Hello Swift Evolution,
Many in the Swift community have significant prior experience with dynamic and/or weakly typed languages and recognize that there are many benefits to not having a type system hold your hand throughout the process of development. Many have lamented the fact that Swift being a static language means they are less productive in it than a similar (often scripting-oriented) dynamic language. This has led to community calls for more dynamism to be added to the language. My co-author, @harlanhaskins , and I believe that we have a proposal that can put an end to this problem once and for all. And on this, the first of April, we present it to you and request your honest feedback.
~Robert Widmann
Literals or: How Swiftc Learned to Stop Typechecking and Love Dynamic Code
- Proposal: SE-NNNN
- Authors: Robert Widmann, Harlan Haskins
- Review Manager: TBD
- Status: Awaiting implementation
We propose facilities for modern dynamic programming in the Swift programming language. To accomplish this we introduce new syntax for the creation of dynamic code, and new runtime support in the Swift Standard Library to match. With these changes, we hope to finally and totally address a long-standing criticism of the Swift programming language.
Since its inception, Swift has been criticized for adopting strong static typing despite having interoperability with legacy dynamic and weakly typed language code. Many have expressed frustration over this lost dynamism, and have called for Swift to be summarily extended to support more dynamic features. We intend to satisfy that overwhelming demand (and more) by introducing support for modern dynamic programming that complements and extends Swift.
Dynamic code is hailed by its supporters as being quicker to write, easier to read, and much more immediately gratifying to program with than static code. Popular dynamic languages like JavaScript and PHP are prime examples of this style of thinking - and we believe, as do the aforementioned critics of Swift, that these languages are perfect in every way, and that they
should stand as a model for all other languages. To that end, we propose the fusion of Swift's current (backwards) static approach with a forward-thinking dynamic approach.
LOLCode is a modern, imperative, dynamic programming language widely regarded as the natural successor to SmallTalk. Its consistent syntax and cheerful outlook on programming inspire confidence in even beginner users, and its support for interoperability with C make it a natural target for low level systems programming for advanced users.
Proposed solution
We intend to add a new magic literal, #lolcode(…)
- whose syntax and usability ethos are directly inspired by the glorious minds that worked to include annex J in the ISO C and C++ standards. The #lolcode
literal shall begin a new anonymous LOLCode function into which
LOLCode code may be written directly. LOLCode code in the #lolcode
literal is directly executable and may accept values from Swift code as well as return values to Swift code.
var prod = 1
let n = 10
let factorial = #lolcode(
prod R PRODUKT OF prod AN SUM OF i AN 1
x R 6
z R SUM of x and 76
VISIBLE z BTW prints ’82’
To support LOLCode as a first class citizen, the compiler shall be changed to accept any file
with the extension .lol
as LOLCode and shall compile it to a form compatible with any other
Swift code. All functions defined in LOLCode shall be available to other Swift files in the module,
and all declarations have shall have public
access. All necessary Swift functions shall similarly
be available to LOLCode, and be directly callable using native I IZ <function> YR <arguments> MKAY
To our knowledge, this will make Swiftc the world's first optimizing compiler for LOLCode, and the world's first complete LOLCode-to-LLVM compiler.
Detailed design
Upon seeing a #lolcode
literal in expression position, the parser will parse the LOLCode into a Swift closure that will be automatically called. These closures have type () -> Any
, and (strongly) capture variables from outer scope.
