- Proposal: SE-NNNN
- Authors: Philippe Hausler, Nate Cook
- Review Manager: TBD
- Status: Awaiting implementation
- Pitch 1: Initial pitch
- Pitch 2: Previously Observation registered observers directly to
, the new approach registers observers to anObservable
via aObservationTransactionModel
. These models control the "edge" of where the change is emitted. They are the responsible component for notifying the observers of events. This allows the observers to focus on just the event and not worry about "leading" or "trailing" (will/did) "edges" of the signal. Additionally the pitch was shifted from the type wrapper feature over to the more appropriate macro features. - Pitch 3: The
protocol andaddObserver(_:)
method are gone in favor of providing async sequences of changes and transactions.
Suggested Reading
Making responsive apps often requires the ability to update the presentation when underlying data changes. The observer pattern allows a subject to maintain a list of observers and notify them of specific or general state changes. This has the advantages of not directly coupling objects together and allowing implicit distribution of updates across potential multiple observers. An observable object needs no specific information about its observers.
This design pattern is a well-traveled path by many languages, and Swift has an opportunity to provide a robust, type-safe, and performant implementation. This proposal defines what an observable reference is, what an observer needs to conform to, and the connection between a type and its observers.
There are already a few mechanisms for observation in Swift. These include key-value observing (KVO) and ObservableObject
, but each of those have limitations. KVO can only be used with NSObject
descendants, and ObservableObject
requires using Combine, which is restricted to Darwin platforms and does not use current Swift concurrency features. By taking experience from those existing systems, we can build a more generally useful feature that applies to all Swift reference types, not just those that inherit from NSObject
, and have it work cross-platform with the advantages from language features like async
The existing systems get a number of behaviors and characteristics right. However, there are a number of areas that can provide a better balance of safety, performance, and expressiveness. For example, grouping dependent changes into an independent transaction is a common task, but this is complex when using Combine and unsupported when using KVO. In practice, observers want access to transactions, with the ability to specify how transactions are interpreted.
Annotations clarify what is observable, but can also be cumbersome. For example, Combine requires not just that a type conform to ObservableObject
, but also requires each property that is being observed to be marked as @Published
. Furthermore, computed properties cannot be directly observed. In reality, having non-observed fields in a type that is observable is uncommon.
Throughout this document, references to both KVO and Combine will illustrate what capabilities are benefits and can be incorporated into the new approach, and what drawbacks are possible to solve in a more robust manner.
Prior Art
Key-value observing in Objective-C has served that model well, but is limited to class hierarchies that inherit from NSObject
. The APIs only offer the intercepting of events, meaning that the notification of changes is between the willSet
and didSet
events. KVO has great flexibility with granularity of events, but lacks in composability. KVO observers must also inherit from NSObject
, and rely on the Objective-C runtime to track the changes that occur. Even though the interface for KVO has been updated to utilize the more modern Swift strongly-typed key paths, under the hood its events are still stringly typed.
Combine's ObservableObject
produces changes on the leading edge of the willSet
events, and all values are delivered before the value is set. While this serves SwiftUI well, it is restrictive for non-SwiftUI usage and can be surprising to developers first encountering that restriction. ObservableObject
also requires all observed properties to be marked as @Published
to interact with change events. In most cases, this requirement is applied to every single property and becomes redundant to the developer; folks writing an ObservableObject
conforming type must repeatedly (with little to no true gained clarity) annotate each property. In the end, this results in meaning fatigue of what is or isn't a participating item.
Proposed solution
A formalized observer pattern needs to support the following capabilities:
- Marking a type as observable
- Tracking changes within an instance of an observable type
- Observing and utilizing those changes from somewhere else, e.g. another type
In addition, the design and implementation should meet these criteria:
- Observable types are easy to annotate (without fatigue of meaning)
- Access control should be respected
- Adopting the features for observability should require minimal effort to get started
- Using advanced features should progressively disclose to more complex systems
- Observation should be able to handle more than one observed member at once
- Observation should be able to work with computed properties that reference other properties
- Observation should be able to work with computed properties that process both get and set to external storage
- Integration of observation should work in transactions of graphs and not just singular objects
We propose a new standard library module named Observation
that includes the protocols, types, and macros to implement such a pattern.
