I would like to propose that lldb-dap (The LLDB debug adapter from the llvm-project) be included in the Swift toolchain. It is currently included in the Swift Windows toolchain but not in the Linux and macOS versions.
This is to provide first party support for debugging in the Visual Studio Code Swift extension and any other third party editor that supports the debug adapter protocol (includes neovim and emacs).
Currently for debugging we are reliant on a third party extension called CodeLLDB (GitHub - vadimcn/codelldb: A native debugger extension for VSCode based on LLDB) to provide support. This was developed to debug rust and C/C++, but we can use it for swift (after some setup). It is written in rust and the author of this extension has no real involvement with the swift community.
Including lldb-dap from the llvm-project in the swift toolchain would allow us to remove our CodeLLDB dependency. We can also be sure that the version of lldb and the debugger adaptor correspond as they come from the same release of the swift toolchain.
The VSCode swift extension already integrates with lldb-dap and this integration is being used extensively on Windows. It would be good if we could supply this for macOS and Linux as well.
This change is additive and does not affect anything else in the toolchain.
You can find out more about the debug adapter protocol here. Official page for Debug Adapter Protocol