[Pitch] Make Collection Super-Convenient and Retire Sequence

Thanks for writing this up @dabrahams!

I have spent quite a bit of time thinking about this since our initial discussion and I am convinced we really need to spend some time considering both the containment aspect of sequence/collection (i.e. they are a collection of values) and the ordering aspect (i.e. those values are ordered in some way... even if the ordering is arbitrary).

I had this all written down at some point, but seemed to misplace that. Please forgive any errors as I am trying to recreate it from memory after several months.


On the containment side, let's start with something fairly abstract:

//Something which contains (possibly uncountably many) values of some type
protocol Container {
    associatedtype Element
    var isEmpty:Bool {get} //Does the container contain any elements

    func randomElement() -> Element? //A random element from the container
    func randomElement(using rng: inout RandomNumberGenerator) -> Element? //A random element using a particular RNG

extension Container where Element:Equatable {
    func contains(_ target:Element) -> Bool {...} //Does the container contain the target element?

It may seem strange that I started by allowing uncountably many elements, but note that this is also compatible with things like Range, and would give things like Ranges and Collections a common base protocol. At this level of abstraction, all we can do is ask what type of Element the container/collection has, if it is empty, and ask for a random element. If the element is equatable, we can ask if it is contained in the Container. Notice that we can't yet iterate over the things in any order.

Next up:

//A Container which has a countable number of items which can be iterated through in a reasonable time
protocol CountableContainer : Container {
    var count : Int {get}
    func contains(where: (Element)->Bool) -> Bool
    func unorderedElements() -> Iterator<Element>
    //Any other functions enabled by unordered iteration (e.g. map, filter, etc...)

Here we gain our count, and the ability to iterate over the container's contents in an arbitrary (undefined) ordering. This could underly CountableRange, but notice that this also fits Set and Dictionary better than Collection does, because they shouldn't guarantee an ordering. CountableContainers should be for...in-able. They should also be equatable if their Element is Equatable.

I would also argue without providing details, that we should provide NonEmptyContainer, and if it isn't possible to combine naturally with CountableContainer, NonEmptyCountableContainer (which would be the equivalent of CountableContainer & NonEmptyContainer w/o the diamond issue). These would underly ClosedRange and CountableClosedRange.

I would also like to see a SingleContainer, which contains a single element.


There are a couple different ways we could go for ordering. We could define a protocol which creates/defines an ordering of a particular Element. For simplicity's sake, I am going to instead posit the idea of a "natural ordering", where there is one ordering which is obvious.

protocol Collection : CountableContainer, Ordered {...}
protocol Range : Container, Ordered {...}

That is, Collection is just a CountableContainer with a natural ordering defined somehow within it. Range is a Container with a natural ordering defined on it. With Collection, we get things like first, last, and the ability to index into it with a subscript.

I just looked at the clock and I need to be up in a couple of hours. I can explain better later if needed, but that should give you the gist...