Primarily, a type can declare itself as observable simply by using the @Observable
macro annotation:
@Observable public final class MyObject {
public var someProperty: String = ""
public var someOtherProperty = 0
fileprivate var somePrivateProperty = 1
The @Observable
macro declares and implements conformance to the Observable
protocol, which includes a set of extension methods to handle observation. In the simplest case, a client can use the changes(for:)
method to observe changes to a specific property for a given instance.
func processChanges(_ object: MyObject) async {
for await value in object.values(for: \.someProperty) {
This allows users of Observable
types to observe changes to specific values or an instance as a whole as asynchronous sequences of change events. The changes(for:)
method provides type safety, since it only provides the changes to one specific property.
object.someProperty = "hello"
// prints "hello" in the awaiting loop
object.someOtherProperty += 1
// nothing is printed
Observable objects can also provide changes grouped into transactions, which coalesce any changes that are made between suspension points. Transactions are delivered isolated to an actor that you provide, or the main actor by default.
func processTransactions(_ object: MyObject) async {
for await change in objects.changes(for: [\.someProperty, \.someOtherProperty]) {
print(myObject.someProperty, myObject.someOtherProperty)
Unlike ObservableObject
and @Published
, the properties of an @Observable
type do not need to be individually marked as observable. Instead, all stored properties are implicitly observable.
For read-only computed properties, an author can add the static dependencies(of:)
method to claim additional key paths as part of their observation. This is similar to the mechanism that KVO uses to provide additional key paths that have effects to key paths.
extension MyObject {
var someComputedProperty: Int {
somePrivateProperty + someOtherProperty
nonisolated static func dependencies(
of keyPath: PartialKeyPath<Self>
) -> TrackedProperties<Self> {
switch keyPath {
case \.someComputedProperty:
return [\.somePrivateProperty, \.someOtherProperty]
return [keyPath]
Since all access to observing changes is by key path, visibility keywords like public
and private
determine what can and cannot be observed. Unlike KVO, this means that only members that are accessible in a particular scope can be observed. This fact is reflected in the design, where transactions are represented as TrackedProperties
instances, which allow querying for the changed key paths, but not their iteration.
// âś… `someProperty` is publicly visible
object.changes(for: \.someProperty)
// ❌ `somePrivateProperty` is restricted to `private` access
object.changes(for: \.somePrivateProperty)
// âś… `someComputedProperty` is visible; `somePrivateProperty` isn't accessible in returned `TrackedProperties` instances
object.changes(for: \.someComputedProperty)
Detailed Design
The Observable
protocol, @Observable
macro, and a handful of supporting types comprise the Observation
module. As described below, this design allows adopters to use terse, straightforward syntax for simple cases, while allowing full control over the details the implementation when necessary.
The core protocol for observation is Observable
. Observable
-conforming types define what is observable by registering changes and provide asynchronous sequences of transactions and changes to individual properties, isolated to a specific actor.
protocol Observable {
/// Returns an asynchronous sequence of change transactions for the specified
/// properties.
nonisolated func changes<Isolation: Actor>(
for properties: TrackedProperties<Self>,
isolatedTo: Isolation
) -> ObservedChanges<Self, Isolation>
/// Returns an asynchronous sequence of changes for the specified key path.
nonisolated func values<Member: Sendable>(
for keyPath: KeyPath<Self, Member>
) -> ObservedValues<Self, Member>
/// Returns a set of tracked properties that represent the given key path.
nonisolated static func dependencies(
of keyPath: PartialKeyPath<Self>
) -> TrackedProperties<Self>
The first two protocol requirements need to be implemented by conforming types, either manually or by using the @Observable
macro, described below. These two methods make use of ObservationRegistrar
(also described below) to track changes and provide async sequences of changes and transactions.
In addition to these protocol requirements, Observable
types must implement the semantic requirement of tracking each access and mutation to observable properties. This tracking is also provided by using the @Observable
macro, or can be implemented manually using the access
and withMutation
methods of a registrar.