Note that LOLCode's "Type System" defines NOOB
(Void), NUMBR
(Integer), NUMBAR
(Double), YARN
(String), TROOF
(Bool), and BUKKIT
(Array), values of other types will be converted to the appropriate LOLCode type, according to the following mappings:
Swift type | LOLCode type |
[U]Int[8/16/32/64] | NUMBR (cast to Swift Int) |
Float/Double/Float80 | NUMBAR (cast to Swift Double) |
String/All other types | YARN (converted to String using string interpolation behavior) |
Array | BUKKIT (all inner values recursively converted to LOLCode equivalents) |
Void | NOOB |
Bool | TROOF |
LOLCode constructs will be parsed into their equivalent Swift constructs. An example of this mapping is given below:
LOLCode | Equivalent Swift |
I HAZ A | var : Any |
R | = |
FOUND YR | return |
SUM OF lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_sum(lhs, rhs) |
PRODUKT OF lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_product(lhs, rhs) |
QUOSHUNT OF lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_quotient(lhs, rhs) |
DIFF OF lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_diff(lhs, rhs) |
MOD OF lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_mod(lhs, rhs) |
BOTH SAEM lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_both_saem(lhs, rhs) |
DIFFRENT lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_diffrent(lhs, rhs) |
BOTH OF lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_both_of(lhs, rhs) |
EITHER lhs AN rhs | _lolcode_either(lhs, rhs) |
VISIBLE expr | print(expr) |
SMOOSH expr... | _lolcode_smoosh(expr...) |
GIMMEH lhs | lhs = _lolcode_gimmeh() |
MAEK expr A type | _LOLCodeValue(expr).cast(to: .type).value |
VISIBLE expr ! | print(expr, terminator: “”) |
The Swift Standard Library shall be modified with support for the LOLCode runtime and builtin operations. A model implementation of a generic LOLCode value and the complete type system of LOLCode is given as follows:
public enum _LOLCodeType: String {
case yarn, numbar, numbr, noob, bukkit, troof
var defaultValue: _LOLCodeValue {
switch self {
case .bukkit: return .bukkit([])
case .noob: return .noob
case .numbar: return .numbar(0.0)
case .numbr: return .numbr(0)
case .troof: return .troof(false)
case .yarn: return .yarn("")
public enum _LOLCodeValue: Equatable {
case yarn(String)
case numbar(Double)
case numbr(Int)
case noob
case bukkit([_LOLCodeValue])
case troof(Bool)
public static func == (lhs: _LOLCodeValue, prerhs: _LOLCodeValue) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (.yarn(l), .yarn(r)): return l == r
case let (.numbar(l), .numbar(r)): return l == r
case let (.numbr(l), .numbr(r)): return l == r
case let (.numbar(l), .numbr(r)): return l == Double(r)
case let (.numbr(l), .numbar(r)): return Double(l) == r
case (.noob, .noob): return true
case let (.bukkit(l), .bukkit(r)): return l == r
case let (.troof(l), .troof(r)): return l == r
default: return false
var _type: _LOLCodeType {
switch self {
case .yarn(_): return .yarn
case .numbar(_): return .numbar
case .numbr(_): return .numbr
case .noob: return .noob
case .bukkit(_): return .bukkit
case .troof(_): return .troof
var value: Any {
switch self {
case .yarn(let s): return s
case .numbar(let d): return d
case .numbr(let i): return i
case .noob: return ()
case .bukkit(let arr): return arr.map { $0.value }
case .troof(let b): return b
func cast(to type: _LOLCodeType) -> _LOLCodeValue {
guard self._type != type else {
return self
switch (self, type) {
case (_, .troof): return .troof(asTroof)
case (_, .yarn): return .yarn("\(self.value)")
case (.noob, let ty): return ty.defaultValue
case let (.numbr(n), .numbar): return .numbar(Double(n))
case let (.numbar(d), .numbr): return .numbr(Int(d))
case let (.yarn(s), .numbar):
guard let d = Double(s) else { break }
return .numbar(d)
case let (.yarn(s), .numbr):
guard let i = Int(s, radix: 10) else { break }
return .numbr(i)
case let (.troof(b), .numbr): return .numbr(b ? 1 : 0)
case let (.troof(b), .numbar): return .numbar(b ? 1 : 0)
default: break
fatalError("i cant maek '\(self)' in2 a '\(type.rawValue)'")
var asTroof: Bool {
switch self {
case .yarn(let s):
return s.contains("t") || s.contains("y") || s.contains("1")
case .numbar(let n): return n != 0
case .numbr(let n): return n != 0
case .troof(let b): return b
case .noob, .bukkit: return false
init(_ value: Any) {
switch value {
case is Void:
self = .noob
case let value as _LOLCodeValue:
self = value
case let value as String:
self = .yarn(value)
case let value as Int:
self = .numbr(value)
case let value as Double:
self = .numbar(value)
case let value as Bool:
self = .troof(value)
case let value as [Any]:
self = .bukkit(value.map(_LOLCodeValue.init))
case let value as UInt8:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as UInt16:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as UInt32:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as UInt64:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as Int8:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as Int16:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as Int32:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as Int64:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as UInt:
self = .numbr(numericCast(value))
case let value as Float:
self = .numbar(Double(value))
case let value as Float80:
self = .numbar(Double(value))
self = .yarn("\(value)")
Because LOLCode maps directly to the Swift AST, no changes to the type system and very minimal changes to codegen are needed to support the entire language.
Source compatibility
This is a purely additive change. The only way it could impact source compatibility would be if LOLCode compiled in a former version of Swift, and we were really quite thorough about silencing viable competition and well-meaning naysayers.
EDIT: After publication, the authors have, in fact, identified a previous Swift proposal under which LOLCode constructs have made it into the language. We are deeply annoyed that the proposal in question has chosen the name "Access Control" to mask this fact.
Effect on ABI stability
The ABI Is Strong And Stable.
Effect on API resilience
Alternatives considered
In order for alternatives to have been considered, viable alternatives would have to exist. There simply is no dynamic language invented up to or before this point in time that could possibly support the march of Swift towards its inevitable dynamic future that is not LOLCode.