[Pitch] Expanded calendar support

Hi all, I'd like to propose new API for supporting additional calendars, mainly from Asia


This proposal is for adding expanded support for several calendars used in South Asia, lunisolar and solar calendars used in regions in India, as well as Thai, Vietnamese and Korean calendars based on the Chinese lunisolar calendar. Swift-foundation-icu repository will support these too, so users of Foundation on any platform will get these new calendars.

Some of these calendars are astronomical calendars, which means they are using true positions of sun (solar) or both sun and moon. For that reason, when specific set of events happen, the dates in these calendars can have both leap months and leap days.

Foundation will add support for these new identifiers, and all Foundation Calendar API that takes an identifier will be extended to support them.

Proposed solution and example

Foundation will add constants to support the new calendar types.

Some calendars added by this proposal have a unique feature of "leap days", where two consecutive days can have the same numeric value. This new feature will have impact on APIs that search/match dates.

This property will be called isAdhikaDay, to indicate it is used in Hindu calendars which are the only calendars that has this feature. More details about the naming is provided in the section Alternatives considered at the end of the document.

Detailed design

Foundation will add new string constants for new calendar identifiers for NSCalendarIdentifier.


  // ...
  extension Calendar.Identifier {
      // Bangla solar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case bangla

      // Gujarati lunisolar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case gujarati

      // Kannada lunisolar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case kannada

      // Malayalam solar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case malayalam

      // Marathi lunisolar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case marathi

      // Odia solar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case odia

      // Tamil solar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case tamil

      // Telugu lunisolar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case telugu

      // Vikram lunisolar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case vikram

      // Thai lunisolar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case thai

      // Vietnamese lunisolar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case vietnamese

      // Korean lunisolar calendar
      @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
      case korean

Following are the code changes required to support new calendar property isAdhikaDay


// ...
public enum Component : Sendable {
  // ...
  @available(FoundationPreview 6.2, *)
  case isAdhikaDay
  // ....

Impact on existing code

Thai, Vietnamese and Korean calendars have no special considerations.

Calendars used in India are introducing the new field for the leap day. Clients using existing calendars won't be affected by this change. For new clients that use these calendars, we will handle the newly added leap day in the following places:

First, it will be set to false when a new DateComponents object is created.

var components = DateComponents()

Second, the comparison for calendar dates will account for this field. Two dates differs if they don't have the same value for isAdhikaDay

For example, the clients may currently use following check

cal.compare(d1, d2)

For Hindu calendars, this would only compare equal if they're both Adhika day or if they are both not. For non-Hindu calendars, isAdhikaDay property will be ignored.

Third, the calendar date arithmetic will be updated to correctly calculate the dates regarding adhikaDay. When working with Hindu calendars, as the leap days can occur at any position, looking for next day would have to involve recalculation.

As a general rule, behavior of isAdhikaDay will replicate isLeapMonth in APIs doing matching and searching.

For example, let's explain what is the expected behavior in this API that enumerate the next date

public func nextDate(after date: Date, matching components: DateComponents, matchingPolicy: MatchingPolicy, repeatedTimePolicy: RepeatedTimePolicy = .first, direction: SearchDirection = .forward) -> Date? {
    var result: Date?
    enumerateDates(startingAfter: date, matching: components, matchingPolicy: matchingPolicy, repeatedTimePolicy: repeatedTimePolicy, direction: direction) { date, exactMatch, stop in
        result = date
        stop = true
    return result

Clients using this function to enumerate the next date after date, matching the given date components, based on the MatchingPolicy, would get the following behavior depending on whether date is a leap day or not:

  • If start is on a leap day

  • strict: If components.isAdhikaDay is true, this gives you the next date that is also a leap day that shares the same day, month, year number (i.e. all those specified with the comps argument) as start. If only a subset of DateComponents is specified, for example only the month, this gives you the next date which is a leap day with same month. If no arguments are given for DateComponents, this gives the next date that is also a leap day. If components.isAdhikaDay is false, this function gives you the next date that matches the day/month/year number but one that is not a leap day.

  • If start is not on a leap day

  • strict: If components.isAdhikaDay is true, this gives you the next date that is a leap day that shares the same day, month, year number (i.e. all those specified with the comps argument) as start but a leap day. If components.isAdhikaDay is false, this function gives you the next date that matches the day/month/year number that is not a leap day.

For the direction and repeatedTimePolicy:

  • backward: This flag does not affect how leap day search is handled, but merely changes the search direction so that it finds the match before start rather than after start.

  • first: If there are two or more matching dates, and all their components are the same, including isAdhikaDay, the function returns the first date.

  • last: Similar to first, but the function returns the last match.