The Observable
protocol also implements extension methods that provide convenient access to transactions isolated to the main actor or tracking just a single key path.
extension Observable {
/// Returns an asynchronous sequence of change transactions for the specified
/// key path, isolated to the given actor.
nonisolated func changes<Member, Isolation: Actor>(
for keyPath: KeyPath<Self, Member>,
isolatedTo: Isolation
) -> ObservedChanges<Self, Delivery>
/// Returns an asynchronous sequence of change transactions for the specified
/// properties, isolated to the main actor.
nonisolated func changes(
for properties: TrackedProperties<Self>
) -> ObservedChanges<Self, MainActor.ActorType>
/// Returns an asynchronous sequence of change transactions for the specified
/// key path, isolated to the main actor.
public nonisolated func changes<Member>(
for keyPath: KeyPath<Self, Member>
) -> ObservedChanges<Self, MainActor.ActorType>
// Default implementation returns `[keyPath]`.
public nonisolated static func dependencies(
of keyPath: PartialKeyPath<Self>
) -> TrackedProperties<Self>
The default implementation for dependencies(of:)
returns a TrackedProperties
type constructed with the given key path. This function is expected to be implemented in types when read only computed key paths are used, as seen in the someComputedProperty
example above.
Macro Synthesis
In order to make implementation as simple as possible, the @Observable
macro automatically synthesizes conformance to the Observable
protocol, transforming annotated types into a type that can be observed. The @Observable
macro does the following:
- declares conformance to the
protocol - adds the required
method requirements - adds a property for the registrar
- adds a storage abstraction for access tracking
- changes all stored properties into computed properties
Since all of the code generated by the macro could be manually written, developers can write their own implementation when they need more fine-grained control.
@Observable final class Model {
var order: Order?
var account: Account?
var alternateIconsUnlocked = false
var allRecipesUnlocked = false
init() { }
func purchase(alternateIcons: Bool, allRecipes: Bool) {
alternateIconsUnlocked = alternateIcons
allRecipesUnlocked = allRecipes
Expanding the macro for the previous example results in the following:
final class Model: Observable {
internal let _registrar = ObservationRegistrar<Model>()
public nonisolated func changes<Isolation: Actor>(
for properties: TrackedProperties<Model>,
isolatedTo: Delivery
) -> ObservedChanges<Model, Isolation> {
_registrar.changes(for: properties, isolation: isolation)
public nonisolated func values<Member: Sendable>(
for keyPath: KeyPath<Model, Member>
) -> ObservedValues<Model, Member> {
_registrar.changes(for: keyPath)
private struct Storage {
var order: Order?
var account: Account?
var alternateIconsUnlocked = false
var allRecipesUnlocked = false
private var _storage = Storage()
var order: Order? {
get {
_registrar.access(self, keyPath: \.order)
return _storage.order
set {
_registrar.withMutation(self, keyPath: \.order) {
_storage.order = newValue
var account: Account? {
get {
_registrar.access(self, keyPath: \.account)
return _storage.account
set {
_registrar.withMutation(self, keyPath: \.account) {
_storage.account = newValue
var alternateIconsUnlocked: Bool {
get {
_registrar.access(self, keyPath: \.alternateIconsUnlocked)
return _storage.alternateIconsUnlocked
set {
_registrar.withMutation(self, keyPath: \.alternateIconsUnlocked) {
_storage.alternateIconsUnlocked = newValue
var allRecipesUnlocked: Bool {
get {
_registrar.access(self, keyPath: \.allRecipesUnlocked)
return _storage.allRecipesUnlocked
set {
_registrar.withMutation(self, keyPath: \.allRecipesUnlocked) {
_storage.allRecipesUnlocked = newValue
init() { }
func purchase(alternateIcons: Bool, allRecipes: Bool) {
alternateIconsUnlocked = alternateIcons
allRecipesUnlocked = allRecipes
When observing changes to a type, there may be associated side effects to members that are not publicly visible. The TrackedProperties
type allows for internal key paths to be included in a transaction without being exposed beyond their visibility.
public struct TrackedProperties<Root>: ExpressibleByArrayLiteral, @unchecked Sendable {
public typealias Element = PartialKeyPath<Root>
public typealias ArrayLiteralElement = PartialKeyPath<Root>
public init()
public init(_ sequence: some Sequence<PartialKeyPath<Root>>)
public init(arrayLiteral elements: PartialKeyPath<Root>...)
public func contains(_ member: PartialKeyPath<Root>) -> Bool
public mutating func insert(_ newMember: PartialKeyPath<Root>) -> Bool
public mutating func remove(_ member: PartialKeyPath<Root>)
extension TrackedProperties where Root: Observable {
public init(dependent: TrackedProperties<Root>)
is the default storage for tracking and providing access to changes. The @Observable
macro synthesizes a registrar to handle these mechanisms as a generalized feature. By default, the registrar is thread safe and must be as Sendable
as containers could potentially be; therefore it must be designed to handle independent isolation for all actions.
