string: String) throws -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Returns a match if this string is matched by the given regex (matching in reverse) at its end.
public func suffixMatch(in string: Substring) throws -> Regex<Output>.Match?
extension BidirectionalCollection where SubSequence == Substring {
/// Returns the first match of the specified regex within the collection when matching in reverse.
public func firstReverseMatch<Output>(of r: some RegexComponent<Output>) -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Returns the first match of the specified regex within the collection when matching in reverse.
public func firstReverseMatch<Output>(@RegexComponentBuilder of content: () -> some RegexComponent<Output>) -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Returns a match if this string is matched by the given regex in its entirety when matching in reverse.
public func wholeReverseMatch<R: RegexComponent>(of regex: R) -> Regex<R.RegexOutput>.Match?
/// Returns a match if this string is matched by the given regex in its entirety when matching in reverse.
public func wholeReverseMatch<Output>(@RegexComponentBuilder of content: () -> some RegexComponent<Output>) -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Matches part of the regex, starting at the end.
public func suffixMatch<R: RegexComponent>(of regex: R) -> Regex<R.RegexOutput>.Match?
/// Matches part of the regex, starting at the end.
public func suffixMatch<Output>(@RegexComponentBuilder of content: () -> some RegexComponent<Output>) -> Regex<Output>.Match?
/// Returns a new collection of the same type by removing the final elements that match the given regex when matching in reverse.
public func trimmingSuffix(_ regex: some RegexComponent) -> SubSequence
/// Returns a new collection of the same type by removing the final elements that match the given regex when matching in reverse.
public func trimmingSuffix(@RegexComponentBuilder _ content: () -> some RegexComponent) -> SubSequence
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the final elements of the sequence are the same as the elements in the specified regex when matching in reverse.
public func ends(with regex: some RegexComponent) -> Bool
/// Returns a Boolean value indicating whether the final elements of the sequence are the same as the elements in the specified regex when matching in reverse.
public func ends(@RegexComponentBuilder with content: () -> some RegexComponent) -> Bool
Source compatibility
This proposal is additive and source-compatible with existing code.
ABI compatibility
This proposal is additive and ABI-compatible with existing code.
Implications on adoption
The additions described in this proposal require a new version of the standard library and runtime.
Future directions
Support PCRE's \K
Future work includes supporting PCRE's \K
, which resets the current produced match.
Alternatives considered
Fixed length lookbehind assertions only
Fixed-length lookbehind assertions are easier to implement and retrofit onto existing engines. Python only supports a single fixed-width concatenation sequence, PCRE2 additionally supports alternations of fixed-width concatenations, and Java additionally supports bounded quantifications within.
However, this would limit Swift's expressivity compared to Javascript and .NET, as well as be insufficient for reverse matching API.
Using the word "last" in API names
Our proposed reverse matching APIs use the word "reverse" to denote the regex is running in reverse from the end of the string. An alternative name to firstReverseMatch
could be lastMatch
. We rejected lastMatch
because reverse matching doesn't necessarily produce the same match as str.matches(of: regex).last
cherrycoke, bjhomer, Simulacroton, and rnantes provided use cases and rationale for lookbehind assertions.