Following APIs for searching/matching/adding would follow the same logic

public func dates(byMatching components: DateComponents,
                  startingAt start: Date,
                  in range: Range<Date>? = nil,
                  matchingPolicy: MatchingPolicy = .nextTime,
                  repeatedTimePolicy: RepeatedTimePolicy = .first,
                  direction: SearchDirection = .forward) -> some (Sequence<Date> & Sendable)
public func dates(byAdding components: DateComponents,
                  startingAt start: Date,
                  in range: Range<Date>? = nil,
                  wrappingComponents: Bool = false) -> some (Sequence<Date> & Sendable)

Alternatives considered

As mentioned before, the leap day is a unique feature of some of new calendars. It appears when a certain astronomical position of Sun and Moon happens which means it can appear on any date. That differs from Gregorian leap day of February 29th, which happens every four years (approximately) and it is always on the same day.

This property will be called isAdhikaDay to clearly indicate it is related to Hindu lunisolar calendars. The alternative was to call it isLeapDay, but that may lead to confusion with Gregorian calendar

Another point of discussion was whether to use Bengali vs Bangla and Oriya vs Odia. There has been an effort to stop using the older colloquial names Bengali and Oriya and to switch to the now-accepted names Bangla and Odia. While most of the attention has gone to the language names, the same naming should also be used for the calendar names, despite them receiving less attention.

This proposal is for adding expanded support for several calendars used in South Asia, lunisolar and solar calendars used in regions in India, as well as Thai, Vietnamese and Korean calendars based on the Chinese lunisolar calendar. Swift-foundation-icu repository will support these too, so users of Foundation on any platform will get these new calendars.

Some of these calendars are astronomical calendars, which means they are using true positions of sun (solar) or both sun and moon. For that reason, when specific set of events happen, the dates in these calendars can have both leap months and leap days.

Foundation will add support for these new identifiers, and all Foundation Calendar API that takes an identifier will be extended to support them.


Two main questions…

  1. Will the implementation of these calendars come from ICU? I'm not seeing any reference to these calendars in the ICU docs. If they are, can you provide a link to the documentation for them? If they're not, then I would really like to have a conversation around the creation of custom calendars, because that is something I've wanted for a long time
  2. The isAdhikaDay addition is interesting… I'm not sure I like the idea of privileging calendar-specific terminology in a type as vague and hand-wavy as DateComponents. What if we deprecated isLeapMonth and replaced it with isLeapUnit and used that instead?

The generic calendrical term for this, I believe, is intercalation.

For example, for the Gregorian calendar, February 29, 2024 was the intercalated day and 2024 was an intercalary year.

On a cursory review, adhika-masa describes an intercalated month (with each day in that month being thereby also intercalated), with an intercalary year occurring every 2–3 years.

For API purposes, the thing I'd want to be unambiguous is whether the unit being referenced is intercalated or intercalary (that is, the time that's inserted or the time into which insertion occurred). What I would be concerned about is merging something that denotes an intercalary month (isLeapMonth) with one that denotes an intercalated month.


Yeah, I think I prefer this approach:

extension DateComponents {

    public var intercalatedUnit: Calendar.Component?

    public var intercalaryUnit: Calendar.Component?


And then we deprecate isLeapMonth and redefine its implementation based on these.

I don’t understand how a DateComponents can be “intercalated” or “intercalary.”

For question one, the scope of this proposal is to lay down the support in Foundation for those calendars and pick them up when they are ready in ICU.

For question two, I don't think isLeapUnit can work for both of these as they are different properties.

This is the ICU ticket for tracking development for these calendars Jira

That ticket hasn't been touched in 3½ years. Is there any actual implementation planned or in-progress?

Yes, implementation is planned.

I'd like to accept this pitch as an abbreviated review into swift-foundation. This is proposing adding support for more calendar identifiers, which fits well with the current Foundation API scope.

While isAdhikaDay is a calendar-specific term, it isn't unprecedented -- there is already a leap month. The gotcha with the existing generic name isLeapMonth is that it is in fact used for Chinese calendar only, but there are sometimes confusion about why it is not honored in Hebrew calendar. That is in fact expected, since the extra month in Hebrew calendar isn't really a leap month by definition. A calendar-specific term would help clarifying what it is for.

Even a simple rename from isLeapMonth to isIntercalated would be great, because I don't know of a calendar that has a leap unit inside another leap unit.

Then isIntercalated would work for all intercalating calendars.

This is news to me and also nowhere documented. It seems to me reasonable if we're expanding calendar support along this axis that the existing attribute should be renamed and the prior version deprecated—that in itself would arguably improve Hebrew calendar support.