public struct ObservationRegistrar<Subject: Observable>: Sendable {
public init()
public func access<Member>(
_ subject: Subject,
keyPath: KeyPath<Subject, Member>
public func willSet<Member>(
_ subject: Subject,
keyPath: KeyPath<Subject, Member>
public func didSet<Member>(
_ subject: Subject,
keyPath: KeyPath<Subject, Member>
public func withMutation<Member, T>(
of subject: Subject,
keyPath: KeyPath<Subject, Member>,
_ mutation: () throws -> T
) rethrows -> T
public func changes<Isolation: Actor>(
for properties: TrackedProperties<Subject>,
isolatedTo: Isolation
) -> ObservedChanges<Subject, Isolation>
public func values<Member: Sendable>(
for keyPath: KeyPath<Subject, Member>
) -> ObservedValues<Subject, Member>
The access
and withMutation
methods identify transactional accesses. These methods register access to the ObservationTracking
system for access and identify mutations to the transactions registered for observers.
In order to provide scoped observation, the ObservationTracking
type provides a method to capture accesses to properties within a given scope and then call out upon the first change to any of those properties.
public struct ObservationTracking {
public static func withTracking<T>(
_ apply: () -> T,
onChange: @autoclosure () -> @Sendable () -> Void
) -> T
The withTracking
method takes two closures where any access to any property within the apply closure will indicate that property on that specific instance should participate in changes informed to the onChange
@Observable final class Car {
var name: String
var awards: [Award]
let cars: [Car] = ...
func render() {
ObservationTracking.withTracking {
for car in cars {
} onChange {
In the example above, the render
function accesses each car's name
property. When any of the cars change name
, the onChange
closure is then called on the first change. However, if a car has an award added, the onChange
call won't happen. This design supports uses that require implicit observation tracking, such as SwiftUI, ensuring that views are only updated in response to relevant changes.
and ObservedValues
The two included asynchronous sequences provide access to transactions based on a TrackedProperties
instance or to changes based on a key path, respectively. The two sequences have slightly different semantics.
The ObservedChanges
sequence is the result of calling changes(for:isolatedTo:)
on an observable type and passing one or more key paths as a TrackedProperties
instance. The isolating actor that you pass (or the main actor, by default) determines how changes are coalesced. Any changes between suspension points on the isolating actor, whether to one property or multiple properties, only provide a single transaction event. Sequence elements are ObservedChange
instances, which you can query to see if a specific property has changed. When the observed type is Sendable
, an ObservedChange
also includes the observed subject, in order to simplify accessing the updated properties.
The ObservedValues
sequence, on the other hand, is the result of calling values(for:)
, passing a single key path to observe. Instead of coalescing changes in reference to an isolating actor, ObservedValues
provides changed values that are coalesced at each suspension during iteration. Since the iterator isn't Sendable
, that behavior implicitly isolates changes to the current actor.
public struct ObservedChange<Subject: Observable>: @unchecked Sendable {
public func contains(_ member: PartialKeyPath<Subject>) -> Bool
extension ObservedChange where Subject: Sendable {
public var subject: Subject { get }
/// An asynchronous sequence of observed changes.
public struct ObservedChanges<Subject: Observable, Delivery: Actor>: AsyncSequence {
public typealias Element = ObservedChange<Subject>
public struct Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
public mutating func next() async -> Element?
public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator
extension ObservedChanges: @unchecked Sendable { }
@available(*, unavailable)
extension ObservedChanges.Iterator: Sendable { }
/// An asynchronous sequence of observed changes.
public struct ObservedValues<Subject: Observable, Element: Sendable>: AsyncSequence {
public struct Iterator: AsyncIteratorProtocol {
public mutating func next() async -> Element?
public func makeAsyncIterator() -> Iterator
extension ObservedValues: @unchecked Sendable where Subject: Sendable { }
@available(*, unavailable)
extension ObservedChanges.Iterator: Sendable { }
SDK Impact (a preview of SwiftUI interaction)
Using existing systems like ObservableObject
there are a number of edge cases that can be surprising unless developers really have an in-depth view to SwiftUI. Formalizing observation can make these edge cases considerably more approachable by reducing the complexity of the different systems needed to be understood.
The following is adapted from the Fruta sample app, modified for clarity:
final class Model: ObservableObject {
@Published var order: Order?
@Published var account: Account?
var hasAccount: Bool {
return userCredential != nil && account != nil
@Published var favoriteSmoothieIDs = Set<Smoothie.ID>()
@Published var selectedSmoothieID: Smoothie.ID?
@Published var searchString = ""
@Published var isApplePayEnabled = true
@Published var allRecipesUnlocked = false
@Published var unlockAllRecipesProduct: Product?
struct SmoothieList: View {
var smoothies: [Smoothie]
@ObservedObject var model: Model
var listedSmoothies: [Smoothie] {
.filter { $0.matches(model.searchString) }
.sorted(by: { $0.title.localizedCompare($1.title) == .orderedAscending })
var body: some View {
List(listedSmoothies) { smoothie in
The @Published
identifies each field that participates to changes in the object, however it does not provide any differentiation for those changes. This means that from SwiftUI's perspective, a change to order
effects things using hasAccount
. This unfortunately means that there are additional layouts, rendering and updates created. The proposed API can not only reduce some of the @Published
repetition but also simplify the SwiftUI view code too!
The previous example can then be written as:
@Observable final class Model {
var order: Order?
var account: Account?
var hasAccount: Bool {
return userCredential != nil && account != nil
var favoriteSmoothieIDs = Set<Smoothie.ID>()
var selectedSmoothieID: Smoothie.ID?
var searchString = ""
var isApplePayEnabled = true
var allRecipesUnlocked = false
var unlockAllRecipesProduct: Product?
struct SmoothieList: View {
var smoothies: [Smoothie]
var model: Model
var listedSmoothies: [Smoothie] {
.filter { $0.matches(model.searchString) }
.sorted(by: { $0.title.localizedCompare($1.title) == .orderedAscending })
var body: some View {
List(listedSmoothies) { smoothie in
There are some other interesting differences that come up; for example - tracking observation of access within a view can be applied to an Array, an Optional, or even a custom type. This opens up new and interesting ways developers can utilize SwiftUI more easily.
This is a potential future direction for SwiftUI but is not part of this proposal.
Source compatibility
This proposal is additive and provides no impact to existing source code.
Effect on ABI stability
This proposal is additive and no impact is made upon existing ABI stability. This does have implication to the inlinability and back-porting of this feature. In the cases where it is determined to be performance critical to the distribution of change events the methods will be marked as inlinable.
Effect on API resilience
This proposal is additive and no impact is made upon existing API resilience.
Location of API
This API will be housed in a package; outside of the standard library.
Future Directions
The initial implementation will not track changes for key paths that have more than one layer of components. For example, key paths such as \.account
would work, but \.account.name
would not. This feature would be possible as soon as the standard library offers a mechanism to iterate components of a key path. Since there is no way to determine this yet, key paths that have more than one component will never observe any changes.
Another area of focus for future enhancements is support for observable actor
types. This would require specific handling for key paths that currently does not exist for actors.
Finally, once variadic generics are available, an observation mechanism could be added to observe multiple key paths as an AsyncSequence
Alternatives considered
An earlier consideration instead of defining transactions used direct will/did events to the observer. This, albeit being more direct, promoted mechanisms that did not offer the correct granularity for supporting the required synchronization between dependent members. It was determined that building transactions are worth the extra complexity to encourage developers using the API to consider what models for transactionality they need, instead of thinking just in terms of will/did events.
Another design included an Observer
protocol that could be used to build callback-style observer types. This has been eliminated in favor of the AsyncSequence
The ObservedChange
type could have the Sendable
requirement relaxed by making the type only conditionally Sendable
and then allowing access to the subject in all cases; however this poses some restriction to the internal implementations and may have a sendability hole. Since it is viewed that accessing values is most commonly by one property the values AsyncSequence
fills most of that role and for cases where more than one field is needed to be accessed on a given actor the iteration can be done with a weak reference to the observable subject.
- Holly Borla - For providing fantastic ideas on how to implement supporting infrastructure to this pitch
- Pavel Yaskevich - For tirelessly iterating on prototypes for supporting compiler features
- Rishi Verma - For bouncing ideas and helping with the design of integrating this idea into other work
- Kyle Macomber - For connecting resources and providing useful feedback
- Matt Ricketson - For helping highlight some of the inner guts of SwiftUI